I didn't even dare to tell Wang Wen about the strange dream.

Because, I think this may also be a kind of spiritual derailment.

Although it is said that men have fantasized about three wives and four concubines, the dream is too real for me to treat it as an ordinary fantasy.

These dreams keep appearing and tormenting me constantly.

I guess it might be a disease.

As the days passed, the dreams appeared more and more frequently, and I often felt in a trance. Even in broad daylight, those dreams would continue to appear in my mind, and I felt as lost as if I was drowning.

It made me almost incapable of working.

An inexplicable pain gripped me like a maggot on the bone, making me unable to breathe.

Many times, I even had a terrible idea in my heart. I wanted to abandon everything I owned, my family and love, and leave Nanning desperately, go to the remote Pacific Ocean, and find the dream house. Mysterious Island!

As the person closest to me, Wang Wen quickly discovered my abnormality.

She persuaded me many times, comforted me, and hoped that I would recognize the reality, but my attitude towards her became more and more cold.Because some strange thoughts always appear in my mind from time to time, I feel like she is a person who does not exist at all.

So the relationship between me and Wang Wen became worse and worse, and she often didn't even go home.

Finally, one day, I watched her enter a hotel arm in arm with a strong man with a scar on his face.

She cheated.

Moreover, what made me feel very strange was that I actually felt like I had seen that scar-faced man somewhere before.

I seem to have broken his chest with my own hands.

Is this a delusion that hatred makes me have?

Everything seemed to point to one result, something was wrong with my spirit.

So, under the repeated suggestion of my friend, I came to a psychiatric clinic.

The doctor who was attending the consultation was surnamed Lu, and she was very beautiful. Under the gold-rimmed glasses, her eyes looked extremely rational, deep and even a little scary.

However, Dr. Lu didn't seem to be a quiet girl, she had a very beautiful crescent moon tattoo on her neck.

Under Dr. Lu's gentle questioning, I began to tell her about my weird dream.

At the beginning, I spoke very seriously, because Dr. Lu made me feel very good, and she created a peaceful atmosphere.

However, as I gradually narrated my dream, I suddenly noticed something, the crescent moon tattoo on Dr. Lu's neck, which made me feel extremely familiar!
I remembered!
I saw her in my dream!
Sometimes she was wearing tattered animal skin clothes, lying bruised and bruised by the small river, and sometimes she was lying in a leaky cave, lingering on the sickbed.

Later, she became a limp corpse and was buried in the mud pit I dug with my own hands.

With guilt and sympathy, I have worshiped and remembered her many times.

In the dream, I didn't know Dr. Lu's name, I only knew that she had a crescent moon tattoo on her neck, so we all called her Crescent Moon Girl.

She used to be a passenger on our cruise ship, but was captured by savages, escaped with difficulty, and was rescued by us, but we failed to save her, and she finally died in my arms.

The gentle and rational Dr. Lu in front of me gradually merged with the crescent girl in my dream, which gave me a strong sense of shock and horror.

I can no longer communicate with her quietly, and the cold sweat on my forehead drips down like rain.

Dr. Lu touched my forehead with concern and asked me what was wrong.

But I didn't answer her at all, just pushed her away and fled the clinic.

I even ran wildly on the crowded streets, although I didn't know where I wanted to go.

Later, Dr. Lu contacted me several times, telling me to continue to see a doctor, but I kept silent every time, and finally simply added her to the blacklist in my address book.

But the matter did not end there.

This woman actually found my dad.

She told my dad that because of the breakup with my girlfriend, I was traumatized psychologically. Now I have suffered from schizophrenia and need to be treated as soon as possible, otherwise I will show more and more aggressiveness.

According to Dr. Lu, I think I am on an isolated island, hugging left and right, and having countless women. This is due to my hatred for my girlfriend, and the tragic situation Wang Wen encountered in my rhetoric is also Because I hate her so much.

And she said that I used violence against her in the clinic, so I am now a very dangerous unstable factor, and if I stay in the society, sooner or later a big problem will erupt.

In serious cases, there may even be a murder case.

In her statement, I am an out-and-out dangerous person. My existence seriously threatens the safety of the public. It is irresponsible for others to let me continue. At the same time, even for my father, I Also extremely dangerous.

Dr. Lu said that once a person like me gets sick, he doesn't care if you are a relative or not. Often the first victim is the closest person.

I'm really convinced, according to this woman, I'm a lunatic.

I used violence against her in the clinic?

I just gave her a push!
Moreover, what this woman said seemed to make sense at first glance, but in fact it completely reversed the causal relationship, which was a high-level slander.

Before Wang Wen cheated, I had these dreams.

It was my dream that caused the cold relationship between me and Wang Wen.

The dream is the cause, and Wang Wen's cheating is the result!
But when I said this, no one believed it anymore.

How can a lunatic prove that he is not a lunatic?

Everything I said became crazy.

They all believed that woman, not me!

In the end, my father, with a painful expression on his face, called several strong men to arrest me. I resisted crazily, but I was even more recognized as a lunatic. In the end, they knocked me out with anesthetics.

I was admitted to the Fifth Hospital in the suburbs of Nanning.

It's the so-called madhouse.

This is a very scary place.

Maybe some people are really crazy, but who knows how many people like me are hidden here who are not crazy?
The doctor controlled my thoughts and emotions with drugs, but I don't think I will give in, and my story will never end like this!

I want to find out the truth of the matter!
Perhaps that Dr. Lu is the key.

She set me up, why would she do it?

For countless nights, I was lying on a prison-like hospital bed, thinking about this question in my mind.

I refuse to let go of any clues in my life.

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