Facing their questions, I was noncommittal, just smiled slightly as an answer.

When the two of them saw it, they immediately realized that it was really my fault.

This made Brother Lan Yi instantly angry, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Bastard! Because of you, my wife was eaten by your leopard!"

Brother Lanyi's words made me frown slightly, and after careful recollection, I remembered that the woman who was just pushed towards the leopard by this guy had been intimate with him before.

It turned out that the woman turned out to be his wife.

But at this moment, this guy's words made me sneer in my heart.

What the hell, I saw with my own eyes just now that you pushed your wife to a man-eating beast, but now it's fine, you still pissed me off. I killed your wife?

Although it seems that I really killed him, but your push probably accounted for 50.00% of the factors.

This person's ability to shirk responsibility is not ordinary.

I can understand that you hate me, but who are you pretending to be a good man with affection, is it disgusting?

Even if you become a whore, you still need to set up a memorial archway, and you are talking about you, brother in blue.

"Return my wife's life!"

Brother Lanyi's eyes turned red with anger, he picked up the iron rod in his hand and hit me fiercely.

Brother Wild Boar hurriedly followed Brother Lanyi, but this guy seemed a little scared, but he hid himself behind Brother Lanyi.

Seeing these two people attacking me wielding knives and iron bars, I was not only not nervous, but even felt a little bored.

During this period of time, I first learned from a teacher in Xi'er, and I suffered too much from Catherine's side, and my body became stronger and stronger inexplicably. Now I am no longer an ordinary person who is ruthless and fights hard. With a little effort, you can hit it.

Even Catherine admits that my fighting ability is very strong, on par with hers.

You know, this woman is a killing machine that received professional training from the US military base.

Just relying on these two people, they actually came to deal with me, which is like a mantis' arms.

Seeing them rushing towards me, I kicked this brother in blue in the chest. This kick went out like a giant hammer. Brother Lan, a 1.8-meter-tall man, was sent flying horizontally by me. Go out, smash into the bushes, and press those low bushes out of a big hole.

And after the wild boar brother came over, I elbowed him sideways and hit his throat. He let out a scream like a male duck, and fell to the ground on the spot. He started to roll his eyes, and lost his fighting power in an instant!

I walked over and stepped on the panicked face of the blue-clothed brother, as if I had stepped on a cockroach.

Brother Lan Yi is completely blinded now, completely in pain and unbelievable.

The two of them, two 1.8-meter strong men, also held weapons in their hands. In the end, the two of them fell to the ground without even touching the corners of each other's clothes in front of me, who was empty-handed.

At this moment, deep horror and shock had filled his consciousness.

"This... this is impossible... who are you..."

Brother Lanyi asked in a trembling voice, already extremely remorseful in his heart, why did he provoke a master like me.

Seeing how scared he is like a dog now, who can tell that this is the arrogant brother who was in the camp before, clamoring to kill me?
"A dying person talks a lot of nonsense."

I chuckled, said lightly, and at the same time I bent down and stabbed his throat with a knife!
This guy was originally a murderer. Now that I kill him, I can only say that it is my own fault.

When Brother Hengrou over there heard my words, he was already trembling with fright, but now seeing Brother Lanyi being slaughtered by me, he was even more terrified, with tears and snot running down his nose, how disgusting it must have been.

He started begging me frantically for mercy.

But I was not moved at all.

Don't you think it's too late to beg for mercy now?

When you two were about to kill me just now, if I begged for mercy, would you let me go?

These days, those women who were forced by you have begged frantically for mercy, will you let them go?

I know that I am not a messenger of justice, but I still feel that Brother Wild Boar should pay for what he has done!
Besides, if I don't kill him, what if he exposes my strength to the islanders?
The islanders will definitely suspect me, because other forces have mixed in, and my safety will become a problem at that time!

Brother Wild Boar was also killed by me with one knife.

After carefully burying the bodies of the two, I cleaned up my own blood, and then slowly walked towards Sister Yun'er.

Along the way, I didn't stay idle, but climbed to some big trees from time to time, and used the binoculars in my hand to secretly observe the situation of those little devils.

At this moment, I noticed that the spotted leopard had disappeared.

It seems that it has been taken away by those islanders.

Obviously, in order to force the spotted leopard away, the islanders used guns and killed some victims who wanted to approach. The surviving refugees were very afraid of them at the moment and wanted to escape from the camp.

Some of those people fled to the jungle, and some continued to flee for their lives along the coastline.

Soon, only those islanders were left in the refugee camp.

These little devils seemed a little happy about this, and even took pictures next to those dead bodies.

I observed carefully and found that among the dead, only three were killed by leopards, and the remaining seven or eight were shot to death by them.

These people are really cruel and cold-blooded.

When I drove the spotted leopard over there, I just wanted to kill a few people in Brother Lanyi's camp. After all, they had a grudge against me.

And what enmity do the other refugees have with these little devils?

Not at all, they probably just killed them off.

This added another layer of disgust to these little devils in my heart.

Thinking like this, I'm already close to Yun'er's camp.

The two girls hid in the tent and didn't dare to come out at all. They just peeked out through the gap with their big watery eyes.

Now that I'm back, the girl Yun'er rushed out in surprise and hugged me tightly, she buried her head in my arms and cried in fear: "Brother Zhang, I thought you were dead , scared me to death, why did you come back!"

Shu Er also seemed very scared, she came out and asked me nervously: "Brother Zhang, what happened, there seemed to be gunshots earlier..."

The girl's eyes were red, she must have cried too.

"It's nothing, it's none of our business. A ferocious beast attacked the refugees. Brother Blue Yi and these people were eaten. Those islanders had guns and drove away the leopards. But these people are not good people. They killed them indiscriminately." A lot of people..."

I told the two sisters what happened just now. Of course, I didn't mention a word about what I did.

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