The place we are at now is similar to what I saw when I was in hysteria. It is also a quaint stone room with a stone table, but the difference is that there is no wine on the table.

"There should be something here, but unfortunately it was taken away."

Professor Sun put on reading glasses, carefully checked some instruments on the table, and then came to such a conclusion.

I figured that the people he was talking about taking things should be those American guys who came here before us.

I don't know, what did those American guys take, couldn't it really be a poisoned bar?

"Okay, are you all right now? Get up when you're all right, and lead the way!"

Catherine glanced at me indifferently, motioning for me to go ahead.

Made, yelling at me again, I see this woman getting more and more unhappy.

However, now that I was under the eaves, I had to bow my head, so I had no choice but to get up from the ground and carefully came to the exit deep in the room.

There is a stone door in the depths of this room. After pushing it open, after walking in, a passage appeared in front of our eyes.

The ground of this corridor is a stone slab covered with ice, and both sides of the corridor are covered with ice, but the ice layer on both sides is not thick, we can see the scenery outside the corridor through the translucent ice layer.

Both sides of this corridor are actually caves with strange scenery!
These caves are not natural, but have many traces of human activities.There are stone tables and chairs and other items, some buildings that cannot be seen for what they are used for, and some very beautiful fluorescent plants, like a garden.

Looking at the appearance of the cave, the breath of life is very strong.I have always thought that this so-called Shenshan underground palace is an underground tomb, but now it seems that I guessed wrong, people actually lived here?
Or in other words, the owner of the tomb of the Shenshan Digong wanted to restore his own life, so he deliberately built it like this?
With wonder, we walked carefully through this passage.

At the end of the corridor, there was a three-way intersection, and we had three choices at once.

I couldn't help but stopped and looked at Catherine.

Catherine frowned, and fixed her eyes on Eve: "How should I go? Eve, I am very satisfied with your performance all the time. However, since this man appeared, many of the decisions you have made have made me feel very satisfied." No hurry! Now I am specifically warning you once, I hope you make the right choice, otherwise, I can only judge that this man has affected our relationship. Then I can only kill him!"

But at this time, Jenny smiled at Eve, but took her hand: "Eve, don't take it to heart, the captain's words have always been so ugly, as long as you cooperate with us, everything will be fine. "

Ma De, these two people also sing the red face, and the other sings the bad face, they are very good at division of labor.

Before entering the Shenshan Digong, Catherine and the others used some high-tech equipment to judge the direction, but after coming down here, the instruments in Catherine and the others' hands were not very useful.

At this moment, we need Eve, an insider, to tell us where to go.

It seems that Eve's father's experience on this island was far richer than I imagined.

According to Eve, her father recorded all of that in a notebook, and that notebook has now been burned by her.

Therefore, Eve is the only person who knows something about this sacred mountain and underground palace.

This is why Catherine and the others value Eve so much.

"Let's take this path to the left."

Eve was silent for a moment, then said so.

Seeing Eve nodding towards me, I took a deep breath and walked in carefully.

After entering the stone gate on the left, a narrow passage appeared in front of us again.

From a visual point of view, this new tunnel seems to be completely the same as the one just now.

We hadn't gone very far, however, when Catherine stopped abruptly and waved us to stop.

We could tell by the look on her face that something was wrong.

And before we had time to think about it, a very strange voice reached our ears!
At this moment, the sound of human voices suddenly appeared in this supposedly dead underground.

This voice is even a little familiar to us, because last night, when camping next to the entrance, there was a female savage mechanically calling for help.

At this moment, that painful and monotonous cry reappeared!And we are underground, the sound is clearer than what we heard in the snow, and it can arouse the fear in people's hearts.

"The time now is about the same as the time when the voice appeared last night..."

Professor Sun looked at his watch, as if trying to deduce something.

This strange cry cast a cloud over our hearts.

Although nothing happened last night, but this place is so weird, did it just pop up to scare us?

We all suspect that something terrible will happen once we get close to the source of this sound.

"Go this way, maybe you can stay away from it!"

Eve pointed to the end of this passage, the road to the southeast, which is the road in front of us on the left.

"My father came in from the southeast of us, and he didn't mention this sound in his notes, so I thought it would be safer for us to go southeast."

We immediately started to move forward according to Eve's guidance.

It's a pity that no matter what direction we go, that weird cry has been lingering around us, and it's getting closer!

It seems that Eve guessed wrong this time, or maybe the source of that voice has been following us.

And as the sound got closer, we discovered something even more terrifying.

There is more than one source of this sound.

Gradually, we suddenly heard this kind of strange sound from all directions, some sound near, some far away, some in front, some behind, they seemed to be a very irregular chorus, noisy and noisy.

At this moment, we seemed to hear the cries and howls of thousands of women, giving us the illusion of being in hell!
It seems that there are countless evil spirits suffering terrible punishments in the dark where we can't see them. They wailed miserably and begged for help...

We are far from the world.

Even, I started to think about it wildly, maybe this place really leads to hell.Are the gatekeepers that Professor Sun and the others refer to the ones who guard the gates of hell?
This weird voice followed us like maggots attached to the bones, making our spirits very tense.We are all worried, worried that there will be something weird and terrifying in the dark, suddenly jumping out.

For example, a blood-stained woman stretched out her pale hands, tightly clutching our ankles, and dragged us into the boundless darkness.

And our worries turned out to be a reality, something really came out of the darkness!

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