Before leaving, I bravely glanced up, but saw that the boat was empty, and there was nothing in it.The iron sheet inside the ship, like the outer shell, has long been rusted, revealing an ancient smell.

Moreover, the lifeboat was completely under the shadow of the huge ghost ship at the moment, and the shadow enveloped us, which gave us a very depressing feeling.

We dare not stay here for long at all.


Holding the two exhausted girls in my arms, I quickly swam towards the distance.

This lifeboat is too weird, we must not go on it!
Not to mention the strange things we just encountered, just the piles of dead bird corpses we saw on the deck of the ghost ship before are enough to make people feel shocking.

I think that if I go up there, I might die.

Soon, we returned to the side of the previous piece of driftwood. With the plank, Shu'er and Yun'er had some support, and my physical exertion was also reduced a lot.

I breathed a sigh of relief and was about to continue swimming when the hoarse and strange voice came from behind me again.

"Slow down, come slowly, you listen to my command, if you don't obey, then I can only shoot you to death!"

The burly figure standing on the boat must have reappeared.

Shu'er and Yun'er trembled in fright, and wanted to look back, but I quickly held their little heads down.

"Don't look back. I guess that the weird sound made by that thing is to attract our attention. Watching this thing can make people fall into hallucinations!"

Hearing what I said, the two girls immediately stiffened their necks, and quickly followed me to swim vigorously.

Then came the sound of gunfire behind him.

There was a loud bang, but no one was shot.

This made me even more certain in my heart that it seemed that I was right.

This black shadow is just an illusion, ignore him, he can't do anything to us.

However, we didn't swim very far when we heard another burst of gunshots behind us.

I didn't take it seriously at all, but soon a sense of crisis rose in my heart. Before I had time to react, I was shot in the arm with a pop, and the feeling of the bullet piercing into the flesh was very uncomfortable.

I was horrified, how could this be possible?This ghost ship can not only create hallucinations, but also create physical rules, and shoot out of thin air. This is too fucking against the common sense of science!
I was scolding my mother, but there was a voice that made me feel a little familiar. She spoke Chinese with a very small accent: "You three, come back and get on the boat by yourself, or you will die!"

The female voice smiled triumphantly as she said that, the voice carried a sense of revenge.

I couldn't help but look back, only to see that the burly black figure was no longer on the weird lifeboat, but the little spy standing on it indifferently holding a gun.

The woman's condition was obviously not good either, her pretty face was as white as paper, and there was still a lot of cold sweat on her head, she was obviously struggling.

She should be hurt.

And when I took a closer look, I couldn't help being shocked, but I saw that at this moment, the little spy's arms, stomach, thighs and many other places had raised lumps one by one.

After a rough count, I found thirty to fifty of them just by looking at them, and it is possible that there are nearly a hundred of them all over her body.

Those lumps are not still, they are still moving!

I immediately knew that these lumps were probably not other things, but those floating insects at the bottom of the water!

This woman's life is really big enough, after being penetrated by so many bugs, she is still alive?

Or, maybe she was actually dead?Otherwise, how could this woman threaten us to climb onto that strange ship?

At this time, it has been almost two hours since our boat fell into the water. Is the little spy really still alive, and climbed onto the boat while we turned around?

"It seems that you doubt the power of my gun?"

Seeing that we hesitated, the little spy sneered and fiddled with the revolver in his hand.

Her gun, which looked very old and had some moss on it, seemed to have been turned over by her from the boat.

This made me feel a little depressed.

This woman has a gun, and so do I, but my position is very bad, soaked in the water, without any shelter, but she can lean against the boat plank as a cover.

Anyone who has played similar gunfight games knows that at this time, I am basically not her opponent.

Not to mention, there are two dazed and frightened little girls beside me.

After thinking for a while, I had no choice but to drag Yun'er and Shu'er and slowly swim back to the lifeboat.

Today, I really can't get rid of this ghost ship.

Of course, at this moment, if I don't consider the unknown danger on board, I don't pay much attention to that little spy.

I just hurt my arm a little bit, and she, her injury is much more dangerous than mine.

This woman doesn't know that my close combat ability is also extremely powerful.

After boarding the boat, I don't know who is unlucky!
However, as I was swimming, I quickly noticed that this little spy is also a ruthless person, maybe a little psychotic.

While she was pointing a gun at me, with the other hand, she was holding a knife and gouging out her body one by one. She was tearing apart her own flesh and blood to get out those floating worms!

I have to say, this picture is shocking.

Ordinary people would be terrified when they heard that they were going to be done like this, not to mention that she cut herself, she didn't take anesthesia.

And those wriggling air worms, after being picked out of the flesh and blood, were not as scary as before, and were trampled to pieces one by one by this woman.

It didn't take long for the three of us to be forced onto the boat.

After boarding the boat, I took the two sisters, Yun'er and Shu'er, and hid aside, away from the little secret agent.

The bugs on this little spy make us very worried.

This guy is like a contagious patient now, what if those bugs crawled on us?
Seeing us like this, the little agent couldn't help but grinned at us. The smile was terrifying, like a zombie grinning, with a non-smiling smile: "I'm curious, how can I be so strong as a woman, better than me?" Did you go to the bone scraping in your Chinese legend to heal your wounds?"

"So, there is a special reason for this?"

I couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with me now, I can't feel the pain anymore."

The little spy spoke with a tone of fear that couldn't be suppressed.

She is also very scared now.

I also felt strange and inexplicable when I heard it, and my hair exploded.

No more pain?
On the surface, this seems to be very good. If you don't know pain, isn't that just happiness?
But in fact, pain is a kind of self-protection mechanism of human beings, which can prevent danger.

For example, if you accidentally touch a knife, if you know the pain, you will withdraw your hand, but if you don’t know it, your hand will be cut off before you know it, and you still don’t feel it.

Another example, now someone tied a thin and sharp iron wire between two big trees.

When a normal person walks by, he will leave if he is scratched by the wire, but if he doesn't know it, he will continue to run forward. As long as the speed is fast enough, his body will be cut open, and he will not feel it!

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