Undoubtedly, it was a memorable moment of tranquility, but such tranquility could not last.

Not long after we sat, there was a loud noise from the group of refugees.

The two men were already wrestling together, surrounded by several women, looking panicked.

Next to the two men who were fighting was a messy room.

After a while, the two men were beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces, looking very miserable.

I guessed the beginning and end of the matter with just one glance. There is no doubt that the two had a conflict because they wanted to rob survival supplies.

Some women stood by, very scared, afraid that it would affect themselves, but there were more people who looked at the excitement, and even gloated.

I couldn't help shaking my head slightly.

I've experienced many of these things, now it's a fight, and it won't be long before it will kill someone!
If rescue did not come, or even came at such a little time at night, it would be a miracle that ten of the more than 40 refugees by the beach could survive.

Of course, it is very likely that they either starved to death, were eaten by some wild animals, or were killed by their companions.

As for Yun'er and her sister, they are so beautiful, I am afraid they will not end well.

In such a lawless place, the despicableness of human nature will be vividly displayed.

Sure enough, the two fought with each other at first, but soon they started fighting with sticks or even iron bars with nails.

Blood splattered, and the scene was very bloody. After a while, one of the thin men fell to the ground, blood dripping, and he died!
"What's going on, it's terrible!"

Yun'er was stunned, tears couldn't help streaming out, trembling with fright, hugged me tightly, buried her little head in my chest, not daring to watch the bloody scene.

When the people in the camp saw the dead, they were all panicked, terrified, indifferent, taking advantage of the opportunity to grab things, and there were all kinds of shouts.

Yun'er's sister was also extremely anxious at this time, looking for her sister everywhere.

Not long after, she looked towards me, seeing me hold Yun'er tightly in my arms, the woman's eyes were about to burst into flames.

When I saw that she looked like a cat's fur, I wished I could tear my face off with a few claws, and I felt helpless in my heart. I said that your sister drilled into my arms, would you believe me?

Didn't I see her scared?

I'm really not a pervert, okay?

"Sister, it's... Uncle said, as long as he hugs me, I won't be afraid. That's why I..."

I was about to explain a few words, but the girl Yun'er looked at her sister pitifully, almost crying, this girl's acting skills are about to catch up with mine, while talking, her two little white hands are still restless Stirring before.

That small appearance, very simple, very cute.

I almost spit out a mouthful of blood when I saw it, I was so hot, I almost thought I really said this!
"Bastard! She is still so young, how can you... If this is outside, I will definitely call the police and arrest you. I solemnly warn you, don't get close to my sister!"

Yun'er's elder sister was like a hen protecting the baby, pulling the girl behind her.

At the same time, she was also a little afraid of me, and kept backing away quietly, holding an iron rod across her chest in her hand.

"I'm not afraid of you, I have weapons!"

Yun'er's sister shouted loudly on purpose.

And that weird girl was hiding behind her sister, showing her head and secretly smiling at me.

Seeing this scene, I can't wait to push this little kid to the ground and slap his butt hard.

"Now I'm afraid you won't believe me... I don't bother to explain, but if you are in danger, you can find me, this camp is not peaceful now..."

I said helplessly.

Now that there are already dead people in the camp, the first murder incident will definitely scare some people, but this is more like opening a floodgate, and the beasts in many people's hearts will be released!
In the future, I'm afraid there will be more and more similar things like this.

A beautiful woman like Sister Yun'er who has no power to protect herself will probably have a very sad fate, and the possibility of becoming a slave or a plaything is very high.

What's more, when Yun'er and I were talking here, some people looked over here with treacherous eyes, obviously thinking something wrong.

And at this time, the strong man who was the first to kill also began to calm down from his excitement and dullness.

Because this man is wearing a tattered blue dress, so I am going to call him Brother Blue.

After killing someone, Brother Lan Yi was stunned for a short time, but his face became more and more sinister. He hurriedly snatched all the supplies of the dead man. Looking at the mountain of food in front of him, Brother Lan Yi couldn't bear it. Zhu let out a burst of triumphant laughter.

After tearing open the packaging of the food and devouring it for a while, he fixed his cold eyes on the dead man's wife again.

"You...what are you going to do?"

The woman shouted in horror and resentment.

"Do what? Do you!"

"You can't do this, this is a crime, you will go to jail! Someone save me!"

The woman's voice was trembling, and tears of fear flowed down her face.

But the people around looked at her coldly, and looked at Brother Lanyi with some fear, no one cared about her.

Seeing this, Brother Lanyi smiled more and more complacently: "Today, I killed everyone, so what's the point of playing with women, since I have done it, I will be worthy of it!"

The woman wants to resist, but where is this guy's opponent.Soon, he was dragged behind a mountain bag.

There were actually people leaning over to take a peek, with an interested look on their faces.

But behind the mountain bag, the woman resisted desperately at first, but in the end she obviously gave in to Brother Lan Yi, and even cooperated actively.

Probably because this woman also understands that no one can save him, and now that Brother Lan Yi still has supplies, she also wants to live.

After this scene appeared, the minds of many people on the island became more and more floating.

This brother in blue is just a little more ruthless, he killed someone, and now he still wants to eat, and wants women to have women.

Many people looked at it with greedy eyes, their eyes rolling around.

There are also some people who originally had some supplies, but a cold light flashed in their eyes. In order to defend their own food and even get more benefits, I am afraid they also want to act first.

This tragedy and farce made me feel very sad. In fact, I just wanted to help that woman, but I suddenly found something very wrong, so I had to stop temporarily.

At this time, I suddenly noticed that among the group of refugees, a group of people behaved very strangely!

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