I never thought that I would be harmed by Liu Hui, a waste. It was really a sinking in the gutter.

This hole is pitch-black, and I don't know how deep it is. Could it be some kind of trap for hunting wild animals? There won't be any spikes or something underneath, right?Are you really going to die here today?
As soon as this idea came up, I felt my back hit the ground suddenly, as if I was hit by a motorcycle in the middle, and the pain was piercing.

However, my luck seems to be good. The hole looks dark, but it is not as deep as I imagined, and there are no deadly traps.

I'm still alive and not seriously injured!
However, I still didn't dare to be careless at all. I held my breath and didn't dare to make a sound except for the scream when I fell.

Because I know that my situation is very bad now, and I am very worried that Liu Hui, a bastard, will make trouble, in a literal sense.

If this guy brings a few big rocks and smashes them down, I have no way to fight back down there, only to be beaten.

However, what makes me feel fortunate is that even if this beast is a villain, his level is not high enough.He completely forgot about this, but laughed out loud on top, "Zhang Qi, you Sabi, aren't you awesome? You continue to be arrogant and show me! Dogecoin thing, I I said it earlier, I have a lot of ways to deal with you, now you know how powerful your father is, right? But, it's too late, go to Lord Yama to repent!"

It seems that this dog thinks that I have fallen to my death, and now I am letting myself go, venting my dissatisfaction crazily these days.

I was also furious when I heard it, but I could only swallow my anger, because I knew that once I exposed myself now, what this bastard said would probably come true, and I would really be killed by him below.

Fortunately, I was relieved that after Liu Hui scolded me a few words, he didn't intend to stay here any longer, so he turned around swaggeringly and left, the footsteps getting farther and farther away.

After realizing that this guy should leave, I was relieved from the bottom of my heart, but also felt a little strange.

From the moment I got off, I felt something was wrong. I seemed to have smashed on something, so I didn't fall directly to my death.

A foul stench emanated from the thing I hit.

I quickly jumped away, took out the lighter in my pocket, and lit it with a click.

Under the reflection of the faint fire, the scene in front of me shocked me, and I was also taken aback!
In front of my eyes, there was a rotten corpse!
The corpse was so rotten that only the skeleton was left, but it was still covered with a thick military coat. When I fell down just now, it happened to hit the military coat, which slightly cushioned the force.

Of course, this buffer is also limited, mainly because the burrow is really not high.

"There is a dead person here?"

This discovery made me stunned, and I suddenly had a premonition in my heart. I always felt that there was some kind of secret on this island. Could this military coat be the key to unlocking the secret? Maybe I can find some secrets from him. What!
Gathering my mind, I quickly re-ignited the lighter that was about to go out, and continued to look at the corpse. Soon I frowned, and my heart was very shocked.

I found that the military coat on this man was very familiar. As a puppet military fan, I have learned a lot of military knowledge. Snow suit!

And the alloy helmet on the head of this rotten skeleton confirmed my thoughts even more. The military flag of the island country is clear and dazzling.

People from World War II?
I clearly remember that during World War II, the island country once occupied Southeast Asia. This devil came to this island at about that time, but what did they do on this island?
The cave I'm staying in now has artificial traces. Is it a wartime relic built by the little devils?
A huge doubt gripped me tightly.

Suppressing the pungent stench, I began to search for the little devil's body, hoping to find some valuable clues.

It's just that it's a pity that this little devil doesn't have anything special on him, such as diaries and the like.Of course, I don’t understand Japanese either, and even if I had a diary, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to read it either.

However, this search was not in vain.

I found a lot of useful supplies from this little devil!
First of all, this little devil's military coat, the quality of the workmanship of this clothes is really very good, even after so many years, except for some corpse smell, it looks very good.

I thought this thing might save my life one day.

And besides the coat, to my great surprise, I found real weapons.

There is a sharp samurai sword on the little devil's waist. After decades, it is still as bright as ever. When he slashes out with the knife, it creates a strong wind, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

In addition, there is a military shovel and a [-]-type rifle with a bayonet.

It's a pity that there are not many bullets left, there is only a small box, and it doesn't seem to be able to fire many shots.

In addition to weapons, I was also pleasantly surprised by the harvest of some supplies. First, I found a small bottle of wine, which was stored in a metal pot-shaped bottle. Immediately took a sip, the spicy taste made people exhale.

In addition, there is a drinking pot and a small lunch box.

I think these things will have a great effect on surviving on the island in the future, the premise is that I can leave this ghost place.

Holding the lighter, I looked around and denied the idea of ​​climbing out. I don't know what kind of material the surrounding walls are made of. It doesn't look like stone or metal, but it's very smooth.

Also, there is no place to climb nearby.

Looking around, I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. I seem to be really trapped here, what should I do?Fired a shot to signal for Sister Man and the others to find me?
I almost wanted to shoot immediately, but this thought was quickly thrown out of my mind. It is more likely that Liu Hui came first.

"Calm down, be sure to calm down!"

I kept chanting silently in my heart, looking at the flame of the lighter in front of me, my heart suddenly moved, and I made a very pleasant discovery!

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