Seeing my companion die with my own eyes, and having to end her life with my own hands, this feeling is really like a stab in my heart.

Even a selfish girl like Qian Ke burst into tears at this moment.

On the contrary, Duo'er and the wildling girls are more open-minded.

Their lives, from childhood to adulthood, have never lacked death.

In the savage's belief, death is a kind of relief and a reward. Those souls who leave this world will go to the kingdom of God King Lu, and get happiness in the eternal world.

However, this failure still made our morale very low.

In fact, when the savage girl dug up those egg nests earlier, I clearly heard the sound of water below.

Our previous judgment was not wrong, and there is indeed a source of water underground.

Unfortunately, who knew there was such a terrifying swarm of scorpions nearby?

And this time, although we were hit hard, life had to go on.

We also had to rally and look for water again.

At this moment, I naively thought that the matter about these strange scorpions was over, but what I didn't expect was that what happened next was even more incredible!

I still feel that I can't let go of the big hole that has been dug.

I was thinking, after being disturbed by us, will those scorpions leave?
In fact, some animals do have the behavior of leaving with their eggs or children if their homes are disturbed, and then looking for a new place to live.

It's a pity that it disappointed me and felt a little creepy.

Not only did those strange scorpions not disperse, but the number actually increased!

Looking from a distance, the vicinity of that small river was completely black. At this moment, I almost thought that the scorpions on the entire island had appeared here, and they even began to disperse and spread towards the forest.

This thing is too weird.

We just moved a shovel, as for so many coming out?
What are they trying to do?
The girls and I felt a little terrified.

The tail needles of those scorpions are shiny, and they are not good at first glance. Once they are stung, there is a high probability that their lives will be in danger.

I'm worried about those bugs crawling into the camp.

These things are large in number and small in size, and the traps we set up have no effect on them at all.

Fortunately, we still have a lot of insect repellent powder here. These things were originally used in summer, but now we have to take them out of the cellar and scatter them around.

In addition, I gritted my teeth and mixed hot water with insect repellent powder to let a few girls scrub their bodies.

In the case of extremely tight water resources, this is undoubtedly a great consumption.

But now we have no choice but to do this!
I'm worried that these girls will get stung by scorpions, but I'm fine with it.

Now my body is becoming more and more strange. Many animals, insects and snakes dare not approach me at all.

I think those scorpions are probably no exception.

But this time, the situation was a little different.

On the second night, I was sleeping soundly, but suddenly I felt itchy and tingling on my feet!
The pain and itching were extremely intense.

I was woken up immediately, I only felt something cold and furry crawling on my feet!Don't mention how disgusting that feeling is!
I quickly sat up and took a look, and I saw two scorpions lying on my feet dying.

And my feet were already swollen from the stings. The redness and swelling were so severe that my entire foot swelled more than two or three times.

At this moment, I looked like a barefoot fairy in a TV series.

I wish I could slap those two scorpions to death immediately, but when I looked carefully, I actually died very quickly after those two scorpions stung me.

This is not like a scorpion, but more like some bees and wasps.

Some bees die when they sting someone.

But I haven't heard of any scorpions that do this.

It seems that this thing is really weird!

Of course, now is not the time to worry about these things. Apart from my swollen feet, I don’t have any other problems. I wonder if it’s because of the curse that I didn’t die.

What about the other girls, if they were stung, wouldn't they be finished?
I immediately jumped up from the bed, stepped on my swollen and unconscious feet, and woke up Xiao Qing and the others one by one.

The whole tree house suddenly screamed.

But what surprised me was that none of Xiao Qing and the others were bitten.

Is it just me?

I faintly felt something was wrong, but at this moment, I didn't have time to think so much, Xiaomeng and the others all came up in front of me, Xiaomeng directly picked up my feet, and carefully examined them over there.

There was a bunch of girls around me, holding my feet, checking them, and it felt real and weird.

"Brother Zhang, do you really feel uncomfortable anywhere else, do you feel dizzy or something?"

Xiaomeng looked at me nervously.

I shook my head blankly.

"This is strange. It seems that your foot is just caused by common infection and inflammation. If you take antibiotics, it should be cured soon."

Xiaomeng was also confused.

According to her judgment, I didn't seem to be poisoned. The scorpion stinged me, but let some common bacteria in their tail needles infect my feet, which made my feet swell.

No other toxins.

But at this moment, when they saw that I seemed to be fine, the girls were relieved, Yun'er, a heartless girl, even pointed at my feet, laughing loudly.

"Barefoot Immortal! The little girl is so polite!"

Yun'er made a blessing, with a narrow expression on her face.

Xiao Qing rolled her eyes, but couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Now a few girls came to laugh at me, pinching and touching my feet one by one, even Chuchu and Keren were spoiled by them.

While I was depressed in my heart, I quickly warned them: "Don't think I'm fine, just be careless. These scorpions are not good things. There may be some accident this time. I have a special constitution or something. Don't be fooled by me." stung."

I guess, the reason why I'm fine is that the curse on me may be working to help me block those toxins.Or my physique is so good that those toxins can't hurt me at all.

However, it is very strange, why did those scorpions only sting me?

At this time, I didn't know that there was actually a problem with my body, but there were no symptoms and it hadn't been discovered.

This is actually much worse than having symptoms!

Only when you know that you have symptoms can you treat them in a targeted manner. If there are no symptoms, it means that there is no cure for this disease!

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