Until two 300 meters away.

Only then did we barely stop. This distance is completely out of the range of activities of those sandworms, and it is barely considered safe.

However, even with a distance of several hundred meters, we can still clearly see those wriggling sandworms.

They double-teamed towards those players layer by layer.

In the beginning, those few team members who fought alone were able to cope with it, but soon, their offensive weakened visibly to the naked eye.

In the face of waves of sandworms that came like a tide, their attacks had begun to seem powerless.


Someone couldn't stand it anymore: "Commander, as long as you give an order, we will rush in now!"

"To shut up!"

The fire monkey was angry, and said hoarsely with red eyes: "Are you fucking stupid! Do you think I don't want to save them!"

The fire monkey grabbed the collar of the team member who spoke just now, and pointed to the area where only sandworms remained in the distance: "Keep your eyes wide open and take a good look! What's the difference between us going there now and dying! Huh? You tell me! What's the difference!"


The team members hesitated to speak several times, but in the end, they swallowed their words back to their stomachs.

He didn't want to admit it, but the facts proved all the time that the fire monkey's decision was correct. If we hadn't left just now, facing the endless stream of sandworms, our fate would not necessarily be worse than those of the team members Where to go.

"Say it! Why don't you say it!"

The emotions of the fire monkey are like a burning powder keg.

"Don't embarrass him!"

I really couldn't stand it anymore, so I couldn't help but stepped forward and pulled Fire Monkey's shoulder away: "What we have to do now is to move on!"

"Otherwise, who can guarantee that those sandworms won't follow?"

"At that time, we can't sacrifice some people to attract sandworms, right?"


Hearing this, the fire monkey is like a gnat in its throat.

Gritting his teeth for a long time, after taking a last look at the place where the sandworms were wriggling, he still waved his hand and chose to continue marching.

On the road, there was deathly silence.

The atmosphere in the team seemed to freeze, no one dared to speak at this time, let alone joke at this time.

Everyone knows why they are still alive now.

If it weren't for the sacrifices of those team members just now, the entire army might still be fighting hard, and no one would have survived the siege of those sandworms!
Heavy, weighing on everyone's heart.

When living is carrying the lives of other people, living becomes a burden, but what makes people even more helpless is that no one wants to die even though the burden on them is heavy.

The strong desire to survive prompted everyone to speed up their pace involuntarily.

After advancing non-stop for more than ten hours, we finally came to the edge of the oasis. When we looked up, we saw towering trees with a height of [-] meters.

"There won't be something like those bugs hidden in it, right?"

Some team members questioned.

And at this moment, his words undoubtedly seemed to hit everyone's heart hard.

"Should, it shouldn't?"

Someone swallowed, and said uncertainly: "It doesn't sound like there's any movement here, it should be quite safe..."

Two shoulds in a row made goose bumps appear in many people's hearts.

Nobody here wants to be some kind of prehistoric creature's dinner.

No, in terms of our body size, it is almost the same, that is, the amount of dessert, it is not worth mentioning at all...


But they have already come here, and there is no way to back down, otherwise, wouldn't everything before come to nothing?

The fire monkey took the lead, gritted its teeth and rushed in.

Seeing this, I can only follow closely behind, but it's actually okay. Although the light in the woods is relatively dim, it's not enough to affect my sight.

Relatively speaking, the visibility is still relatively high.

This is, being in such a jungle always makes people feel inexplicably small.

In comparison, any random tree here is hundreds of meters high.

Even the parasitic plants entangled on the vines are thicker than a strong adult man, and a random fallen leaf under the feet can almost be used as a quilt if pulled over.

But there's one thing that strikes me as weird.

That is, there is no half animal here at all.

Before, on the crimson land outside the rain forest, there were all kinds of dinosaurs everywhere. From the scale of those prehistoric creatures, it can be roughly judged that this is their world!

But why are there no dinosaurs in this oasis?
There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Although not having those prehistoric creatures is a good thing for us, but previous experience has been constantly reminding us that we must be extremely careful...

Otherwise, what we will face will be a catastrophe!
After advancing for a certain distance, when he raised his head inadvertently, the fire monkey suddenly froze. He stood where he was, stared blankly at the tree trunk above his head, and murmured to himself: "I know, Why is there no such huge monster like you here..."

The behavior of the fire monkey naturally attracted a lot of team members to watch.

Everyone looked up at the same time, and saw that on the huge tree trunk in front of us, at a height of more than 30 meters, there were white spider webs all over the branches there, and a The centipede, which was only six or seven meters long, was tightly entangled in the spider web.

But after a while, a bigger spider climbed down from the top of the tree trunk.

The excessive body size made the centipede, which looked very bluffing, instantly become intimidating!
In front of the spider's head, the two fangs were almost longer than a human.

It slowly climbed onto the centipede's body, and its two dancing fangs pierced through the hard scales on the centipede's body. In just ten seconds, the seven or eight-meter-long centipede, Lost vital signs.

"Here, it should be the world of bugs..."

When he said this, the fire monkey was a little unconfident.

But everyone can understand him. After all, if you want to say that this big guy with a length of more than ten meters is a bug, let alone a fire, even the team members themselves are a little hard to say...

"Everyone be careful."

"We seem to have come to an incredible place."

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