The number of people lost alone is already thousands.

This is an extremely terrifying number, because I can be sure that the losses of thousands of people that Fire Monkey said were all supernatural beings.

Thousands of supernatural beings, it is no exaggeration to say that the combat power of such a team is enough to flatten a small country with weak military power. After all, the supernatural beings who can be sent here are not ordinary generation.

"Can you believe it, when we first came here, those silicon-based creatures were everywhere."

The fire monkey took a leisurely breath, and his eyes were full of regret: "The people who came with me at that time were all brothers who had experienced many things with me, but they were all buried in this ghost place."

I can understand the mood of the fire monkey.

Although he is the commander here now, with hundreds of supernatural beings under him, to some extent, he is still alone.

"Later, the American side didn't know where they got the news. They were convinced that there was something very extraordinary hidden in the crater. After a multi-party meeting, they proposed a plan."

"They will use a special technique to blast open the crater."

"According to the information they have so far, their plan has a success rate of more than 80.00%. It can destroy all silicon-based organisms while blasting the crater."

"But in this way, the impact will greatly affect the ecological chain on the entire island."

"It will cause a certain degree, even a devastating blow, to all the creatures living here."

Hearing this, I couldn't help but thump in my heart.

Fortunately, I came to the inner circle of the island in the middle of the lake, fortunately, I met the fire monkey, fortunately, I knew such news at this time, otherwise, once the plan started, if I didn't know it on the island, At that time, even I will fall into the same crisis as those creatures on the island. After all, an explosion that is enough to destroy the ecological chain of the entire island will not have eyes, and will not let me go because I don't know. horse.

Speaking of this, the fire monkey smacked his lips and said: "Compared to the impact caused by silicon-based organisms, destroying the ecological chain on the island is nothing to mention. The motion was almost unanimously passed. That is, at that time, all parties A coalition was formed for the time being."

"The significance of the existence of the alliance is to cooperate with the manpower of the United States to blow up the crater."

"At first, I thought those foreign devils must be talking nonsense. After all, if there was such a simple solution, they would have used it early in the morning, and they would not have come to inform us later."

"You know, at that time, the personnel on this island were all elite strikers."

"It is not uncommon for the elites of various countries to gather together. At that time, without informing anyone, a sudden explosion would not only achieve their goal, but also deal a blow to many deadly enemies to a certain extent. For them , but it’s a good thing like a pie in the sky.”

"Sure enough, the representative of the United States later told us that they had brought the weapon to the island, but the energy device that activated the weapon was missing."

"It's ridiculous, they said, that the device was snatched by a group of island natives."

"At first I didn't believe their nonsense, but from the information obtained by the spies afterwards, I was sure that they were not telling lies, otherwise they wouldn't have launched a carpet-like search..."

In fact, when the fire monkey said this, I probably already guessed what happened later.

But I didn't interrupt the fire monkey, I just listened quietly, and compared the information I had learned while listening.

"And because countries have not been able to find a way to eradicate those silicon-based organisms so far, after a period of stalemate, everyone launched a search for the same goal."

"The supernatural beings guard the crater to prevent silicon-based organisms from escaping, and the combat troops who have landed on the island one after another are searching for the energy source stolen by the United States all over the world."

The fire monkey stopped suddenly, took a deep look at me, and said, "You should already know about the rest of the matter, right?"

I nodded.

I know almost everything, because when things happened in the future, I had already come to the island, and even participated in the team looking for the energy source. I also knew in my heart that the so-called energy source was probably Which black box is it?

I never thought of it.

Since the black box I brought out from that lizardman tribe casually out of revenge, since it can play such a terrifying role.

Easily destroying a volcano and the ecological chain of an entire island, when I think of this, I can't help but feel afraid. If I didn't choose to take the black box away at that time, but let the search team find it, I'm afraid I won't be alive at all. Until now, before I come to the inner circle of Huxin Island and know the news, the explosion may have already started.

Although I am quite confident in my body's self-healing ability, I still can't believe how calm I would be on the island at that time.

Of course, death is impossible to die, but one thing is very bad, a crisis of that degree has a high probability of awakening the unknown existence in my body, and that is a truly devastating blow to me.

"But an explosion like that...they wouldn't worry about destroying the center of the lake..."

Suddenly, I said as if I remembered something, halfway through my words, I stopped abruptly.

So far, I'm probably the only one who knows what's in the island in the middle of the lake, right?After all, after I entered that world, someone learned that for thousands of years, I was the only outsider.

"Destroy what?"

Seeing that I stopped talking halfway through, Fire Monkey was a little puzzled, but at the same time, this guy seemed to understand something...

The fire monkey smiled wryly: "Don't tell me, you know more than me. Although I know you have lived here, it's a bit too much for you to say that... what else do you not know?" Is it?"

Fire Monkey didn't intend to ask me what I knew.

"But one thing."

The fire monkey suddenly turned the phone and said: "Now, the energy source that the US side urgently needs is in our hands, and they don't know about it yet, so as long as we don't take it out, they won't be able to carry out the plan for a while. "

"Do you think it's necessary for us to give them something?"

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