What is in front of me at the moment is a small sunken valley. The interior of the valley is even more beautiful than the grassland outside.

Because the terrain is very low and sunken, there is no dark blue mist everywhere in this valley.

In the valley in front of us, there are lush underground plants, and there are even some weird bird sounds.

Under the lights, these fluorescent plants emit a reddish glow, adding a touch of eerie atmosphere to the valley.

The underground fluorescent plants I have seen before are basically light blue, but here they are red, which makes me have to speculate a lot.Is all this related to the so-called red spring water?

The plants here are very dense and tall. We walked among them, illuminated by the blood light, and the weird and gloomy feeling became stronger and stronger.

I don't think this valley is safe at all.

However, we walked all the way, but we didn't encounter any attacks. We came to the deepest part of the valley very easily, and finally a spring appeared in front of us.

It is unbelievable that the spring water is so clear that it is not the color of blood as I imagined.

Of course, because of the red light all around, the clear water is also bloody, but as long as we hold the water up, it is not difficult to find that the water here is even clearer than the tap water outside.I have some doubts, is this place really the red spring water we are looking for? Could it be that the so-called red spring water turns red because of the reflection of plants?

I guessed earlier that there are certain minerals in the spring water, so the water has a special effect.

What is the use of this kind of spring water now?

Yamamoto excitedly took out the bottle to fill it with water, and Saeko even wanted to drink some, but they were all stopped by Yucheng Yao.

"This spring water is by no means ordinary water. Take a closer look around, everyone, look there!"

Yucheng Yao pointed to the grass in the distance, and we followed her hand to look at it, and we were taken aback for a moment.

But at this moment, half of his thigh was exposed among the dense red bushes.

Judging from the shape of the leg and the clothes, it probably belonged to someone.

The leg was motionless, and it seemed that his master was probably dead.

We hurriedly pushed aside the bushes and looked over carefully.

After looking at it, I couldn't help frowning slightly, feeling disgusted.

Not surprisingly, it was a dead person, and the corpse was very badly decomposed.

Those scenes make it impossible to describe in detail, because he is not the kind of rotten bone, but the most disgusting range where the flesh and blood are still there but not rotten.

Judging from the decay of this corpse, this guy's death date was about ten days ago.

This surprised us very much.

Are they people from the company? They came here more than ten days ago?

The speed of these people is too fast.

And more than ten days ago, the giant tribe hadn't been blown up by them. Could it be that my previous guess was wrong, the company's people didn't slaughter the giant tribe just to enter here?

At this moment, countless questions arose in my heart.

But at this moment, the woman Yucheng Yao, regardless of the disgust of the corpse, actually walked over, took out a knife, and began to examine the corpse.

After a while, she came back.

"The deceased was an adult male who, judging by his attire and weapons, was a member of the U.S. military during World War II."

Yucheng Yao's words made us all feel incredible.

People from the U.S. military during World War II?How is this possible?
This corpse died only ten days ago.

"He didn't die more than ten days ago, it's just that this place is very special, it has a strong antiseptic effect, and the decay rate of the corpse is extremely slow."

Yucheng Yao seemed to know what we were thinking, so she couldn't help explaining.

We continued to search around and found many corpses. These people seemed to have just died, and they belonged to the company.

Their situation corroborates what Yucheng Yao said.

"It is very likely that these corpses died because of this spring water. Everyone must be careful. This spring water may be poisonous."

Saying this, Yu Chengyao looked at me again.

She handed me a bottle directly.

It means let me go.

Ma De, this woman is really bad, I really want to kill you one day...

Taking a deep breath, thinking that I probably wouldn't be poisoned, I still took the bottle and walked carefully to the spring.

This pool of spring water is extremely deep, although it is very clear, but you can't see the bottom at a glance, and there are no plants or animals in the water, everything is quiet.

Only the shadows of the surrounding plants move with the wind on the water.

And after I passed, my shadow was reflected in the clear and calm water.

And the thing that frightened me suddenly happened at this time.

I clearly saw that in the pond, my shadow was not myself!

At this moment, there is a middle-aged man in the water. He is in the same posture as me. His facial features are slightly similar to mine, but he can still clearly identify that this guy is not me at all.

Because the water surface is too clear, the reflection is not particularly clear, I can't see the expression on the man's face clearly, I just feel that under the breeze, his expression is inexplicably strange.

His dark eyes seemed to hide some kind of terror, planting seeds of fear in everyone who saw them.

The clothes he was wearing were the costumes of the ancient savages on the island, and there were some strange bone products hanging around his neck, which seemed to be a symbol of high status among the savages.

I blinked subconsciously, and then looked at the water surface, but the reflection had become normal.

I'm hallucinating?

I poured water into the jar mechanically and handed it to Yuchengyao. I have been thinking about this from the bottom of my heart.

I can be sure that I am absolutely right.

But what happened just now?
"Go, let's get out of here quickly!"

Seeing that I came back safely, Yucheng Yao was relieved a lot, and hurriedly beckoned everyone to leave quickly.

Since so many people died in this place, there must be something strange, and it is definitely not a place to stay for a long time.

Now that the mission goal has been achieved, our group started to walk back.

Everyone was a little happy, only I was in a trance, thinking about the reflection just now.

Is it because the spring water is so weird?
Or is it my fault?
I tentatively asked Xi'er and the others, but they didn't find anything unusual.In other words, there is nothing wrong with their reflection of me.

I really want to find a mirror and have a look again, will there be any problems again.

But although there are many women in the team, none of them carry such boring things as mirrors. It's not that they don't like beauty, it's just that in this kind of place, there is no time for you to love beauty.

But this didn't bother me, I dug a small hole in the ground and poured the water from the kettle into it while others were not paying attention.

And just like that, a makeshift mirror appeared.

I took a deep breath, slowly lowered my head, and looked into the special mirror.

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