
Hearing the words of the female team member in front of me, I was startled suddenly, and my eyes returned to the fire monkey surrounded by a group of team members.

At this moment, his eyes were closed tightly, his face was ferocious, and his whole body was twitching uncontrollably. Even if two strong team members held him down tightly, the effect would still be minimal.

Moreover, the fire monkey's face was turning purple at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Apparently, he couldn't breathe.

But obviously nothing affected his breathing...

Suddenly, a black shadow floated in my mind, followed by a coldness that spread to every part of my body. That creepy feeling made me shiver uncontrollably.

That black mist!

My heart missed a beat in an instant, as if struck by lightning.

Cold sweat spread all over my body in an instant, and I didn't even dare to think about what I saw just now, even if, even if it was just a dream...

Unable to bear it, I turned my head and glanced at the gate that was several meters high not far from my side.

The door didn't move at all, and the inside was as dark as before. I looked down at my hands and tried to pinch the palms. The sharp pain told me that all this was true.

But if this is the case, was everything that happened just now a dream?

I couldn't believe it, after all, what I experienced just now was so real, I even clearly remembered every detail of what happened just now.

I remember the coffin in the room, and the terrified expressions of every team member after they came out.

I remember that I walked to the fork in the corridor with the fire monkey, and the black mist that I don't want to think of from the depths of my soul. Everything is so real, but...

If that's true, then I'm now...

No, it's impossible.

I intensified the force, and didn't stop until traces of blood emerged from my palm.

"You, what are you doing?"

The female team member who was in charge of taking care of me quickly grabbed my arm, which prevented me from harming myself in the next step.

"So, now is the real time, right?" I raised my head and glanced at the nervous look on the face of the team member in front of me.

Her expression doesn't look like she's pretending.


As for what I said, she didn't understand why, she just firmly grabbed my arm: "No matter what, you have to calm down first!"

"Whatever he does, so what if he dies?"

On the other side, after seeing my behavior, the bald head still taunted with extreme disgust: "If it wasn't for him, the commander wouldn't be like this now, right? In my opinion, all of this is caused by this guy." of!"

"Don't forget, at the very beginning, this guy talked to that native, and then sent all of us to this place!"

"If it wasn't for him, we might have all gone back now!"

As soon as I said this, the eyes of everyone around me became subtle, not because of anything else, but because the bald head was right. If we say that the current situation must find someone to take the blame, I will Undoubtedly the most suitable candidate, this is an excellent thing for a bald head.


I looked up and looked at the bald man who wished for my death, and couldn't help but smile.

This is not like pretending.

After calming down for a while, I finally forcibly suppressed the constant surge of fear in my heart, and slowly sorted out what happened in front of me.

Just now, after I entered the door with the fire monkey, both of us passed out.

Everything that happened after that was just a dream.

a dream.

"Come and help me!"

"The commander's pulse is decreasing. If this continues, he will die in a short time!"

"This is not the way to go!"

Before I could calm down completely, one of the team members holding the fire monkey made an anxious sound.

Seeing this, I quickly stood up and walked to the fire monkey. Indeed, he can no longer breathe, and from the expression on his face, I can tell that he must be feeling bad now...

"Think of a way!"

Someone said anxiously.

However, although there are hundreds of supernatural beings here, none of them can do anything about the situation in front of them.

And I, as the best friend of the fire monkey, naturally don't want to watch the fire monkey die, but I am not a doctor, and I don't know how to save people. I have nothing to do with what happened to the fire monkey. Like other team members, he can stand aside and watch anxiously.

However, suddenly I thought of something.

The fire monkey entered that door together with me. Since we entered together, there is a high probability that we encountered the same situation.

It's just that for some reason, I wake up more easily than the fire...

Involuntarily, I touched the curse on my chest with one hand.

If I'm not wrong, the reason why I woke up before the fire monkey is most likely because of the curse on me.

"Step aside!"

Immediately, I took a step forward and said to the two strong men holding the fire monkey tightly.

"I have a way to save him!"


But as soon as I finished speaking, the bald head immediately stopped in front of me, and said with a sinking face: "Fuck, you still have the face to stand up at this time, don't you? If it weren't for you, how could we have fallen into this situation?" place, not to mention, now the commander will become like this!"

"The root of all these disasters lies with you!"

"Get out of the way? Let your uncle know what you are planning to do to the commander with malicious intentions. I can't just watch you kill the commander!"

These words, at this time, resonated with many players.

Most people are on the bald side.

However, when he stopped me, the fire monkey's condition had started to deteriorate again, and it had even stopped breathing completely. And die!
I suppressed the urge to kill the bald head in front of me, and whispered: "Otherwise, I don't mind having an extra corpse here!"


The bald head looked around and saw that there were many team members supporting him, and immediately he had the courage to fight me: "I want to see what kind of waves you can make!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the team members standing on his side also took a defensive posture.

In an instant, the sword is on the verge of breaking out!
At this time, a figure suddenly came between us, it was the female team member just now, and she said with an embarrassed expression: "Stop arguing, let him try, after all, you have no other way isn't it?"

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