After thinking about it for a long time, I thought, it would be best to wait until they find the antidote and then take the medicine before I leave.

"No, I feel so tired, captain! We should rest!"

Because of the poison, the physical exertion of everyone was increased, and the perverted man Yamamoto cried out in pain after he hadn't walked for long.

At this moment, everyone is indeed very tired, but staying here will undoubtedly increase our toxicity, but if we don't stop, it will be very troublesome.

"Take a 1 minute break and eat something!"

Yucheng Yao looked around and chose a location with low terrain. We cleaned up the poisonous gas stones and began a short rest.

Because this kind of poisonous smoke obviously has a tendency to go to high places, we stand at a low place and clean up the nearby poisonous gas stones, and the poisonous gas in our area will be much less.

At this moment, after everyone was able to breathe, they had to take out some liquid food and swallow it with a straw.

This saves us from taking off the gas mask.

Yuchengyao told me that this kind of food was originally equipped for spaceships and for astronauts to eat, which greatly increased my interest.

After a few bites, though, I got bored, the stuff really didn't taste good.

I don't know if it's because the island country's aerospace industry is underdeveloped, so their aerospace food is particularly poor.

While eating, we began to discuss the next move.

Soon, Yucheng Yao made a decision that we must spread out and act alone.

Now we have to race against time to find an antidote, and splitting up is undoubtedly the most efficient way to use time.

"Wait a while, we'll gather here, one person will guard the camp, and the others will split into three groups!"

Now there are me, Xi'er, Duo'er, Yucheng Yao, braided child, Miss Saeko and the abnormal man, a total of seven.

One person guards, and the others happen to be in pairs.

So, the conflict came. I didn't expect that in this camp, except for the braided children, other women wanted to be in my group, and this perverted man, Yamamoto, wanted to deal with me, and also wanted to be in my group.

This dog wants to be with me, it must have no good intentions.

Miss Saeko is probably the same.

In the end, Yucheng Yao thought about it, and actually left two people to guard the camp, Duo'er and Qian'er were left behind.

The braided child walked in one direction alone, and Yucheng Yao and I were together.

Yamamoto and Saeko-san took the last direction.

I think the reason why Yuchengyao arranged this way is probably because she didn't want Yamamoto and Saeko to conflict with me. After all, I am still useful to her, and her team members can't die in vain. No matter who dies in our struggle, it is important to her. It is a disadvantage.

Seeing that he was not able to be in the same group as me, Yamamoto stared at me sullenly for a long time, as if you were lucky this time.

I also sneered from the bottom of my heart when I saw it. In fact, I still want to be with Yamamoto very much. When the time comes to find the antidote, I will kill him and just leave.

I originally planned to kill this guy before leaving.

But now I have no choice but to follow behind Yucheng Yao with some regrets.

The two of us walked in the west direction, which is the one with the most poisonous smoke. I have to say that Yucheng Yao is a very courageous leader.

And I don't care, anyway, these poisonous gases are completely useless to me.

Yuchengyao, a woman, is indeed worthy of praise. In some places, she is much stronger than some men. For example, the perverted little devil, Yamamoto, chose the direction with the least poisonous gas.

But I didn't have time to watch him, Yucheng Yao and I quickly walked into the poisonous gas and couldn't see other people at all.

And the two of us walked for about 5 minutes, and the temperature around here was getting higher and higher.

I wonder if there are some hot springs and volcanoes underground.

We had to take off our coats because it was too hot.

Fortunately, those poisonous gases are only infected from the respiratory tract, and there is no danger of skin contact, otherwise we will feel uncomfortable now.

However, after taking off the coat, I couldn't help but take a few more glances at Yucheng Yao. Under her coat, she was wearing a one-piece bodysuit, just like those secret agents on TV, extremely sexy and touching.

Seeing me glance at her a few times, Yu Chengyao suddenly became unhappy, her pretty face flushed slightly, her eyes flashed with anger: "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, if you dare to act like you did before, I will kill you immediately." you!"

What this woman said made me speechless, Ma De, what did I think, I didn't think about anything.

I just thought about your good figure.

This doesn't work either?

I know that this woman misunderstood me deeply. Who made a little accident happen when we were sleeping together on the tree?

I was helpless, but I didn't want Yucheng Yao to frowned suddenly and snorted softly. She quickly stretched out her hand to touch the back. Unfortunately, the position where she was bitten was very awkward. In the center of the back, she stretched out her hand to touch it, but she couldn't touch it. .

When I took a closer look, there was a circle of blush under her clothes, obviously bleeding.

"I seem to have been bitten by something!"

Yuchengyao said that she felt that her wound was slightly numb, and something was obviously wrong.

"Then let me take a look for you?"

I had to say tentatively.

Hearing what I said, her pretty brows couldn't help but frown, and I was also very upset when I saw her.

Made, how could I forget, this woman just suspected me, now she thinks I want to take advantage of her even more?

However, at this moment, Yucheng Yao obviously has a solution, and she can't treat the wound by herself. If it is something poisonous, it will be troublesome if it is delayed.

"Come here and see what's going on!"

Saying this, Yu Chengyao stretched out her hand and scratched her back lightly with a knife, a hole in her clothes was torn, revealing her smooth skin, dazzling white.

I couldn't help but feel a little dazed looking at it, I am really good at relying on this woman's figure.

Swallowing my saliva, I still walked over.

But I saw that there was a swollen lump on the woman's snow-white back at the moment, which looked like a mosquito bite, but it was three to five circles larger than a normal mosquito bite, and ordinary mosquito bites would not bleed.

"Go out this piece of meat with a knife, quick!"

After Yu Chengyao heard what I said, she immediately said hastily.

When I heard it, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, this woman is really ruthless, just gouging it out?
It's really ruthless.

I made up my mind, and quickly followed her request, and cut it across the board.

When the knife went down, Yucheng Yao suddenly let out a cry of pain, the voice sounded pretty nice, but her hand turned her back and grabbed me tightly.

And at this moment, what I didn't expect was that there was a sudden shout!
"Okay, what are you guys and girls doing here?"

Dogs and men?
I was stunned, we didn't do anything, how could we be a dog and a woman?

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