The little agent said that when they advanced in the water, they were very safe at the beginning and did not encounter any danger.

But not long after arriving in the sea of ​​mist, they all faintly sensed that there seemed to be something in the sea that was secretly observing them.

This made the little devils very worried, and they carefully checked the sea surface with searchlights.

Unfortunately, they haven't found anything yet.

But not long after that, something happened.

A giant monster appeared in the water, and they didn't even see the monster's specific appearance clearly before the ship was easily crushed by the opponent.

"Judging from the size of the shadow, the underwater thing may be more than ten meters long!"

The little spy was terrified.

After I heard it, I also felt frightened.

Under this sea of ​​fog, there is such a terrifying behemoth?

As far as I know, the largest marine creature known to mankind is the blue whale among whales, and their length is generally only more than 30 meters.

Moreover, blue whales live in the deep sea, and they will not easily go to the shallow sea area. After all, the body is there, and the shallow sea area cannot move at all.

The place we are at the moment, since it is said to be very close to the mysterious island, it is likely to be a shallow sea area.

How could such a huge underwater creature survive in such a place?

Ten meters high, some buildings are nothing more than that.

Could it be that this monster is a huge flat creature, although its body is super long and its area is large, its volume is small, like a huge piece of paper?
In this case, it is possible to act in shallow seas.

Speaking of which, there are indeed many flat creatures in the depths of the ocean.

Because the pressure is very high in the depths of the sea, if a person goes down, he will be crushed into meat paste soon. In order to survive in the deep sea, some creatures have evolved flat bodies to resist the pressure, which is very scientific.

There have also been many flat deep-sea fishes discovered by scientists before.

So what we're dealing with now is a monster from the deep?

Things seem to have a scientific explanation, but later I found that things are far from that simple!
"That monster swept away several of our companions, it's probably a carnivorous creature..."

The little agent continued, trembling all over.

"Let's get out of here as soon as possible!"

The existence of that monster made me a little anxious.

That guy is so huge, eating a few little devils may not be satisfying, we must leave as soon as possible, otherwise we may be targeted.

Under the guidance of the little secret agent, we started to head east.

There is a device on the body of this little spy that does not rely on magnetic fields to indicate the direction, which is a kind of gyroscope.

The specific principles are also more complicated, so I won't go into details here.

And because everyone is on the boat, I'm not worried that this little devil will give directions blindly.

With the help of this woman, we moved forward quickly.

I quickly noticed that the little spy was useful to us, but the island man was a complete liability.

Because of the serious injury, this guy passed out again soon.

He can't show me the way, so why keep him?Increase the weight of the ship and slow us down?
Now our time is urgent, I don't want to continue to delay, I just want to throw him out by raising my hand.

However, what I didn't expect was that just as I was about to do this, I suddenly felt a feeling of being spied on in my heart!
This is exactly the same as what the little spy said earlier!
And at this moment, when I looked at other people, they all panicked.

Not to mention Shu'er and Yun'er, that little spy also had a white face, and his eyes were full of despair.

It seems that the monster is coming?
We had already deliberately detoured a little bit, trying to avoid the direction where the monster appeared, but unexpectedly, it was still staring at us!

In front of such a big monster, I was a little at a loss.

Even if I have a gun, it's useless. Those little devils had a lot of guns in their hands.

For a monster more than ten meters long, we hit him with a gun, as if we wanted to use a gun to demolish a building.It will only suddenly irritate it.

Of course, maybe we can hit its vitals, but the situation is different.

However, we can't even see what this monster is, so where can we find its vital points?
So, I had no choice but to hold the gun in one hand to guard against the little spy, and hold Shu'er and Yun'er in the other.

If something happened, I could only kick those two little devils down, and give the three of us time to escape.

Soon, the water surface near our boat became pitch black, and a huge shadow appeared.They appeared suddenly, without moving, probably floating up from the water.

Because there is very dense fog all around, the distance we can see is limited. At this moment, the water in all directions around us turned black.

This monster is probably much bigger than what the little spy just described!

But at this moment, after the water surface darkened, it began to fluctuate violently again!
Our boat, at this moment, is like a candle in the wind, shaking crazily, ready to capsize at any moment!

I didn't think too much about it anymore, and kicked that little male devil off the boat with one kick.

Seeing this scene, the little spy's eyes grew more desperate. She knew very well that the first one was the man, and the second one was her.

"Please, Amadie! I'm a flower girl, big and beautiful, and I can do anything!"

At such an urgent moment, this woman's cry for help almost made me laugh out loud.

The woman was terrified.

Not to mention, this little spy is actually very beautiful and has a great figure, otherwise, when she boarded the boat earlier, this woman would not have thought of using beauty tricks.

However, as soon as she said this, Yun'er pinched the flesh on my waist fiercely, the pain made me grin my teeth.

Damn, aren't you usually very weak, such a small girl, where does such a strong hand come from!

What time is this, and you are still in the mood to be jealous here!
I ignored the two women, but kept my eyes on the little devil I kicked into the water.

I want to see what will happen!
After the little devil fell into the water, the chill of the sea made him wake up from his coma very quickly.

This guy was thumping crazily, wanting to come up.

But it's a pity that he was tied like a rice dumpling by me. If he didn't struggle, he might float for a while. When he struggled, he just sank faster and faster.

And he didn't sink very far, when the black shadow floated over, a piece protruded suddenly, wrapped the man inside, and dragged him away!
This weird scene made me sick and terrified.

What the hell is this!
It seems that this thing is not only flat, but also unbelievably soft. Could it be a mollusk like a snail?

However, I soon discovered that this underwater thing was actually not the first time I had seen it.

I know it!

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