After Catherine gave the order, Jenny and Professor Sun began to operate the complicated instrument, and the buzzing noise of the machine was quickly transmitted.

About half a day passed, and the sky was getting dark, but Catherine and the others were very excited, because under the operation of Professor Sun, the ice layer in the snow pit quickly cracked, and a deep and round hole was formed. Potholes have already appeared in front of us.

The ice hole made by this machine has a diameter of more than half a meter, which is just enough for a person to pass through. It is very deep, and it is impossible to see what is inside.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Catherine said, "Professor Sun, let's continue tomorrow. Let's rest for one night and finish the homework tomorrow morning, then go down!"

Professor Sun nodded, and we started camping near the pothole.

It is worth mentioning that when those savages saw us dug such a hole, they all looked terrified. They looked at the cave, as if they were looking at hell, and they kept muttering and talking nervously. strange call.

These savage languages ​​are relatively rare, and I don't know much about them yet.

I asked Eve if she knew what they were talking about, and Eve told me with a pale face that it was just a savage's superstition, so don't worry about it.

I know, those savages definitely didn't say anything good.

Soon, we set up the camp, and everyone surrounded the bonfire and grilled food. In such a snowy night, it is really very comfortable to have a bonfire, barbecue, and canned food.

I eat wild game these days, and I feel like throwing up. Now I eat these canned things, and I feel very delicious.

However, just as we were enjoying our meal, Catherine suddenly waved her hand, showing a dignified expression, "Shut up, listen, is there any sound!"

Seeing her serious appearance, we all listened intently.

I didn't notice it just now, but now we listened carefully, and we found that in addition to the sound of wind and snow in the night sky, there were actually bursts of very low and strange voices.

The voice seemed to come from far away, and it was mostly drowned out by the sound of wind and snow. It was only because the voice must have been very loud at the beginning, so we could vaguely hear it.

However, we are not sure that it is people talking.

According to Professor Sun, it may just be the strange sound made by the wind in some special environments.

However, as time passed, we found that the voice became louder and louder, and it seemed to be in our ears. We could hear it clearly, and it seemed to be the voice of a savage.

There is a female savage, calling for help in savage language.

However, although she yelled for help, her voice was extremely dry and mechanical, without any emotional fluctuations. Occasionally, the voice was mixed with terrifying howls, which made people's scalp numb.

"This sound came from the hole we dug..."

Professor Sun said silently.

Several of us felt a chilling feeling.Why is there such a strange sound in that deep cave?
Is there really a woman calling for help down there?
The captured natives became manic again, and one guy collapsed, jumping up desperately and trying to escape, yelling the word hell.

With a sudden bang, the savage was shot dead by Catherine.

"No matter what is below, we must go down, don't say there are no ghosts in this world, even if there are ghosts, I will destroy them with one shot!"

Catherine swept us around indifferently, and said coldly, "Now someone wants to leave, then hurry up, I will send him a bullet to make him leave more thoroughly!"

So we finished our meal in a dull atmosphere, and we all went back to our respective tents. This night, our ears were full of weird screams that were high and low at that time. Eve and I were not in the mood to do those sexy things at all. It is very difficult for me to fall asleep.

When we got up the next day, we were surprised to find that the howling sound disappeared again.This made me feel relieved. I always felt that the howling sound was definitely not as simple as just scaring us.

We got up and had breakfast, and not long after, Professor Sun came over and told us that the ice had broken through.

Hearing this news, Catherine actually showed a rare smile. The smile was beautiful, but also very cold.

They prepared a kind of climbing rope and hung us down.

The first ones to go down were the few savages. These savages were tightly tied up, and they were let down like rice dumplings.

If there is anything underground, they are just going to die, the real cannon fodder.

Then it was me who went down. Although I was holding the [-] big lid in my hand, I really didn't feel safe at all in my heart.

I adjusted the miner's lamp above my head, loaded the gun in my hand, and then gave them an ok gesture.

I was let down little by little.

Looking at the darkness under my feet, my heart was very nervous, and I always felt that strange things would definitely happen when I got to the ground.

However, what I didn't expect was that I encountered a very frightening thing before I even reached the ground.

In the darkness, I suddenly felt that there was a gloomy gaze staring at me from behind.

This made my heart startled, and I quickly turned around to look, it doesn't matter if I don't look at it, I broke out in a cold sweat from fright, and I felt like I was out of my wits!

I turned around and saw a man's face behind me, so close!

His gloomy eyes are staring at me with extreme resentment!
Behind me is a frozen layer of ice. There is no doubt that this man was frozen in the ice layer. If I knew that there was such a corpse here from the beginning, I would definitely not be scared.

But now, all of a sudden, it really scares me.

"What's the matter? Honey, are you all right? What happened?"

The people above noticed my movement, and Eve asked me what was wrong worriedly.

"It's okay, it's just that something happened. There was a man's body in the ice, which shocked me!"

Immediately after I said this, I heard Catherine say from above: "Wait a minute, don't rush to put him down!"

"Zhang Qi, take a closer look at that corpse, and describe to us the appearance and clothes of that person!"

I didn't want to take another look at that dead man at first, because this guy's eyes are too gloomy and terrifying, making people feel uncomfortable looking at them.

However, now that Catherine has requested this, I can only do so.

"Damn it, one day, I'm going to catch you, a black girl, and deal with you severely..."

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