The doctor just finished speaking.

I followed the direction he pointed, and sure enough, on the right side of the bronze gate, I found a circular groove the size of a football.

According to the agreement between the two parties, I asked Fire Monkey to take out the black box hidden in the rucksack directly.

Although I got this thing from the high priest of the lizard tribe at the beginning, it has been handed over to the fire monkey for safekeeping.

At first, I never fully understood the specific purpose of the black box in my hand.

But after being reminded by the doctor, it turned out that this thing is actually the key to unlock the remains of the god king.

With the black box being stuffed into that circular groove.

The entire bronze gate trembled suddenly, shaking off countless dust in an instant.

I quickly stepped back a few meters.

However, the huge bronze gates of the stalwart were shifted towards the inside one after another, and there was a gap between the two giant gates.

That's right, it's a seam.

But this gap, compared to the entire bronze giant door, can at least accommodate two adults walking side by side.

The doctor seemed to be impatient.

So at the moment when the crack of the door opened, he rushed in directly, and those bionic men followed closely behind.

I saw all this in my eyes, and I wasn't particularly anxious.

Taking advantage of the fact that the doctor and the others are not here.

I quickly pulled the fire monkey aside, and said earnestly: "This underground palace is full of weirdness, so you don't need to take your teammates and me to this muddy water!"

Fire Monkey couldn't help frowning, "Zhang Qi, what do you mean? In your eyes, do I, Fire Monkey, be a person who covets life and fears death?"

I shook my head, "You know I didn't mean that. You should know the purpose of my coming here. If you want to solve these problems with me, you probably have to find the answer from behind that gate!"

Having said that, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

In fact, since I joined the Fire Monkey team, I did have the idea of ​​using them.

Even handing over the black box to the team for safekeeping is just to let them help me share the pressure from all parties.

It's just that along the way, the team has also lost a lot of people!

To be honest, I still feel a little bit sorry for it.

After all, they are not like me.

At the beginning, Fire Monkey and the others were able to return to their lives after dealing with the silicon-based organisms, but because of the black box and a series of subsequent incidents, they were involved in the crisis of the island in the middle of the lake.

When they finally escaped from the world under the tree, they were immediately involved by the doctor and the remains of God King Lu.

Although the doctor revealed to us that there is likely to be a secret of eternal life in the ruins of the god Wang Lu, but we can't believe in this guy's one-sided words.

And behind this bronze gate, there are still many unknown dangers hidden.

Therefore, there is really no need for Fire Monkey and Chen Fang to go through this.

"But if we don't go in with you, if the doctor's gang suddenly attack you, how can you fight it alone?"

Hearing Fire Monkey's concern, I responded with a smile: "Don't worry, I have dealt with the doctor far more times than you. As long as there is no conflict of core interests involved, he will not rashly attack me." !"

The fire monkey sighed: "Since you have made up your mind, I won't persuade you any more, brother. I just hope that you will be careful and come back safely in the end!"

The voice just fell.

The fire monkey patted my shoulder hard.

Afterwards, he chatted with Chen Fang and the other team members, and led them out of the underground palace quickly.

Judging from their expressions, it seems that they have no nostalgia for the so-called God King Ruins.

As the fire monkey led the team to leave the ground.

I took the black box out of the groove of the bronze door and put it back into the backpack again.

Wait until everything is ready.

I went directly through the gap passage at the door, and soon appeared in a relatively gloomy and dark passage.

Although the corridor is deep, the walls on both sides are engraved with many mysterious characters and murals.

And these characters are from the same source as the "Lu Temple" I saw on the door plaque outside.

According to the information recorded in the text and the content displayed in the mural, I probably understood the meaning expressed above.

The civilization that appeared in the mural is called the Amria civilization, and it is a highly developed biotechnology civilization!

People living in this civilization have the ability to connect with nature, or they can rely on certain characteristics of animals to survive, or they can rely on certain energy of plants to develop!
In addition, the use of light energy by the Amrians has also reached a peak.

They can not only make full use of solar energy to vigorously develop technology, but also meet the daily energy needs of the entire Amrian civilization at the same time.

But sadly.

A sudden disaster brought this thriving civilization to an unprecedented catastrophe.

In the end, it was a man wearing a bronze lizard mask who was driving the only "Life Ark" built by the Amrian civilization, which was able to preserve part of the fire of the Amrian civilization!


The content of the text and murals is recorded here, and it will come to an end for the time being.

And at this time, I have almost reached the end of this passage.

As it continued to deepen, the field of vision suddenly became much wider.

What is presented in front of me at this moment is a bright palace.

The entire hall is a regular hexagonal circular building, and each of its six directions has a crystal throne!
At the very center of the six throne guards, there is a huge crystal container.

The inside of the container was filled with a large amount of green liquid.

But I haven't waited for me to take a closer look at the internal structure of the hall and some specific arrangements.

As a result, when he turned around, he saw that the doctor was leading his subordinates, holding some sophisticated instruments, cutting the crystal container in the center of the hall.

To be honest, I have been dealing with the doctor for a long time, but I have never seen him show such a fanatical expression before.

It looks like the green liquid in the crystal container, what an amazing thing!
Just when I was in doubt in my heart.

The doctor and the others quickly cut a circular gap in this giant crystal container.

The green liquid flowed down the circular opening, but was immediately inserted by the doctor with a catheter, and was finally collected in a pre-prepared compressed container.

not difficult to see.

The purpose of the doctor's trip is clearly to come for the green liquid in the crystal container.

Although the thing was successfully obtained, it is a pity that the good times did not last long.

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