After climbing down for about ten meters, the cave came to the bottom.

I took a photo with the flashlight, and suddenly found that the cave in front of me was very wide horizontally and could accommodate several people, but the height was very low. At first I bent forward and walked forward, but when I got to the back, I could only crawl. .

This cramped space makes people feel very depressed. I don't know if there will be a road ahead, or if I will suddenly get stuck in a certain place.

Those fine and sharp rocks hurt people's skin when rubbed against them, and some strange rustling noises rang in my ears from time to time. It should be the sound of insects or even poisonous snakes crawling, which made people's scalp numb.

However, what makes me feel a little more at ease is that I can find some faint bloodstains all the way up, which makes me know that I really did not go wrong.

What made me feel even worse was that there were too many bloodstains around. I guessed that Eve must have shed a lot of blood.

And I feel very strange, according to this bloodshed method, she might have died long ago, how can she keep climbing?

After climbing for about 10 minutes, I could barely move due to the narrow road. At this time, a dazzling light finally appeared in front of my eyes!

The light was uneven, definitely not natural light, like some kind of human light, a flashlight or a miner's lamp.

I was in place, and what surprised me even more was that voices gradually came over me!

Eve is not alone, she even has companions!

Now I understand why I saw so much blood before, because Eve didn't shed the blood alone, otherwise she would have died long ago.

I hastened to crawl forward.

And the light of the flashlight in my mouth obviously shone through the cracks in the rocks, and the people over there began to shout at me, "Who is coming? The rescuer?"

Several women were talking, including Eve!
They speak English.

I feel very strange in my heart, when did these people come to the island, and when did they join Eve?
"It's me, Eve, I'm here to save you!"

I yelled.

"Brother Zhang? It's you!"

Eve was pleasantly surprised.

"Don't be afraid, I'll be right there!"

Shouting like this, it didn't take long before I crawled to the exit.However, the exit is not on the ground, but on a wall more than three meters high, and Eve and the others are below.

They stood in a pool of water.And this water light is very strange, it is glowing with green light.

Now I understood why Eve could put the drift bottle, but said she was short of water.

Because the water near them is obviously poisonous and cannot be drunk.

Looking at Eve and the others, there are five people in total, including Eve, there are three women, and there is also a man who was injured and unconscious.And the last person, to my great surprise, turned out to be an old man wearing glasses.

The two women in Eve's team are both European and American. One of them has beautiful long silver hair and a very delicate face, a typical western beauty.

And the other one is a black woman with dark skin, different from Qian Ke's wheat-colored slightly black, this woman is as black as carbon.

However, this woman is not a pure-bred black woman, she should be of mixed race, because apart from her dark skin, her facial features do not have any black features. On the contrary, she has a high nose bridge and light blue eyes like a white man.

The facial features of this black woman are very delicate, and she has a unique beauty.

And the old man wearing glasses was wearing a Tang suit. Although he was very tired and his clothes were torn, he looked very calm and calm, like a learned professor.

And the man who passed out was a strong white man, and the black chick was taking care of him.

The smell of blood on this man's body is very strong. Most of the bloodstains I found were left by him.

Seeing the doubt in my eyes, Eve explained to me, "These are all friends of the expedition team, we chance, and I will tell you about the specific things later, do you have water? Well, first find a way to get us out."

I don't believe what Eve said, just met by chance?Why didn't I just happen by chance?
However, now is not the time to worry about these things.

There was rope in my bag, and I immediately threw a bundle down.

The cliff was covered with moss and slippery, and they couldn't climb it without my help.

And now I have my hand, and I have pulled these people up one by one.

After being rescued by me, the two European and American women burst into tears with excitement, and Eve even hugged me and gave me a long and sweet kiss.

"Thank you so much this time. We've been trapped below for four days, and we've drank all the water in our hands. If you come a day or two later, I'm afraid we won't survive."

Eve said gratefully.

I finally saw her again, and now I am very happy in my heart, but I also have many doubts, and I want her to answer me.

However, I also understand that now is not the time.

I handed the water in my hand to Eve. When I kissed her just now, I found that her lips were very dry, and she must be very thirsty.

The priority now is to take a break, and then everyone hurry out.

And when those people heard me say that I was going to climb out, they couldn't help but look a little weird.

"Honey, didn't you see it when you came in? In that cave, there are four fierce cat predators. We just fell into the trap just to escape their pursuit..."

"Four? Are you sure it's four?"

My face also changed slightly.

Although I killed one of the earth leopards, it can only be said that it was a coincidence. If I really want to fight openly, it is very dangerous to kill one of them. If there are two more together, I can only turn around and run away.

I told them about my situation.

"When you came in, those three were probably looking for food, let's go back and have a look, maybe they haven't come back yet!"

The silver-haired woman said.

After exchanging information with Eve and the others, I couldn't help but get more serious. It turned out that there were a male and three females in the cave, a total of four adult earth leopards. The one I killed was just one of the smaller female leopards.

In other words, we are likely to face three more terrifying and fierce leopards later.

Now, although our manpower has increased, Eve and the others encountered danger when they were taking risks, and had to throw away their guns.

This is very troublesome. If we are really confronted with those beasts, although we have many people, we have no weapons, and we are just moving pieces of meat waiting to be slaughtered one by one.

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