Leaving from Wang Wen's side, I came to Zhao Rui's side. This guy has already tied up several wild women at this moment.

I can't help but feel a little strange.

"Master Zhang, look, these female savages are particularly aggressive in the tribe. I have known a little bit about it here, just in case, so..."

Seeing that I had some doubts, Zhao Rui said quickly.

I nodded slightly. It is understandable for Zhao Rui to do this. After all, our manpower is indeed small, and it is not bad to control some unstable elements first.

However, just as I was about to say a few words, a female savage approached me with timid eyes. Zhao Rui immediately yelled and asked her what she was doing, looking very vigilant.

I saw that the female savage didn't have any weapons on her body, and her body was also very weak. I understood that Zhao Rui's vigilance was just for me to see.

This guy seems a bit flattering.

But at this moment, I didn't think so much, but I saw that the female savage approaching me had a dog leash in her hand and tied it around her neck, and then, in my shocked eyes, she lay down at my feet , rubbing against my leg.

I have seen wildlings lead slaves like dogs before, probably this is their way of showing their submission.

Possibly a prisoner of the wildlings, that is.

However, I still find it difficult to accept that even a savage is still a human being. Although I am not a saint, in this case, to advocate equality for everyone is pure death.

But this method is too barbaric.

Zhao Rui quickly translated it for me and explained it clearly to those wild women.

They looked at me blankly, seeming a little flustered, and didn't know how to move their hands and feet.

All of these female savages look pretty good, and they look a little bit cute.

If these female savages are handled well, our life will probably be much easier in the future. Fortunately, there are no children in this tribe. It is probably because they fled the tribe, and it is only a few months, so no children were born. .

If there is really a child, I'm afraid I don't know how to deal with it for a while, kill it, it seems a bit cruel, if you don't kill it, it will be very troublesome.

I was thinking about this in my heart, but suddenly there was a cry of pain behind me, followed by a muffled thud.

This sound gave me a very bad feeling, I turned around quickly, I took a closer look, and couldn't help being shocked!

Wang Wen got a sharp iron knife from nowhere and stabbed it into her neck!
She can't think about it!
I rushed to her side in two steps, and hugged her. At this moment, a huge blood hole appeared on her neck, and blood spurted wildly.

I pressed hard on her wound, but nothing worked. The wound was too big and deep.I just felt like my hand was on a faucet that was turned on.

In an instant, my chest was completely stained red with blood, and the ground was as red as the setting sun.

"Zhang Qi...Thank you for saving me, I can finally be free...Little...Be careful of Zhao Rui, he is not a good thing, he..."

Wang Wen spoke softly in my arms weakly, but before she could finish her words, her eyes had already lost their luster.

She is dead.

Right in front of my eyes, such a beautiful life just disappeared.

My tears fell into her blood, but I couldn't change its redness.

Wang Wen, you are really stupid.

At this moment, I am extremely annoyed.I clearly know that Wang Wen is a very proud girl, but now she has been treated so unfairly and insulted in the savage tribe.

I should have expected that she might act violently!
Wang Wen died just like that.

My heart felt like an arrow was shot, and I felt extremely ashamed of her, and I don't know how I still have money to confess to Xiao Qing, Wang Wen is also their friend!

But at this moment, there is one more thing that also makes me very concerned.

I have no grievances with Wang Wen, and I even saved her. She can't hurt me, and the old people often say that when a person is about to die, his words are also kind.

So what she said before she died made me extremely vigilant.

Why would she say, be careful with Zhao Rui?

What did this guy do to make Wang Wen firmly believe that he is not a good person even if he dies, and to warn me specially.

I raised my head and looked at Zhao Rui. He seemed unaware, with a sad expression on his face, "Brother Zhang, Wang Wen is too miserable."

Saying this, he even wiped his eyes with his hand, as if he was about to cry.

I looked at him carefully, and Zhao Rui seemed to sense something wrong with my gaze, and he quickly said: "Brother Zhang, Wang Wen has been bullied too much these days, I always feel that something is wrong with her brain, she Maybe she was driven crazy by the savages, and often said strange words that people don't understand, but unexpectedly, her illness has developed to the point of suicide..."

Wang Wen said that Zhao Rui was not a good person, and Zhao Rui said that Wang Wen was crazy.

And Wang Wen has already left, so there is no proof of death.

Who the hell is telling the truth?

I also hesitated in my heart, I can't just kill Zhao Rui just because of Wang Wen's nonsensical words, right?
I decided to keep a close eye on this guy.

Zhao Rui has lost my trust now.

At the beginning, my plan was to take these female savages tonight, evacuate the camp, and go directly back to the sinkhole.

And now, I decided to continue living in this valley.

I can't rest assured about Zhao Rui, and those female savages who just surrendered, some of them may not have other thoughts.

It's really not safe to take them back now.

I'm fine by myself, think about those stupid women in the tiankeng, don't be sold by others and help count the money, especially Xiao Qing, this woman is stupid and proud, stupid, arrogant, once She was cheated, and she would not listen to anyone's advice.

Back then, Qin Xiaolian and Liu Hui were just trying to trick Xiao Qing around, letting my brother and I take the blame for everything.

However, there is still a big problem in front of me. I don't know much of the barbarian language. If Zhao Rui secretly joins forces with these women to deal with me, it will be troublesome.

Among those female savages, if there are real rebels, they must hate me more than the slave Zhao Rui.

They could really be ganging up on each other.

After careful consideration, I tied up all those wild women, called Zhao Rui, and walked towards the Tiankeng.

My plan is to bring Chuchu and Keren here.It means that the materials here need to be processed.

It was still dark at the moment, and Zhao Rui and I quickly returned to the bottom of the tiankeng.

Seeing that I came back so late, Xiao Qing and the others were all worried to death.

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