After a night's rest, Catherine came to Eve after having breakfast, and with a sense of warning, Catherine said, "Eve, no matter what little tricks you did earlier, I can let it go, I just ask you to do it." One thing, I want to see the door today! I think you should also understand that the supplies in our hands are almost used up, if you insist on dragging everyone into the quagmire, then I have to take care of your concerns first."

Saying this, Catherine glanced at me indifferently.

It seems that this woman is using me as a prop to threaten Eve.

What the hell, this made me hate this woman even more. Sooner or later, I will catch you and take revenge!
"Catherine, you don't have to do this. We are already very close to our destination today, and we will see it."

Eve said to her soothingly.

Catherine nodded slightly after hearing this.

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased a bit, Eve even started joking, saying that it was really impossible, so that Catherine could eunuch me first, and it would be considered as a little interest, anyway, she wouldn't care if I was a man or a woman.

After all, Eve even likes women.

Catherine couldn't help being very moved when she heard the words.

This time, I got a chill in my lower body.

But speaking of this, I am getting more and more curious about this so-called "door".

Too bad they didn't mean to tell me anything.

I've guessed many times, but I still don't know why.

And looking at Eve's appearance, she has already made up her mind, regardless of whether the savage wizard is still with us or not, she must let me take the risk to leave today.

Soon, we started today's journey.

On this day, the roads we passed were filled with all kinds of underground rivers.

Eve told me that she needed to wait for a chaotic moment, a chance for me to escape.

And the opportunity that the two of us were looking forward to appeared soon.

Everyone walked along the underground river for about an hour or two, and suddenly encountered some very strange things.

This underground underground river is the source of water. Wherever there is water, there are all kinds of creatures living. The underground plants are all kinds of strange. We are very worried that these plants will be a threat, so we try our best to avoid them along the way. Touch those plants.

However, the road we are walking on is very narrow, but it is difficult for us to avoid them.

But at this moment, to our left is a fast-flowing big river, and to our right is a deep and dark cliff, under the cliff it is pitch-black, and when we throw a stone down, there is no echo at all. Can't tell how deep it is.

Once it falls, I'm afraid it will really fall into hell.

With such a deep cliff, the sound of the wind below is also extremely weird, as if someone is howling incessantly far away, and the scalp of the listener is numb.

This peculiar and dangerous geographical environment is called a hanging river by Catherine.

Due to the existence of the cliff abyss, this underground river seems to be suspended in the sky.

In order not to stumble into the abyss, we had to walk through the grass by those rivers.

Underground plants hate strong light. When we shine a light on them with a miner's lamp above our heads, these plants will automatically curl up like a mimosa and separate a way for us.

On the surface, when we walk, we are quite well-disciplined.

However, as time passed, we discovered that there seemed to be something hiding in the grass.

We all heard the dense crawling sound, which is the strange sound of arthropods crawling, very similar to the crawling sound of the face-hugging spider we encountered earlier!

"Everyone, stay alert and stay safe!"

cried Catherine, the gun in her hand already loaded.

And just as she raised the gun, huge strange crabs jumped out of the grass!
Each of these monsters is as big as a basketball and looks like a crab as a whole, but the difference is that these guys, like all underground creatures, have no visual organs. Instead, there are rows of extra heads on their heads. Long and narrow tentacles.

Standing upside down, these crabs look like octopuses with feet and pincers on their heads.

These weird tentacles make these crabs no longer look like creatures on the earth, and they feel like aliens.

Needless to say, these tentacles must be used to replace the eyes, the organs that allow these monsters to perceive the world, maybe to perceive sounds or smells. It can only be said that these things are very disgusting.

Those crabs are very hostile to us. They raised their huge pincers and rushed towards us.

A few of us took up our guns and hit them.

And at this time, while we were running away, Eve quietly gave me a secret signal, we had discussed it long ago, I understand what she meant, she told me to find a chance to leave.

Now on my right is a bottomless abyss, and on my left is a swift underground river.

My only option was to jump into that river.

According to Eve, I just need to go down the river, and I will definitely be able to leave this ghost place.

Of course, although the weather is not particularly cold now, staying in the water for a long time is also very detrimental to the preservation of body temperature. Once the body temperature cannot be maintained at a normal level, causing cramps and other underwater discomforts, I am afraid I will die. It can't be done.

Eve had already been prepared for this, and she got me a wetsuit.

She took this thing from the dead Professor Sun's bag while Catherine was not paying attention.

What surprised me at this moment was that just as I was about to jump into the river, Catherine suddenly yelled, "Be careful!"

While she yelled, she pushed Jenny out.

Because of her actions, Jenny almost fell into the bottomless abyss.

Just as Jenny left her original position, a sharp arrow arrived in an instant and nailed to the ground with a bang.

The only one who is attacking us in the dark at this moment is the wildling wizard.

What the hell, I can only say that this guy is really insidious and powerful. What can this guy do? He can escape from the hail of bullets, his fighting skills must be very strong, and he can also use weird Gu skills. So awesome?
It is indeed the number one freak born under the weird education of the savages.

Of course, Catherine who can fight against him is not a good person, and this Catherine is also a ruthless character.

Being able to detect the arrows that sneaked in the dark in advance, this insight is not ordinary.

Back then, although I was comparable to this chick in close combat, I was far inferior to her in terms of sensitivity to danger and various resilience.

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