In the waters to the southwest of us, there are also several huge cruise ships moored. It can be seen from the group on the ship's wall that the ship should belong to NATO. Their pale white flower logo is in the dark. Against the backdrop of the red ship wall, it looks particularly conspicuous.

Before I could recover from the vastly different scene in front of me, the fire monkey on the side had already taken out the walkie-talkie, adjusted the knob a few times, and then issued an order.

"From now on, enter the state of first-level combat readiness, and all the staff will land on the island!"

With an order, several speedboats were released.

People rushed from the cabin to the deck one after another, everyone was carrying a heavy backpack, and among them, there were many people with a sense of determination, as if they had already set their will to die!
Many people turned their heads and looked at me in surprise when they passed by me.

But no one stopped for a moment because of this. Of course, I also noticed the change in the expressions of these people, and probably guessed why these people looked at me like that.

They are all supernatural beings.

During the previous retreat, the supernatural beings on the island were the last to evacuate, but now when someone needs to play the front line, it's their turn again.

With as much ability as you have, you will take as much responsibility.

I feel a sense of admiration in my heart. No matter what kind of people they are in private, the spirit they have shown in this matter alone is enough to make me give them infinite respect. Of course, there are Except for individuals...

With a single glance, I saw the bald head who had made enemies with me from the crowd.

"It's you!"

After discovering my existence, he couldn't help but exclaimed, and then his face sank in an instant, he lowered his body, and was always ready to shoot.

But in the next moment, he noticed the fire monkey beside me.

The bald-headed face began to change, from white to red, and it took a long time before it slowly returned to normal: "I wish you a dead body!"

Due to the face and identity of the fire monkey, the bald head endured it for a long time, and finally swallowed the anger welling up in his throat, turned around, jumped off the boat in a few seconds, and boarded the speedboat heading to the coast .

"Promise me, don't start a conflict, but don't leave either."

After seeing the bald head, I was already thinking about what to do next, when the fire monkey suddenly slapped me on the shoulder, and he said slowly: "Now, everyone who is still alive is very important to us. For me, they are all rare supplies, and I don’t want to have unnecessary losses anymore.”

"If possible, I hope that you can advance with our troops as long as it does not affect your plan."

"Since then, we have taken care of each other. After all, after landing on the island this time, the alliance between the forces of various countries has already existed in name only. Everyone will try their best to fight for their own interests. If you act alone, It's a bit too risky."

Fire Monkey's heartfelt words touched me a bit, but I knew that the trouble I would bring from being in their team was actually more trouble than the value I could generate.

The Tao is different.

I know this truth very well, so I have already made plans as early as the moment the explosion is over, and I am ready to start acting alone after the explosion is over and landing on the island, but the fire monkey seems to have already guessed my thoughts Same, invited me before I left.

"That's the last time I beg you."

The fire monkey took a step forward and looked at me quietly.

After a long time, I took a deep breath, dismissed the idea of ​​acting alone, and nodded heavily.

Let's go with him, maybe, this time we parted will be forever, and we don't know what year and month it will be when we meet again...

Half an hour later, Fire Monkey and I took the same speedboat to land on the island. When we came to the shore, Fire Monkey threw me a heavy backpack, which seemed to weigh more than 40 kilograms.

"There are some necessities inside, and you have to take them if you don't need them temporarily."

When Fire Monkey got off the ship, he was also carrying a heavy backpack. He raised his finger and pointed to the cruise ship not far away: "The transport vehicles we originally left on the island were all scrapped in the explosion. There will be a steady stream of supplies, but in a short period of time, we will not get any effective supplies at all when we go deep into the island."

"At least, we can't be starved to death, don't you think?"

After speaking, Fire Monkey added another sentence.

I looked down at the sandy beach that was also covered by thick volcanic ash. The originally golden sandy beach could not be seen at all now. Going down, it's like standing on a ball of cotton wool, fluffy and sticky at the same time.

"Let's go!"

Following the footprints of the place, we can see that the team members who landed on the island before us have all gathered in the woods by the sea.


I nodded and followed the pace of the fire monkey.

The environment in the woods is slightly better than other places, because the dense rainforest above our heads forms a tight barrier, blocking most of the volcanic ash falling down, but the visibility in the rainforest is extremely low.

First, it is because the fine volcanic ash particles floating over the island have not dissipated.

Second, it is because the larger particles have fallen down, covering the top of the rainforest with a thick layer, which makes the rainforest, which is not very light-transmitting, covered with a layer of gauze mist.

There is also a unique smell of volcanic ash floating in the air.

"In pairs, look up to me."

The fire monkey stood in front of the line and gave me a wink.

I immediately returned and stood with him.

"Next, the two of us will lead the way for everyone. Does anyone have any objections?"

"I have!"

Before the fire monkey could finish speaking, the bald head stood up from the team, pointed at my nose and accused the fire monkey loudly: "Why? He killed my brother, he is the murderer! Commander, where are you? People on the side?"

"I've heard that this guy has long been a wanted criminal in China."

"In front of so many of us, it's always unreasonable for you to favor a wanted criminal?"

"I have no opinion on who you keep or what decision you make, but if you want to keep him, I don't agree!"

"Everyone is watching! Isn't it?"

The bald head glanced back at the other people in the team, some nodded, some didn't want to involve themselves in trouble, some of them pretended nothing happened, but most of them still stood by the bald head. side.

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