Of course, my winning rate is still very high. After all, the little spy is injured, but I am not.

Moreover, there are me and Duoer on our side, and she only has one!
Saeko obviously thought of these questions that I could think of, so the whole underground suddenly fell into a strange dead silence.

We could only hear the faint sound of dripping water in the dark, and the rustling of some small insects crawling.

And this situation was stalemate for less than 30 seconds, when there was a sudden bang from Miss Saeko's side, as if some stone had been slipped.

After I heard it, I suppressed the impulse in my heart, but I didn't move at all.

According to my understanding of Saeko during this period of time, this woman is very cautious, very cautious, and under such circumstances, it is really not like her to make such a mistake.

So I guessed that this was a trap, the sound was made by her deliberately throwing stones, just to lure me to reveal my location.

Duo'er was almost fooled, but I held her down.

Of course, the reason why I am so sure is not entirely because I know the woman Saeko, but also because I vaguely see that there are traces of stones flying out in a certain direction.

However, because the sky is too dark and the distance is too far, I can't see it very clearly. I'm not sure about the normal situation, but when I think of the character of this woman, Saeko, and the combination of the two, I can conclude that this is the case. It was her trick.

I have to say that this woman is very good at playing tricks.

It's a pity I wasn't fooled.

Moreover, because I saw her throwing stones, I have roughly locked her position now, but that place was blocked by a pile of strange rocks. Where she is, attack her!

At this time, there were subtle footsteps in the darkness.

Throwing a stone once failed to lure us out, and the woman Saeko also began to shift positions.

Because the distance was too far, the sound was very small, and it was mixed with the sound of insects and dripping water around her, so it was difficult to tell her position.

However, I already knew her approximate location, so I wasn't in a hurry. I moved quietly and approached her, and I found her easily.

This woman actually moved towards us.

It seems that she still wants to get closer and surprise us.

Thinking about it, the gun in her hand was a melee submachine gun, and it was even more unfavorable to her at a long distance.

Her plan is very good, but unfortunately, in this dark place, she and I are like perspective players and ordinary players in the game, I saw her position at a glance.

This time, I quickly raised my gun and swiped at her!

There was a muffled bang, and the woman's wrist was injured by me, and the gun in her hand fell out with a clang, flying far away.

It might seem magical to shoot down an enemy's weapon in the dark, but in reality I just shot it crookedly.

Originally, I was aiming at her head, but the vision was not very clear in the dark, and this woman's reaction was also very fast. It may be that my movement of raising the gun inevitably made a sound, and she was keenly aware of it. , hastily pounced, avoiding the vital point.

Seeing that the weapons were all dropped, Saeko became anxious and wanted to pick them up immediately, but my bullets never stopped, and she couldn't poke her head out at all.

Except for the first shot that knocked out her weapon, the rest of my bullets also hit her waist and legs.

This woman was already injured, but now her injuries are compounded, and she is not far from death!
She hid behind a rock, and I stood up and rushed over there, ready to kill her directly.

But to my surprise, just a few steps after I walked out, a cold voice suddenly appeared in my ears.

"Drop your weapons and raise your hands!"

I turned my head and saw that at this moment, a pitch-black muzzle was aiming at my head.

The owner of the gun was a woman about 100 meters away from me. Because it was too dark, I couldn't see her face clearly, but I felt that the woman's appearance was a little familiar.

I never thought that a person would appear beside me.

Because I was engrossed in staring at Miss Saeko, I didn't pay attention to this side, and looking at this woman, it seemed that she had been lying motionless on the ground, and she had been lying in ambush for a long time, waiting for an opportunity.

She hasn't moved at all, the ground is dark, how can I see her?
This is really bad, and I don't know who she is?

Just when I was worried in the bottom of my heart, the woman had slowly approached me, and I finally saw her face clearly, it was Yucheng Yao!
What the hell, this woman, Saeko, is indeed with them.

Since Yucheng Yao is here, does it mean that Qian'er is also there?
I quickly wanted to ask a few questions, but at this time, another person followed Yu Chengyao and came towards me first with a gun. This time it was a strange man. fist.

This man struck so hard that my nose was immediately bled, and I grimaced in pain.

The man punched me hard and tied me up with a rope.

The man's violent behavior made me very unhappy, and I tried to remember his face.

He was an islander with a moustache, a stocky middle-aged man with dark eyes, who stared at me with a cat-and-mouse banter.

This makes me very unhappy.

Ma De, you are so arrogant, if it weren't for the two women, Shazi and Yuchengyao, I would have killed you by myself, okay?
Although this little devil is probably some kind of special soldier, he is probably far behind me.

After all, I am no ordinary person.

Even an elite in special forces like Catherine dare not underestimate me.

And after I was tied up, there was another female braid with a braid, who held Duo'er's waist with a gun, grabbed her and tied her up.

Seeing that we were all caught.

Yucheng Yao and the others turned on the flashlight.

Seeing that it was me, Yu Chengyao also froze for a moment.

She seemed to want to say something, but at this moment, the braided child helped Miss Saeko over. As soon as Miss Saeko came over, she saw that I had injured her, and her eyes turned red immediately.

When I saw her blood red eyes, I felt a little bad in my heart.

Ma De, I have abused her a lot these days, or that kind of abuse. This woman hates me very much in her heart, and now I am caught by her. Can this be a good thing?

Sure enough, just as I was thinking this way, the little spy snatched a small pistol from the gloomy man's waist and pressed it against my forehead!

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