"Why don't I kill these people now, let's find a way!"

I wrote directly on the paper, feeling a sense of ruthlessness in my heart, these people don't seem to be a good thing, they even implanted some tracking chip in the back of Eve's head!
"No, you go, you are not their opponent, especially Catherine. She is a member of the US Special Forces. She is powerful and ruthless. She will never be soft when she kills people. In addition, I also need you to help me Busy, you leave this island as soon as possible, take this to the Avenue of the Stars in Munich, and give it to the people named Feite."

"This matter is extremely important. If you can succeed, it will help me a lot!"

Eve took out a white round magnetic card from inside her underwear.

This thing looks like some kind of information storage device, similar to a USB flash drive, and there are many uneven electromagnetic lines on it.However, I have never seen such a storage device, and it probably requires a professional interpretation machine to read the information in it.

Originally, I thought Eve just wanted me to leave, so she made an excuse, but after looking at this thing carefully, I realized that what she said was probably true.

It is impossible for her to make such a special device just to trick me away.

What's in it?
Something to do with the secret of the deserted island?

"Honey, there's no time, let's go!"

Eve hugged me and gave me a long parting kiss.

At this time, my heart was full of powerlessness, and I hated that I was just a small person with little ability to help her.

With a heavy heart, I quickly fled the camp.

As I walked, I also erased the traces left by myself.

Although I saw Eve this time, I had more worries and pain in my heart, and the doubts in my heart were getting bigger and bigger.

In addition, I don't know how Xiao Qing and the others got along with those female savages during the time I left?
Did Chuchu and Keren discipline them well?
In addition, this time I shared my experience of failing to go to sea with Eve, and she gave me a lot of valuable advice.

I think this time, we may really be able to leave this broken island.

Eve said that her father, the German explorer, set off in the bay near the location of the crash site, just after the end of the red rainy season.

I was thinking, if we follow Father Eve's route and time completely, we will have a high probability of success.

Be sure to send a few girls away this time.

As for my own whereabouts, I am at a loss right now. Am I going to leave here and go to Munich to find the Feite that Eve mentioned?
Or should I stay on the deserted island, find Xier, and go with Xier to help Eve escape from the company?

I was at a loss in my heart and didn't know what to do.

And the magnetic card that Eve gave me made it even more difficult for me to calm down. I rubbed it subconsciously, with a lot of thoughts in my heart.

I guess, the reason why Eve threw the drift bottle this time hoping to find me, and asking me to save her is probably only one of the reasons, and more importantly, she wants me to take this thing out.

And this magnetic card does not look like a new product, there is a lot of dust from history on it, and there is a lot of wear and tear on the edges.

This thing is very old, and on the edge of the magnetic card, there is even a line of small words that are barely legible, "1943.12.9."

Does this thing refer to the production date?

Or does it have some other meaning?
It seems that this thing probably wasn't made by Eve herself, but she found it in a World War II site on the island.However, as far as I know, the magnetic card technology first appeared in [-]s. Now it seems that this technology has been mastered by some countries as early as more than ten years ago during World War II.

It's just that this advanced technology was obviously concealed by the manufacturer and used for secret military purposes.

In 1943, World War II was still in full swing.

I know that Xi'er's grandparents came to the island at that time.

Thinking about it now, I am afraid that they were far more than the people who came at that time.

What are these people doing for?
What the hell is here?
The more I understand this deserted island, the more I realize that the secrets buried here are extremely terrifying and unfathomable!

And when I was thinking non-stop, what I didn't expect was that suddenly there was a figure blocking my way.

"Little brother, didn't you promise us to keep vigil for the camp? Why did you run so far?"

I looked up, but under the moonlight, the little black girl Catherine actually came in front of me, standing in front of the woods, looking at me suspiciously.

She was wearing a loose pajamas at the moment, with a sultry figure.

I guessed that this woman probably sensed that I was running away, and chased after me before I even had time to put on the coat.

But even so, I was very surprised that this woman ran in front of me.

I've tried my best to run, is this woman flying?

But when I found out that I was a little surprised, Catherine's originally calm and pretty face suddenly flashed a trace of coldness, and then, she raised her hand and hit me directly on the neck!

This woman's strikes were fast and ruthless. She seemed to be very thin, but the strength of her strikes made a whistling sound through the air.

If I was hit by her, I'm afraid I would faint on the spot.

It seems that this woman sensed that I was going to run away, and planned to knock me unconscious and take me back.

There are many dangers on this deserted island, and the place they are going to is also unusual. They must have cannon fodder to explore the way ahead. How could she easily let me, the cannon fodder, go?

And my training during this period also played a role in this crisis moment.

Seeing her slamming towards me, I reacted extremely quickly, tilted my head quickly, avoided her attack, and at the same time punched her in the chest.

Don't look at how fleshy her chest is, but my punch will definitely make her feel uncomfortable to death.

When fighting with a woman, hitting someone in the chest is a bit of a suspicion, but at this moment, the danger is extremely high, and of course I have to make the choice that is most beneficial to me.

This woman is definitely not easy to deal with. Eve has already said that she is a special soldier from the United States.

I'm just an ordinary person, can I not kill me?
The little black girl didn't expect that I could dodge her attack, and she was really hit by my punch, and her body couldn't help taking half a step back.

I squeezed my fingers subconsciously.

And my action is undoubtedly a bit more hooligan.

If Xiao Qing were here, she might cry in embarrassment, but this woman is different from ordinary people, she looked at me indifferently, there was not even a shyness in her eyes, it's just that my skill is better than she expected .

She immediately reorganized her figure and hit me on the head again.

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