I never thought that one day, I would want to return to this mysterious island full of horrors day and night.

Of course, in the final analysis, it's because I can see Xiao Qing and the others again after returning to the island, so I never forget this place, not because I want to go back to this island.

"Come on!"

Seeing the land at this moment, we all lifted our spirits and began to paddle vigorously, leaning towards the shore.

At this time, I am not in the mood to deal with this woman, the little spy.

Go back to the island first, and then slowly consider how to deal with her.

The outline of the island looked very close, but we rowed for half a day before we came to the coast.

But when they found out that the island was still a deserted place, Shu'er and Yun'er seemed somewhat depressed.They were still happy to be able to escape the danger of the sea, but some time ago, they were on the island.

For them, all the hard work these days was in vain, and the girls were naturally in a bad mood.

I touched their heads, but I didn't know how to comfort them.They want to return to civilized society, unlike me, the destination this time is a mysterious island.

Leaving all that aside for the moment, I towed the lifeboat out to sea, and secured it with rocks.

I thought, this lifeboat might be useful someday.

Although it has a history of nearly 200 years, it is made of metal after all, which is much stronger than some wooden boats we built ourselves.

Maybe one day, when it's all over on a desert island, I'll be sitting on it, taking my girls, and returning to civilization!
After fixing the boat, I began to observe the surrounding environment. I quickly noticed that this place is not far from the sinkhole where we live, which is the coast near the Koster Water Forest.

We came here again on our second voyage.

Pushing the little spy who was tied up, I couldn't wait to rush towards the tree house.

When the sun was about to set, we finally came to the edge of the cliff ladder of the tiankeng.

Even though they are far away, I can clearly see that some more thatched houses have been built next to our tree house.

That made me happy, and it seemed they were doing just fine while I was away.

Probably those female savages have also moved here, and now centered on our tree house, it already has a faint tribal flavor.

When Yun'er heard that we were going to climb down from that cliff, she was so frightened that she burst into tears. She refused to go down to the death. In the end, I had no choice but to carry her on my back and tie her tightly with a rope. The girl agreed to go on until she got on my back.

"Uncle smelly, is there really no problem? If you accidentally slip your hand, we will all die. I don't want to die with you!"

Yun'er lay on my back and muttered.

I said, as long as you don't make trouble later, there will be no problems.

I have gone up and down this tiankeng countless times, and I am already familiar with the road, so naturally nothing will happen.

What I'm worried about now is the little spy, the woman. If I want to take her down, I can only untie her and let her crawl on her own.

"You'd better behave yourself. There is no possibility of escape on this road. If you play tricks, I will have to throw you off the top! You have to believe that I have this ability!"

The little spy gave me a resentful look, but nodded, expressing that he would not take his own life as a joke.

Finally, we reached the bottom of the tiankeng safely.

After going down, I returned to my heart like an arrow and walked forward eagerly.

Shu'er couldn't bear it anymore, so she asked me, what's going on with all this, why am I so familiar with this place?
At this point, I have no way to hide anything from them.

I told the truth, I was actually a victim too.It’s just that the little secret agent is also here, so I didn’t talk about the things in the Shenshan Digong, but changed it to me looking for a way out, and was blown by the storm and lost my way on the sea.

After Shu'er and Yun'er heard this, they suddenly realized.

Especially the girl Shu'er, who was obviously relieved.Later, when we were chatting, I found out that this girl saw that I was so skilled and had guns, and always thought that I was some kind of fugitive or murderer, but she was actually very afraid of me.

This made me dumbfounded.

At this moment, we chatted all the way, and finally returned to the vicinity of the wooden house.

As soon as we got back to our wooden house, there was a breath of life, which was very different from the wild old forest scenery around us.

Not to mention the huts, I have seen them on the tiankeng before.Now that I got closer, I found out that several fields had been reclaimed near the thatched hut, and there were various vegetables growing in it.

As far as I know, the savages on these islands never farm.They only gather and hunt.

Needless to say, this must be the credit of Xiao Qing and the others.

It seems that during my absence, these chicks are living a good life!
At this moment, there are quite a few female savages bending over to work in the ground.

When they saw me coming back, they were all pleasantly surprised, and they sang and danced excitedly.

In fact, the time I spent with these female wildlings was very short, but I couldn't stand that I was the only male left here. According to the customs and concepts of female wildlings, I was their god. Of course, the female wildlings were very happy to see my master come back.

A few women surrounded me, chattering about something, I know a little bit of savage language, but they were actually saying that they hoped that I would not go out and at least leave them with a few children.

I was speechless immediately, this is a very direct courtship.

In fact, these female savages are quite beautiful, although they are savages, but the genes of these Honglu people on the island are very good, and the women are more beautiful than each other.

Xi'er looks so fairy, just like the fairy sister, she has the blood of a savage, which is also part of the reason.

I was at a loss for a moment, but Yun'er seemed to have noticed something, and stared at me suspiciously: "Uncle smelly, what are they talking about, why is your face a little red?"

"It's okay, they are just too enthusiastic, and I am a little uncomfortable."

I explained awkwardly.

Yun'er snorted: "I don't care, I always feel that you haven't thought of anything good, so let's pinch it before you talk!"

As she said that, her little hand twisted around my waist, and I grinned from the pain.

Ma De, forget it, forget it, seeing that this girl is young, I will forgive you one more time, if someone else treated me like this, I would have severely punished her long ago.

"It's no wonder Brother Zhang you want to come back so much, you almost smiled crookedly along the way, so there are so many beauties waiting for you!"

What I didn't expect was that Shu'er said a word from the side, even though the tone was very calm, but there was an indescribable sour smell.

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