The firewood we piled on the edge of the field and the grain in the field were all on fire, and I could see the flames soaring into the sky from a long distance away.

At this moment, I am not only angry, but also extremely anxious and worried.

Nothing will happen to Xiao Qing and the others, right?

If something really happened, I'm afraid I can't wait to kill all the people in the giant tribe.

I frantically rushed to the camp, but what made me feel as if a stone fell to the ground was that at this moment, although our camp was in chaos, there were not many casualties.

Everyone was busy fighting the fire, and Xiao Qing was also very busy. She was no longer the weak and incompetent young lady she was back then.

"All the giant tribes are gone? No one has an accident, right?"

I grabbed Xiao Qing's hand and asked quickly.

"It's nothing serious, but a few of the sisters were burned, and Xiaomeng was all wounded, lying in the tree house, poor..."

Xiao Qing sighed.

But looking at her like that, everyone shouldn't be seriously injured, and I felt a little relieved from the bottom of my heart, but I also hurriedly walked towards the tree house.

At this time, the girls sent all their injuries to the tree house, and I should visit them too.

I pushed open the door and saw that Xiaomeng's face was pale at this time, gritting her silver teeth to treat and bandage her wound.

She is the only one on the island who has studied medicine, and she is still injured, which is really embarrassing for her.

This made me think of Eve again. It would be great if Eve was here. Her life-saving medical knowledge is also very good. If Eve was here, Xiaomeng wouldn't have to work so hard.

Seeing that Xiaomeng was injured and had to bandage herself, I was angry and distressed: "Are you all right, girl?"

Seeing me coming, Xiaomeng leaned into my arms with teary eyes.

This time, even Yun'er, who was holding my sleeve beside me, didn't take my jealousy.This girl Yun'er was also terrified, she is still a little dazed now.

As for the other girls, although they were also a little injured, Xiaomeng was the worst. She was passed by a flaming arrow that brushed her arm.

The other girls were teased by the fire, and most of them were rubbed against.

I asked them carefully what was going on just now, and only then did I know that after I walked for about 20 minutes, those bastards from the giant tribe touched us and wanted to attack us.

However, these people quickly fell into the traps we set up yesterday with the help of Miss Saeko.

Several wildlings were badly wounded.

Duo'er, Chuchu and the others also discovered the whereabouts of these people, and started to fight back.

So these savages used rockets.

Chu Chu and Keren led the women to shoot arrows to fight back. Because of the existence of traps, those savages did not dare to act rashly. The situation was stalemate for a while. Finally, Duo'er ignited the bottle bomb we buried outside and directly killed one of them. savage.

Originally, there were only four of these savages left, but now another one was killed by the bomb, and they were injured a lot before, so they didn't dare to fight, so they ran away.

After learning what happened, I feel the importance of weapons and traps more and more.

It seems that this foolish lady really has a great effect on me.

After comforting Xiaomeng and the others for a while, I went out to find Xiao Qing and the others. Xiao Qing and Duo'er were counting our losses.

Needless to say, our loss this time was very large.

I saw earlier that the fields that Xiao Qing and the others planted during this period of time were all on fire, and the firewood collected by the girls was also set ablaze.

Even some of our stockpiled veggies and cured meats burned some.

Fortunately, we still have some food, which was dug in a cellar and kept unaffected.

But those vegetable fields were about to have a good harvest, and they were suddenly burned, which is really distressing.

According to a rough estimate, we probably lost nearly one-third of our food.

Looking at the panic-stricken camp, the unknown fire in my heart also flared up.

Fuck, these savages are burning down our homes and destroying our food, so I'll give an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye.

No matter how many things I lost today, tomorrow I will double the amount I will get back from your savage camp!

Moreover, the injuries of Xiaomeng and the others also worried me.

It's fine this time, but what about next time?

What about next time?

Swords have no eyes, I must find a way to kill them as soon as possible, and end this struggle.

Otherwise, one day I might see one of Xiao Qing and the others die in front of my eyes. This is absolutely unacceptable to me.

Now there are only three savages left under the tiankeng. Among them, one is the big nose who met me that day, and the other two are so-called masters.

Of course, there is a high probability that these two people are not the people Catherine said that even she should be afraid of.

Although there are only three of these savages left, I feel that if we fight them head-on, I'm afraid we will still not be opponents.

I want to kill them, but with guns and explosives.

Thinking of this, I quickly made another bottle bomb, and hurriedly moved towards those savages.

There is a saying that revenge does not last overnight, I can't swallow this breath.

However, after I went there, I found that these savages were also very treacherous. Based on my previous experience, many people were attacked and killed by me. These savages also began to set up traps near the camp.

Especially those places suitable for hiding, there are not only traps, but even some bushes have been cut down.

After looking at it from a distance for a while, I felt very helpless in my heart.

It seems that the plan to target and sneak attack them from a distance is probably going to fail.

After all, the effective range of my rifle is only 500 meters, and it will be difficult for me to hit it no matter how far it is.

However, things will never end so simply.

After thinking about it carefully, I still have a chance.

These savages can't stay in the camp all the time, can they?
They must come out to look for food. As long as I keep track of their movements, I still have a good chance.

As long as they come out and come into my range, I can kill them!
Moreover, I still have bombs in my hand, and it would be a good idea to plant bombs on some of the roads they came out of.

However, what made me feel very depressed was that these savages probably guessed that I would come to retaliate against them, so they stayed in it all the time, and they were very cautious in their activities, not within 500 meters of the camp.

Seeing that the sky is getting darker, I am extremely disappointed in my heart, knowing that today seems to be no chance.

What the hell, these savages are really cheap. They hide after beating people, like a turtle bastard, which is really disgusting.

I had no choice but to walk back to the camp dejectedly, but tonight I didn't waste time, but called out the woman Shazi and set up the trap again.

Today it seems that this is the only way to go, but I don't believe that those savages have no flaws at all. The food in their camp will be eaten up sooner or later!

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