Xiaomeng screamed, the two of us hugged each other and fell down, it hurt so much.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to me, the bushes around us trembled violently, and Xiao Qing and Sister Man unexpectedly got out.

All of a sudden, the scene became embarrassing.

Xiaomeng and I fell to the ground, still disheveled.

With her previous screams, no matter how you look at it, people will be misunderstood!

"Okay, Zhang Qi, you are showing your true nature, you actually want to force Xiaomeng!"

Xiao Qing stared at me angrily, rushed over and slapped me, then quickly pulled Zheng Meng up to help her tidy up her clothes.

Xiao Qing at this moment was like an angry little peacock.

Even Sister Man stared at me suspiciously.

I covered my face, there was a burning pain on my face, and my heart was a bloody dog, what the hell is this, I am really more wronged than Dou E.

"Why do I want to force her? You guys need to find out if the situation is good or not. Just now she was about to fall down. I pulled her up, but who knew I couldn't stand still."

"You really have a lot of excuses, Zhang Qi, do you think I'm stupid!"

Xiao Qing said coldly.

I thought to myself, you are really stupid, "If you don't believe me, just ask Xiaomeng to find out what's going on!"

"Miss Qing... Brother Zhang is telling the truth. There was indeed an accident just now."

Xiaomeng lowered her head and said with a red face.

Xiao Qing was dumbfounded when she heard this, but to my surprise, she didn't even believe Xiaomeng very much. She stared at her face for a long time, and unexpectedly showed a somewhat suspicious expression.

"It's up to you, since Xiaomeng has said so, what else should I say, hum!"

Xiao Qing stood up, turned her head and walked towards the cave, I wondered if she thought that Xiaomeng would rather be with me?

Seeing Xiao Qing left, Sister Man sighed, helped Xiaomeng up, and said to me comfortingly, "Xiao Zhang, I believe in you."

Sure enough, Sister Man has brains, unlike Xiao Qing, who is really a self-righteous fool.

Trying not to think about that stupid woman, I put my clothes on Xiaomeng, and the three of us went back to the cave.

In the afternoon, I didn't continue to go out. The night in this cave was too cold. It was not a way for everyone to hug each other to keep warm yesterday. One more night was just a little more risk of getting sick.

So, in the afternoon, I am going to ask everyone to work overtime to get out the beds, and I myself will use the bamboo strips and thatch in my hand to make a fence gate to block the entrance of the cave.

At night, there is a wind leak at the entrance of the cave, and the cold wind keeps blowing, so it can't be blocked.

Moreover, this mountain forest is really not safe. The big python I saw just now really made my heart jump. I think there must be other large animals in this mountain.

Make a fence gate, also to ward off unknown beasts.

I tried to recall my father’s experience as a bamboo craftsman when I was a child. He took those bamboos and baked them inch by inch on the bonfire.

"Xiao Zhang, what are you doing?"

Seeing me holding the bamboo and baking it and gesticulating, the women were very curious.

"Make a good thing, and soon you will know!"

I said with a smile.

"Do you still use bamboo to make things?"

Sister Man was very pleasantly surprised, she seemed to have thought of something.

I chuckled, and didn't brag too much, but got more serious and buried myself in the work.

I cut a cross-shaped cut at the top of the bamboo, inserted two pieces of bamboo into the cut, and hit the bamboo with the back of the axe.

Soon, the dried bamboo was split into four bamboo strips by me.

After doing the same thing a few times, I had a bundle of bamboo sticks in my hand.Weave these bamboo strips horizontally and vertically together, and the prototype of a bamboo door appears.

Of course, the bamboo door woven with bamboo strips is not safe, and it will leak air. I also took some thatch, strung them one by one like grass skirts, and laid them on the bamboo door to fix them.

In this way, a simple bamboo door to block the wind is built!
"Wow, Xiao Zhang, you are too good at this, so we won't be afraid of the cold at night!"

Sister Man cheered excitedly.

Xiaomeng even gave me a thumbs up with a look of admiration.

Xiao Qing snorted and murmured what was so great, but she still looked at the bamboo door curiously, she was obviously convinced by me, but she was too embarrassed to praise me like the other two women .

Seeing that the atmosphere of our chatting and laughing is particularly harmonious, Liu Hui sat in the corner and dealt with the thatch, feeling jealous from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

Now the dog understands that on this desert island, he and I are not on the same level at all, so he is quite honest.

However, looking at the sinister eyes he often flashed at that time, I knew that this beast would never let it go like this, and must still be trying to get revenge on me.

Besides, at this moment, although I have made such a bamboo door, I still feel dissatisfied.

Because this bamboo door can only block the wind, it is absolutely impossible to block the beast.

I called Liu Hui over and began to dig a hole in the ground at the entrance of the cave. While it was still dark, I carried a fire ax and went to a nearby thorn bush and came back.

Because of my warning, Liu Hui didn't dare to be lazy. When I came back with the thorns, this guy had already dug a soil trough as I asked, and I threw those thorns into the trough. Even a simple trap is initially completed.

The species of the thorns on the island is unknown, and no one handles them. They grow wildly, and their growth is terrible.

Many of the thorns on these thorns are more than five centimeters long. The tail is about as thick as a thumb, but the tip is like a needle. Once it falls, many blood holes will be pierced on the body, that is for sure.

After paving the thorns, I spread a layer of thatch on the surface of the groove as a cover.

At a glance, it looks almost peaceful here.

In this way, the trap is completely completed.

Of course, the appearance of this groove also hindered our travel. When we went out, we had to carefully push away the thorn bushes with bamboo sticks before we could leave.

However, this trouble is nothing compared to the sense of security brought by this trap.

I was busy with the trap, and the women finally laid out our grass bed.

Of course it is a bed, but in fact it is just some hay mixed with clothes on the floor, but even so, we are very satisfied.

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