There wasn't much time left for me to be sad, and it didn't take long before Yucheng Yao and the others were ready to move on.

Seeing Qian'er came over, I also regrouped and showed a relaxed look again.

I don't want to show my weakness in front of Xi'er.

Because I know that being weak is useless, it can only suddenly make Xi'er worry about me more and cause more pain. I would rather bear the pain myself.

Before departure, Yucheng Yao distributed two pairs of gas masks to each of us.

Xi'er told me that this thing is the main reason why Yucheng Yao left the underground and returned to the surface.

It seems that the place we are going to must be full of poisonous gas, which is very dangerous.

Is this the so-called curse in the legend?
The savage's technological level is underdeveloped, so it is understandable to regard poison gas as a curse.

However, we didn't put on these masks immediately, but hung them on our chests and started to go deep underground.

This time, our altitude began to drop continuously.It's no longer the way Yucheng Yao led us to detour on the surface.

As time passed, the number of stone carvings and runes around us began to increase, and some weird underground animals also began to increase.

Even, there are some giant insects actively attacking us.

One of them was something I had seen before, a monster that looked like a crocodile as a whole but had many centipede-like feet.

This guy's strength is indeed terrifying, but we have a large number of people, and our weapons are also very advanced. It didn't cause any harm to us, so it was burned to death by concentrated fire.

Of course, it is impossible for us to master these advanced weapons. The weapons are all in the hands of Yucheng Yao and Yamamoto.

In addition, due to Xi'er's protection, Duo'er and I were not arranged to explore the way, but stayed in the middle of the team, which was also very safe.

The first time I acted underneath, I actually had a playful mood.

The work of charging in the front is basically done by Yamamoto and the braided children.Both of them lost the lottery, of course, it's not a big deal, just a scratch or something.

But Yamamoto himself was exhausted here, but I, a prisoner, relaxed as if watching a play, which made him extremely dissatisfied.

This guy said a lot of ugly things in a weird way.

But it's a pity that no one in the team paid attention to him.

Needless to say, Xi'er wouldn't talk to him at all.

Braided girls also talk very little.

Yucheng Yao also has a very cold personality.

I couldn't care less about him anymore.

This made Yamamoto even more resentful and jealous towards me.

The gloomy look he looked at me made me feel very uncomfortable, what the heck, even if I want to run away, I have to kill you first!
Yamamoto, a pervert, not only just had a peek at Duo'er, it seems that he has been peeping at Qian'er's beauty for a long time, and he dared to attack my woman, or two, how could I let him go?
In this way, we have been going deep into the ground and have been walking for a day!
This surprised me very much. Originally, I guessed that the forbidden area was not far from us.

Xi'er answered my questions.

It turned out that we were indeed not far from the forbidden area, but we didn't plan to go in through the right way, but wanted to go in through the back door recorded in the ancient books!
And the reason for this detour is to avoid the company's people.

Speaking of which, I remembered that the people from the company recently blew up the giant tribe. I was chasing this woman, Saeko, but I saw their people dig a deep hole in the ground!
Now these islanders and people from the company all want to go to the forbidden land of the giant tribe. What is there?
Xi'er hesitated for a while, but chose to tell me the truth, she said: "The thing we are looking for is called the Devil's Blood Spring. It is said that the bones and blood of the Devil's Land are buried in the forbidden area of ​​the giant tribe. This Devil's Blood Spring is Desolate blood. Originally, we were going to go deep into the heart of the earth, but on the way forward, we encountered some obstacles, and we had to use this blood spring to get rid of them, so that we could continue to go deeper... In addition, there used to be some The outsiders of the last century entered that forbidden area and eventually died, and they have many precious materials on them, and we also want to get it."

Xi'er's words surprised me.

Devil's blood?
This kind of thing sounds like a fake, but looking at the appearance of Qian'er and Yu Chengyao, they are convinced of it.

I think, this blood spring is probably the same as the red rain, it is caused by some kind of minerals.

Maybe the special thing about this blood spring is the minerals in it.

As for what the devil's blood is, I don't believe it 1 times.

I still have a lot of questions I want to ask Xi'er, such as what is the secret on the deserted island and why everyone has to go on and on to find it.

It's a pity that Xi'er doesn't know more.

What this group of people know is obviously inferior to that of Catherine.

The main purpose of Xi'er and the others here is not even to find the secrets of the island, but to find Xi'er's grandmother, her trace, or the handwriting left behind.

Yuchengyao's group and the company's people all want to find the ultimate secret of the mysterious island, but there is a huge difference in the way of action of these two groups of people.

The people in the company are exploring and looking for those things by themselves.

But Yuchengyao and the others thought that Qian'er's grandmother had obtained the secret, so they wanted to find Qian'er's grandmother.

There is a saying that all roads lead to Rome, and sometimes it really leads to the same goal.

The two groups of people have different actions, but they have both come to the forbidden area of ​​the giant tribe. Does this mean that the two groups of people are on the right path?

As far as I know, what the company is looking for is the so-called "door". Does this mean that Xi'er's grandmother is in that "door"?

During the rest of the night, I thought a lot.

Looking at the top of the temporary barracks, I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. The huge secret on the mysterious island and the pain of dying deeply disturbed my heart.

I don't know if I will have a chance to unlock the biggest secret on this desert island before I die?
Although the chances are slim, I want to give it a try, otherwise it would be a pity.

But what I didn't expect was that in the dead of night, that delicate and charming figure of Xi'er suddenly came in.

She hugged me tightly, her beautiful eyes full of enthusiasm.

"Brother Zhang, I want to give myself to you!"

Xi'er said shyly but boldly, her voice was as sweet as an oriole.

I was completely overwhelmed by her tenderness like water, we hugged each other and started a long kiss.

Sierra and I bonded together.

It was a night destined to be unforgettable.

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