Following the water flow on the left all the way up, it didn't take long before a small waterfall appeared in front of me.

Of course, the water has become relatively thin here. It is more like a waterfall than a cliff with a curtain of water on it.

And because the water was not deep, I soon saw that there was a cave above the cliff, behind the water curtain.

This is really a water curtain hole in reality.

Without further ado, I climbed up along the current, because the cliff was covered by running water all year round, and the cliff was covered with moss, so it was extremely difficult to climb. Even if I was agile, it took me a lot of time to successfully climb go up.

Hanging next to the water curtain hole, there is still water washing my clothes, and a chill hits me, making my teeth tremble slightly.

I looked inside intently, but saw that the inside of the cave was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

With difficulty, I took out the flashlight and shone in.

The white light of the flashlight cut through the thin water, illuminating the way ahead.

But I saw that the cave was very deep. Although no one was seen inside, there was a pile of bones at the entrance.

After hesitating for a while, I decided to go in and have a look.

This place is obviously a bit weird. Since there is a pile of bones here, it means that it is not a completely wild place, but there are traces of human activities.

After I moved my body with difficulty and rolled in, I was even more surprised.

I was outside just now, blocked by the water curtain, and my sight was not clear, but now after I came in, I took a closer look, and there were many simple and simple characters on the floor of the cave.

These words are very similar to the ones I saw in the sacrificial cave.

This made me feel hopeless.

I vaguely remember that Eve was also very interested in the sacrificial cave back then.

Perhaps, she also has thoughts about this cave, so she is most likely trapped in it.

In addition, the piles of bones on the ground made me touch the bone string on my wrist involuntarily. I found this bracelet on the bones in the sacrificial cave.

Will there be some on these dry bones now?
Back then, those savages came and chased me because of this bracelet.

This kept me suffocating.

I thought, anyway, I also blasphemed, so I will blaspheme one more time, what can you do to me?

I'm just upset with you, what happened to you, a god?
With this in mind, I rummaged through the pile of bones.

It's a pity that I regret that there is nothing similar in these bone piles this time.

But I'm not in vain.

I found that there was a black-red stone in the head of a skull.

This stone is about the length of a thumb, and its shape is a bit strange. It is an irregular long strip with uneven edges.

However, I have never seen the material of this kind of stone, and I guess it is not an ordinary thing. I put the thing in my arms and hurried towards the depths of the cave.

However, I soon discovered that the cave came to an end after walking more than ten meters.

I looked around and after confirming that this was a dead end, I had no choice but to return.

It seems that I guessed wrong, Eve is not here.

From here, I continued along the current.

Not long after, I actually came to the source of the stream, a towering snow-capped mountain!

Because the mountain peak is too high and the height is cold, the entire mountain peak is completely covered with snow from the halfway up the mountain. Many rivers on the island originate from here, melted from the snow on the mountain!

After seeing this snow-capped mountain, I was very depressed. It seems that I probably chose the wrong road.

Eve is not on this road, I should take the middle one!

I hurried back.

But at this time, I trekked all the way, from daytime to evening, and the woods gradually became dark.

The forest in the depths of this deserted island is really too dangerous.Even now, I don't dare to rush on the road at night rashly.

Xi'er told me long ago that in the depths of the jungle, there are many strange and powerful creatures living. Even the bravest savage warriors, once they encounter some monsters, they can only helplessly wait for death in silence.

I know that although I am a bit powerful now, I still can't compare with those most powerful wildling warriors.

Among other things, the savages in the "Yao Ming" tribe are not generally scary in my opinion.

I quickly found a place and camped to rest.

I didn't dare to camp on the ground, so I built the camp among several big trees. The night fell quickly, and in the darkness, I lay in the hammock, watching the starlight leaking from the leaves, and fell asleep quickly. up.

However, when I slept until midnight, I suddenly woke up because I heard a voice calling my name in the darkness.

"Zhang Qi! Zhang Qi!"

When I heard this voice, I was very pleasantly surprised. Could it be that Eve is nearby?

I quickly jumped down from the tree, trying to walk towards the voice, but within a few steps, the voice called my name several times. Very weird!
The voice calling my name was extremely hoarse, and I couldn't even tell if it was a man or a woman!

Moreover, when this voice called my name, its tone was so calm that there was no ups and downs at all, it didn't seem like a human was talking!

You must know that when a person speaks, there will always be ups and downs in the tone, high and low, human beings need to breathe and think, this is the normal way of human speaking.

"what happened?"

I was shocked, and quickly loaded the [-] rifle in my hand.

At this time, I was very close to the place where the sound came from, and I could tell that the sound was in a pile of grass on my left.

It's still calling my name non-stop, and the tone is getting weirder and weirder.

Its voice was very drawn out, "Zhang~~qi~~".

It was as if a person took a deep breath, but only said one word, it was so weird that it made one's scalp tingle.

If it was a timid person, he might have turned his head and ran away in fright at this moment.

But I've always been a person who doesn't believe in ghosts and gods. This weird voice just made my heart rise with anger.

What the hell, if I don't figure out this damn thing tonight, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep this sleep!
I put the flashlight in my mouth and quietly moved towards the bush that made the sound.

As I approached, the sound became louder and louder, like someone leaning against my ear and roaring strangely.

Suppressing the surprise and anger in my heart, I held the gun in one hand and pushed aside the grass in front of me with the other.

Under the white light of the flashlight, the scenery behind the grass is unobstructed.

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