We rested for a while and could only continue to move forward.

After swimming across the big river, a fluorescent flower garden appeared in front of us.

In this flower garden, there are all kinds of fluorescent plants exuding colorful colors.There are giant blue mushrooms, and some mosses that glow red, and there are huge purple glowing flowers that look like peonies...

All this looks very beautiful. Although it is underground, it gives people a dreamlike feeling, like a paradise.

We even saw some small animals like rabbits shuttle and jump among the flowers.However, unlike the rabbits in the outside world, the rabbits here have extremely thick fur and no eyes.

There is very little light underground and it is very dark. The eyes of the animals have basically degenerated, like blind fish.

This rabbit, let's call it the blind rabbit.

However, although the scenery in front of us is beautiful, we feel very worried in our hearts, because the appearance of so many underground plants means that there is great danger in this place. !
Just now at the bottom of the water, there was that kind of carnivorous strange grass. Who can guarantee that there will be no one of its kind on this shore?
Concerned about the dangers of the flowerbed, we wanted to bypass it.But it is a pity that we walked a long way along this flower garden, but found that this piece of plants is obviously not the "flower garden" we imagined, but a very wide plant belt.We have traveled a long way, and there is no way around it.

The only way we can go is through the past.

In the end, we chose a relatively narrow place to go.

"Everyone be careful!"

Catherine took a deep breath and gave the order to move forward.

I walked in the front, Eve was in the middle, Catherine was behind, and we stepped into the flowers.

There are more animals, plants, and insects in the fluorescent flowers than we imagined. As soon as we entered, we felt many small flying insects flying around us.There are also a lot of bugs crawling and wriggling on the ground. Sometimes when you step on it, there will be a strange sound, and the tactile sensation from the bottom of your feet is very disgusting.

We walked slowly and carefully.

Some plants are really strange. I saw several mimosa-like plants. As soon as our light shines on them, some fluorescent plants can automatically roll up their branches and leaves to avoid receiving strong light.

The animals and plants underground are obviously afraid of strong light.

Light is extremely important to plants. Without photosynthesis, plants will almost all die.

However, I know that there is a kind of shade plant that can grow better in a weak light environment than in a strong light environment. For example, many indoor potted plants belong to the category of shade plants.

However, these fluorescent plants in the ground are obviously beyond the scope of shade plants. They grow in the completely dark ground by relying on their own weak fluorescence. This is really amazing!

These plants, as long as some specimens are brought out casually, some biologists can study them for countless years.

The lights on our bodies brought us a certain degree of security, and we didn't encounter any danger for a while.

However, we soon discovered something unusual. We suddenly saw, not far in front of us, in the courtyard of our destination, there was a figure sitting quietly.

When I looked at the figure, I was shocked in my heart, because I felt that the figure was very similar to Sister Man!

Could it be that Sister Man is sitting in that pavilion right now, waiting for me to find her?

This makes me feel very incredible!

This discovery made my heart immediately pick up, and I felt very bad.

If the figure in front is really Sister Man, then it is very likely that it is her body.

Because, if it is a normal person, seeing our light at this moment, how could he not react at all, and still sit there quietly?
I was a little anxious in my heart, so I quickly quickened my pace and walked towards the courtyard.

However, as my footsteps approached, I suddenly discovered that the figure sitting in the pavilion suddenly disappeared again.

If it wasn't for sure that Eve and the others had also seen that figure, I would almost have thought it was my eyesight.

"What's going on? Why is this happening?"

We soon came to the stone pavilion, and found that there was indeed a stone bench. The previous figure seemed to be sitting here, leaning on the railing, as if looking at the scenery, looking at the flowers outside.

The longer I stay in this underground palace, the more I feel that this underground palace is definitely not a tomb, but a place where people used to live.

Therefore, many of the dangers we encountered along the way came from all kinds of weird underground creatures, and we rarely encountered organs or traps.

Therefore, we found many traces of the life of the ancients in the ground, some tables and chairs, even stone cups, stone bowls and so on.

At this moment, in front of us, there is a viewing courtyard.

I can imagine that thousands of years ago, the ancients in the underground palace sat in the courtyard and watched the beautiful fluorescent flower garden outside.

"The figure just now may be some kind of strange natural phenomenon. The figure should be an afterimage left by the ancients. It's like there is an invisible projector in nature. Under certain circumstances, it will release the image. It is somewhat similar to the principle of seeing a mirage in the desert, but it is different..."

Catherine explained it to us.

What she said seems to make sense, I can only nod weakly, maybe because I found that piece of rag earlier, my mind is full of Sister Man now, so I feel that the black shadow is more like Sister Man Bar.

We continued to move forward. Behind the stone pavilion, there was a stone ladder. Walking along the stone ladder, it didn't take long before the sound of water came again.

What shocked us most was that we found that the stone ladder was actually built next to a large waterfall. The place less than one meter away from the stone ladder is the rushing water. We can even touch it when we stretch out our hands. That underground waterfall.

The water splashed on us, and we walked up the stone steps, as if we had an illusion of going upstream in the water curtain, which was very magical. Looking around, the scenery was even more beautiful.

This made me even more amazed at the wisdom of the ancients.

However, after we climbed up the stone steps, strange things happened again. Not far from us, another figure appeared.

Moreover, this time, this figure is still moving, and it is still approaching us quickly.

Mirage again?

I was on guard in my heart, but I heard the black shadow make a surprised voice and shouted at us.

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