After deciding on the order of priority, the American side quickly reorganized its manpower.

Other forces are also ready, but the way down is not easy. Although most of the magma in the crater has disappeared, there are still a lot of magma left in the crisscross ravines below. As for the temperature on the ground that has remained high for a long time, scorching high-temperature air waves are constantly coming from below.

Even though all of us are wearing special protective clothing, armed from the head to the soles of the feet.

However, no matter how insulated the material is, it cannot completely block the invasion of high-temperature air waves from the outside if it is exposed to such a high-temperature environment for a long time.

And there is another point, when we gradually approached the bottom, the temperature also rose rapidly. In the end, it even made people feel that even breathing became difficult, and many people even showed signs of hypoxia , But it’s okay, when we set off, we equipped everyone with a small oxygen cylinder in the backpack, which can support us through this journey for the time being.


Fire Monkey walked forward with me. He first looked at the people from the American side in front of him, and then looked back at our team and the personnel of several other forces behind our team.

"You found out too, didn't you?" I said softly.


Fire Monkey nodded: "There seems to be something wrong with them."

"It's time like this. No matter what's wrong, I can only bear with it for a while and play it by ear." I said in a deep voice.

Those people in the United States, they have shown a state that is completely inconsistent with us from the very beginning. Their group of people, in such an environment, are walking on the ground, without panting or shaking their legs, as if the scorching temperature is not suitable for us. They can't have the slightest impact. You must know that everyone except them is wearing special protective clothing, but even we who wear protective clothing can hardly resist the hot temperature here.

Not to mention those people in the United States, they are not like us, they are covered from head to toe.

They are nothing more than wearing single clothes, but walking in such a place, compared with us, they seem very relaxed.

Either they came prepared, or...

Now I can roughly confirm in my heart that the personnel from the United States in front of me are most likely to be bionics sent by the company, and this move is not bad.

Their bionic strength is also exceptionally strong.

Compared with supernatural beings, the cost of using bionics to explore unknown areas is simply negligible. Even if the entire army is wiped out, it is difficult to deal a devastating blow to them.

"It's not all iron lumps, is it?"

Fire Monkey whispered to me, it seems that he probably also guessed the identities of those people.


I nodded, but I didn't have too much discussion on this topic with Fire Monkey, because both of us know that since we have come to this place now, no matter what the competitors are, our established goals are will not change.

Moreover, we have already prepared for a hard fight.

What the other party is is no longer important, what is important is what we will face next...

"They're already in."

Accompanied by the low cry of the fire monkey, I just noticed that there has been a long distance between the hands of the American side in front of us and the people behind us. They are now on top of the broken statue. They climbed a special steel ladder and entered the passageway among the statues one after another.

"Quick! Follow them!"

Seeing this, the fire monkey was a little impatient, and immediately ordered everyone to speed up.

But our team is not comparable to those in the United States. They are like no one in such an environment, but for us, the current speed is already our limit.

By the time we arrived at the statue, we were already more than half an hour behind the manpower of the United States.

"All alert, follow me!"

The fire monkey climbed up the steel ladder left by the American side first, followed by me, and the other team members followed behind me one after another.

When I came to the remaining statues and stood still, I took a look at the sloping passageway, but I couldn't see the bottom at a glance, and there was a faint smell of saltiness wafting out of it.

Before I could speak, the fire monkey took out a bright flashlight and slid down first.

This guy……

Seeing this, I couldn't help shaking my head. He was really too impatient. After all, compared to the outside world, we don't know what's going on underneath. end.


Just when I was about to leave, the bald head behind me said in a rough voice: "Don't block the way if you're afraid, don't whine like an idiot, get out of the way!"

The fire monkey went down first, and now without the threat of the fire monkey, this guy has become more courageous, daring to confront me head-on.

"Why, are you going to make gestures with me?" I said coldly, and took a step towards him. After seeing this guy's face immediately changed and he was afraid to go forward, I chuckled a few times and went back to the country. He took out his head, took out the bright flashlight, burrowed sideways into the corridor, and slid down.

The length of the corridor is as long as I remember.

After about ten minutes, my body that kept sliding stopped. It is strange to say that the whole statue has been completely covered by magma before, and there is no magma in this tunnel. traces of flow.

The moist and cool air made me feel extra cool after suffering from the scorching heat outside for a long time.


Looking around with the flashlight on, here is a dark and spacious space, roughly shaped like an upside-down snake-necked bottle, and on the smooth ground under me, there is still a layer about ten centimeters thick. of liquid.

Under the illumination of the light, these liquids showed a dark green light, and faintly exuded a smell of sea water.

I supported the ground with one hand and stood up, but when I pulled my hand out of the liquid, I felt a piercing pain in an instant, accompanied by a sound of clattering, the entire palm of my left hand They all started to emit white smoke.

Damn, careless!

I frowned, although such a small injury is not a big problem for me, and soon, with my self-healing ability, this injury will be able to recover, but the pain is really painful.

Just as I was frowning, a beam of light shone from not far in front.

"Are you OK?"

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