However, it was just as Fire Monkey said.

The scene outside the base and the inside of the base looked like two worlds.

Dead trees, dusty soil, no life can be seen at first glance, and even the sky above the head looks foggy.

"The problem is coming..."

Looking around, there was no place to stay, I couldn't help shaking my head, right now, I'd better not walk around.

It's okay to stay in the territory within the Huaxia range. Once I cross the [-]th parallel, I'm afraid people from other organizations will not give me a living. However, it seems that there is no other place to go. It's too strange for them, as the fire monkey said before, I'd better act with them.

But now, acting together is obviously impossible.

However, it is not completely impossible.

I looked towards the high slope closest to the base, and that place seemed quite spacious...

With the mentality of giving it a try, I walked towards the high slope.

After more than ten minutes at the end of the month, I climbed up the high slope, which is about 400 meters away from the base. Moreover, because the terrain is relatively high, the entire base can be placed here. The situation inside is all in the eyes.

However, the top of the slope is a bit barren, except for a few dead trees, there are only scattered rocks left.

Forget it.

What else is there to be picky about?

I smiled wryly, if nothing unexpected happens, then I will probably spend the next period of time in this place.

I have already made plans to stay here for a while. With the advantage of the terrain here, I can easily observe the whole picture of the base, and at the same time, I can also grasp the movement track of the fire monkeys.

Although on the surface, I can't appear in front of those people.

However, there is always no one who can restrict my actions behind the scenes, right?
After making up my mind, I can stay here with peace of mind. However, when I am alone and have nothing to do, time always seems to be unusually slow, which makes me feel like years are passing by.

But fortunately, I still have this bit of patience, so I didn't feel any special suffering for a while.

Soon, I noticed something.

That is the landform that I ignored before. I have set foot on most of the desert island, especially here.

One thing I can be sure of is that the environment around the island in the center of the lake in my memory should be a shady and wooded area, but now I don’t know what happened here, so that now here It looks like being in hell.

The changes are really too big. If I hadn't seen it for a long time, I wouldn't even believe my eyes.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

I was already hungry without a drop of water, and my lips were already chapped, and my mental state was not much better because I hadn't slept for a long time.

"They seem to be moving!"

Finally, in the early hours of the third day, when sleepiness began to gradually sweep towards me, I vaguely smelled an unusual smell in the air.

In the base not far away, personnel also began to flow obviously.

Fortunately, my eyesight is good enough, otherwise, it would be really difficult for me to distinguish the distant scenery in this environment surrounded by night.

I squinted my eyes slightly, relying on far superior eyesight, I could even clearly identify where the fire monkey is now, I saw him go through the crowd and came to the front of the team, and then he seemed to be giving orders, After saying something to those team members, everyone followed him towards the north.

Seeing this, I knew the time had come, so I immediately descended from the hillside and rushed towards where the fire monkeys were.

Their speed is not fast, so I came to the rear of the team without much effort and followed from a distance.

Fortunately, under the cover of the night, no one noticed that there was an extra tail behind them.

I became extremely vigilant and tried not to make any noise from myself.

As the troop marched, the road ahead began to slope slowly. After about a few kilometers, I climbed to the top of the highest mountain with the troop.

Here, the field of vision is very wide, and a large area of ​​the island can be brought into the eyes at a glance.

It's just that at this moment, the oncoming heat wave prevents me from focusing on the beautiful scene in the distance.

"That is……"

What I saw in front of me made me feel extremely surprised.

Here, it should have been a small island, but now there is no trace of water at all.


There is magma everywhere. The place where the island in the center of the lake was originally located has now been submerged by billowing magma. Even the reefs that were originally above the water surface are now blackened by the hot magma...

The breeze floats, but it does not bring people the feeling of coolness.

It's the heat wave rolling towards the face, and in the heat wave, there is also a smell of sulfur, which irritates people's nasal cavity and hurts. No one wants to stay in such a place for even a second.

I was only wearing a single suit at first, and in the face of the scorching heat wave, there was little difference between wearing this thin suit and not wearing it. In a daze, I felt like the bacon that was hung on the fire to roast. .

The difference from me is that those supernatural beings led by the fire monkey all have special combat uniforms. Under such an environment, the combat uniforms can effectively insulate most of the heat, so that people can always be in a relatively comfortable environment. comfortable state.

And when they got here, they had already put on the air filter.

So, they are lucky not to absorb the noxious smell that the magma emits when it evaporates...

This is the difference between organized and unorganized.

I let out a breath of turbid air slowly, the scorching air evaporated the sweat beads on my forehead as soon as they were secreted, and I didn't need to wipe it off at all.

"It's really damn..."

However, now that I have arrived at the destination I planned before, I have to find a way to enter that entrance no matter what!
My eyes gradually moved away from those supernatural beings, and fell into the billowing magma in front of them.

But suddenly, I suddenly felt like I was dazzled.

Because, I seem to see something moving in the magma!

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