God Wang Lu manipulated my body and approached the membrane on top of my head.

With a light tap of the fingertips, a small hole was broken in the thin transparent membrane, and this small hole was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. With only a hole the size of a needle eye, a gap as thick as a bucket was opened, and this gap is still expanding.

A large amount of green viscous liquid was crazily squeezed down from above due to the huge pressure.

And the amazing thing is that when those green liquids touched the floor here, they all seeped in without leaving a drop. At this moment, God Wang Lu clearly manipulated my body and stood directly under the gap, but the liquids As if it had eyes, it fell from the sides of my body, but as for me, it didn't touch at all.

I don't understand, but what makes me even more incomprehensible is yet to come...

As the liquid above the membrane continued to pour in, its water level was also gradually dropping, and it was because of this that I noticed a few black spots floating on the top of the liquid. If I read correctly, those black spots should be entering Everyone here.

On the left side, a dozen black dots formed a group, while on my right side, there was only one black dot floating alone.

No need to guess, I knew that that lonely black spot must be a fire monkey.

However, for a while, I couldn't figure out what God Wang Lu was trying to do by manipulating my body...

In less than a dozen seconds, the membrane was pierced just now, and it has completely disappeared by now, so that the dense green liquid above the head has almost disappeared by now, and as the water level drops , everyone who was originally floating on the liquid also came to the same plane as me.


A dozen people, including the fire monkey, all reacted surprisingly unanimously after seeing me at this moment.

They were all nervous, and their stress reactions were as strong as if they saw a ghost.

This made me a little curious. Although I can't control my body now, and I know that my body must have undergone unusual changes, it shouldn't cause these people to have such a big reaction, right?
At first, I thought it was these people who made a fuss, but soon, I realized that my thinking was too simple.

God King Lu manipulated my body and began to approach those people from the US side.

"Can't move!"

"Damn, what's going on! What did this thing do to us?!"

In front of them, those people from the American side seemed to be crazy, screaming crazily, but no matter how they shouted, they were like logs, and they stayed in place in a daze, motionless.

But their anxious looks and words clearly told me...

Soon, God Wang Lu came in front of a person from the United States, but he ignored the person in front of him and walked over slowly.

Stab it!

I keenly noticed that there was a flash of lightning on the body of this person from the United States, and then, the moment his whole body came into contact with my body, he disintegrated into countless small parts.

Obviously, God Wang Lu didn't do anything, just touched it, but this bionic man disintegrated into countless pieces in an instant.


The sharp black claws gently picked up one of the fragments, and I noticed that it was the central processing chip of the bionic man.

However, this chip is in the hands of Shenwang Lu at the moment, like a small toy, being played with at will.

And the emotion of God Wang Lu was clearly conveyed to me.

"What the hell are you doing!"

I roared uncontrollably in this dark and narrow cage, but I didn't get any response from God Wang Lu.

"This monster!"

"It's over, we're all over!"

After seeing the fate of this bionic man, everyone else panicked, especially those from the Nordic Spear who were mixed with American personnel. They are different from bionics.

In the final analysis, the bionics are nothing more than a group of metal machines without emotion, but they are all living people. In front of them, this kind of situation without the ability to resist, and the fate of the bionic just now, have made them tear their hearts apart. , without any resistance.

However, God Wang Lu just glanced at those people who were still alive, and then took a step towards the most central pillar that was soaked.

His goal is to...

Those eggs!
Just when God King Lu was approaching the eggs that were attached to the pillars, suddenly, there was a violent tremor, which I heard very clearly.

I wondered if my eyes were dazzled, because just now, I clearly saw that the gray eggs attached to the pillar seemed to tremble.

"You who have been immersed for a long time, it's time to wake up."

I heard the voice of God Wang Lu again, and from his words, I had no choice but to accept a terrifying fact, that is, there are hundreds of thousands of eggs attached to the pillars in front of me. of.

Did he create it?
Now, is he going to release these things that were originally silent in the egg shell?


I heard voices of fear behind me. Their words also proved that my guess was right, and what happened next allowed me to confirm what I was thinking at a glance.

God King Lu came to the egg closest to me, stretched out his inhuman claws, and gently pressed on the top of the egg shell, and the light blue liquid immersed in my body, at this time, It slowly emerged from my body.

The blue liquid, like a living thing, divided into countless twigs and crawled towards the densely packed eggs in front of me.

It looks like a huge network of blood vessels, delivering nutrients to your eggs attached to the pillar.

My intuition tells me that something I don't want to see will happen soon, but I don't have any ability to stop it now, which makes me feel a little frustrated...

Once again, the sound like a heartbeat came out. This time, I saw clearly that a giant egg wrapped in a network of blue liquid in front of me began to vibrate, and its surface Under the action of an unknown force, it began to shrink and expand.

Alive, what's inside comes alive...

"Hurry up and think of a way!"

"If I could have thought of it, I would have acted already!"

Those people behind me have already had disputes because of their own incompetence, and what makes them feel even more terrible is yet to come...

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