"You... be more disciplined, and don't think about it!"

Xiao Qing stared at me warningly, and then leaned half of her body on me, with the aggrieved eyes, I felt uncomfortable for a while.

Let me help you, you still feel wronged, it seems like you lost a piece of meat after being supported by me, this woman is really amazing!
Xiao Qing obviously didn't want to be supported by me like this, so she walked very quickly, but what she didn't expect was that the beach was very slippery after it rained, and within a few steps, she tilted her body and fell face down.

I was anxious in my heart, and quickly hugged her with a princess.

"Who told you to hug me, stinky rascal!"

Xiao Qing screamed, and slapped me with a backhand. With a slap, my face was in burning pain.

I also have no confidence in my heart. I kindly beg you to help me, and I was beaten twice today?

Because I was upset and I was slapped again, I subconsciously withdrew a hand and covered my face. Without my support, Xiao Qing fell directly on the beach, which was painful. She screamed again.

"Won't you let me down slowly..."

Xiao Qing fell to the ground, screamed in pain, was very wronged immediately, and stared at me angrily with teary eyes.

I am really speechless in my heart, you are asking too much, right?

Is it wrong for me to help you or not?

No wonder people on the Internet say that everything has spirituality, but women do not.

I think Xiao Qing is a woman without spirituality and reason!
I had to go back and sit by the campfire as if she wasn't there.Xiao Qing glanced at me, seeing that I didn't come to help her, so she pouted and limped over.

Fortunately, there were not a few steps to go, so she quickly walked to the campfire.

With the cover of the big rock above our heads, we didn't suffer from the wind and rain outside for a while.

However, because the space under the big rock is relatively small, if she doesn't want to get wet, she has to sit close to me.

Seeing her reluctance and disgust, I was very upset in my heart.

What does this woman mean?
Isn't it just sitting next to me, and I won't eat you, as if sitting with me, the pure you will be defiled!
Really annoying.

Brother, although I say that I am poor, I am a little poor, but I am tall and big, and I am not ugly.

Besides, this is a deserted island, we don't know if we can live on now, put away your little peacock-like pride.

Of course, although I was upset in my heart, let alone, the cold goddess Xiao Qing felt really good leaning on her body.

I don't know how this woman looks. She has a beautiful body and a good body, and her skin is so good. I can't help but think that it would be great if I could marry such a wife.

However, these thoughts were quickly extinguished by me. This woman looks down on me so much, why should I think about her?

I was a little angry and didn't want to talk to her. Xiao Qing also felt that I was indecent in disguise when I touched her just now, so she ignored me.

For a while, the atmosphere was silent.

But I still sneaked a few glances at Xiao Qing. Under the reflection of the firelight, her pretty face was even more beautiful, which really made people's hearts flutter.

If in normal times, given the difference in our identities, she wouldn't even care about me, how could we lean together to warm up like today.

"Zhang Qi, let me ask you, you said this shipwreck, are we the only ones who survived?"

Finally, Xiao Qing couldn't bear it any longer, and started talking to me.

"I don't know either. I just remember that when the boat capsized, the waves were really scary. At that moment, my eyes were full of water, and I couldn't see anything. When I woke up, I was already on a deserted island. "

"Then what should I do, are everyone else dead? How could this happen!"

Hearing what I said, Xiao Qing became a little flustered, and her eyes were instantly clouded with mist, and she looked like she was about to cry, she was really pitiful.

I felt a little distressed, and a little bit emotional.

Xiao Qing, our beautiful CEO, is usually very strong in the company. She has always directed us to do this and that, but now she looks at a loss and asks me what to do.

This actually helped me a little bit.

I thought for a while, and then said comfortingly, "Don't be afraid, if something happened to us on such a large ship, it must have caused a sensation long ago. Now the above must have dispatched a special search and rescue team to find us. Soon We will be rescued!"

In order to comfort Xiao Qing, I did not tell her the suspicious points I found.At that time, our boat set off from the Gulf of Thailand, and an accident happened not too far away, so the place we are now should be in a tropical area, but it is very strange that I clearly found that some plants on the island turned out to be Cold temperate plants!
You must know that the plants in different geographical locations are very different. The seaside jungle here is full of coniferous forests, which is very weird.

The temperature here is also a bit cold, which makes me feel a bad feeling in my heart.

But at this time, my heart was very confused, and I didn't think about why.

After listening to my words, Xiao Qing really felt better, and her eyes were no longer teary, but she quickly touched her flat and clean belly, and said uncomfortablely, "I'm so hungry, Zhang Qi, do you have anything to eat?" ?”

Hearing what she said, I also felt suddenly hungry.

When I woke up from the beach earlier, I was busy saving lives and doing a lot of work, but I didn’t think about this. Now when I notice this, I immediately feel empty in my stomach, and I feel like my chest is stuck to my back. Feel.

Unfortunately, I didn't have any food on hand.

I took a deep breath and knew that the biggest problem for us to survive on the desert island was coming.


However, I grew up in the countryside. When I was very young, I learned to go to the mountains to find food. After all, my family was too poor at that time. Sometimes I didn’t know what I could do to eat meat. .

I thought for a while and said to Xiao Qing, "Don't worry, I won't let you go hungry. I'm also very hungry, but it's still raining now, we can only go out to find something to eat when the rain stops."

It's raining now, if you get gonorrhea, on this deserted island with no medical conditions, it will be worse than starvation.

However, this time my consolation didn't make Xiao Qing happy. She looked at me disappointedly, she didn't believe my words at all, wouldn't she be hungry?This is a deserted island. Is food what you say you can have?

"Don't brag, maybe we will starve to death before rescue comes."

Xiao Qing said disappointedly, hugging her stomach, opening her dry mouth, raised her head to catch the rainwater outside, hoping to relieve her hunger a little.

I didn't answer her words, and simply closed my eyes to save a little more energy for myself.

Don't wait for the rain to stop, but you don't have the strength to find food, that's really the end.

Seeing that the sky is getting darker and darker, I also feel a little bit bad in my heart. It seems that we are going to spend the first night hungry tonight?
However, the so-called surviving a catastrophe must have a future blessing, and God seems to care for us.

Just when it was about to get dark, the light rain that had been drifting down finally stopped!
Surprised in my heart, I quickly got out from under the big rock and rushed towards the sea.There are a lot of marine life on the beach, maybe you can find something to eat.

Seeing me leaving, Xiao Qing immediately became anxious, and shouted behind me, "Wait for me, I'm afraid here alone!"

After I heard this, I was convinced from the bottom of my heart. Don't you hate me very much? You sat next to me just now, and seeing how disgusted you are, then don't follow me.

I thought so from the bottom of my heart, but I was still going to stay and wait for her.But at this moment, I suddenly saw a black suitcase floating in the waves in the distance.

There was a suitcase washed up on the beach?

I was pleasantly surprised, afraid that the suitcase would be washed away by the waves again, so I rushed to the beach in two steps, kicked my legs, and jumped down.

After jumping into the sea, the cold water instantly submerged me, I swam forward vigorously, and soon, I grabbed the suitcase.

This suitcase is quite heavy, and the heavy feeling makes me happy. It seems that there should be a lot of useful things in it!

As I was swimming back, I, who had always been familiar with water, suddenly had a thought in my heart to play tricks on Xiao Qing.

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