Mountains and rivers take turns, and the way of heaven is reincarnation.

Is this retribution?

What I am going through now reminds me of what I did not long ago. At that time, the pain suffered by the oriental man I tortured was no better than what I am suffering now.

I grinned in pain, but there was nothing I could do to relieve the pain on my body.

Although I am not superstitious, occasionally I still feel that certain causal statements are reasonable, but I never imagined that the retribution would come so quickly!

Thirteen hours.

This time is not too long. If you can rest, a simple sleep will kill the time of more than ten hours.

But I, who was hanging under the car, had to bear the pain soberly, and at the same time had to firmly grasp the chassis parts of the transporter to prevent myself from falling off the car.

"Brothers cheer up! Hold on, we'll be there soon!"

Fortunately, my series of decisions and efforts were not in vain. After struggling for more than ten hours, I finally entered the territory of Huaxia with the transport team.

Through the gaps in the bottom of the car, I discovered that the defense density in the territory was far beyond my imagination.

It has completely achieved the level of five steps, one post, ten steps and one sentry. Such a dense defense, let alone people, even a fly would struggle to fly in from here...

After entering the inner perimeter area, the transport vehicle began to climb the slope.

I am keenly aware of the changes in the surrounding environment, because if I remember correctly, the vegetation coverage near the island in the middle of the lake should be the densest area on the entire island. A barren scene.

The turf has completely disappeared, and the original towering tree is only left with crumbling dead branches and an empty shelf.

The ground that should have been covered with thick humus was left with only a layer of gray soil. These seemingly lifeless gray soils made me unable to guess what was going on with all these changes, and it was obvious that they could Feel that the higher you go, the higher the temperature of the air becomes.

"This is……"

I frowned, not daring to imagine what was going on here.

As far as I know, the Alliance Army has been deployed here for a long time, but these large-scale environmental changes should not be made by those in the Alliance Army. After all, even without considering whether they can suddenly change the environment like this .

Just talking about such an environment will not do them any good.

As the vehicle went up, the scene I saw became worse and worse. The wonderful changes in this area made me feel more and more that something was wrong, which was not a good thing for me.

Because where is this?Island in the middle of the lake.

This is the only entrance to that other world. I have to go through the entrance among the statues in the island in the middle of the lake to enter there.

But what happened in front of me made me wonder, would I still be able to enter that place safe and sound?

"Comrade! Thank you for your hard work!"

Not long after, I followed the vehicle and entered a large-scale military base.

After the transport vehicle arrived at the designated location, special personnel soon came to unload the goods, and the members of the escort team who had traveled all the way also went to the rest room not far away to rest temporarily. Through the bottom of the vehicle, I could roughly see Buildings within a large portion of military bases.

They are all simple tents and bungalows built with light materials.

Obviously, only such a building can establish a temporary and simple military base here in a short period of time.

There are a lot of people among them, but there are relatively few large objects like vehicles. Counting the two transport vehicles that came this time, the vehicles in the entire military base can be counted with two hands.

Moreover, except for the unloading personnel, there is almost no movement of people as far as the eye can see.

This makes me a little confused, because I know that a large part of the manpower sent by various countries is now stationed on the island in the middle of the lake, but why are there a few scattered patrols necessary? Besides, who is basically invisible?
"Okay, the last box has been moved, let's go, let's go to rest quickly, the next fierce battle will start at some point..."

Ten minutes later, the conversation between the two personnel who unloaded the last cargo caught my attention.

"His grandma's, those damn things!"

Accompanied by the continuous spitting and cursing of one of them, the two gradually drifted away.

After all the people around me had left, I cautiously and cautiously climbed out from the bottom of the car. After checking around to make sure there were no people around, I sat down slowly behind the car and moved around. Moving his wrist, he breathed a sigh of relief.

During this journey, although I haven't done any strenuous activities, it can be regarded as exhausting for me.

I touched the back, and now only the front half of the clothes I just changed into are left, and the back is completely exposed, but fortunately, the wounds on the back healed quickly after the car stopped Otherwise, I will have to continue to endure the pain for a period of time.

The corner of my mouth twitched a few times uncontrollably when I thought of the painful state along the way.


too difficult.

I shook my head, and after resting for a while to recover some energy, I began to think about what I needed to do next.

I have now, with a high probability, already arrived at the inner area of ​​Huxin Island. However, there is no way to determine how far my location is from Huxin Island. The most urgent thing is to find the highest point to determine my orientation. .

But the most urgent thing is to leave this military base first.

There must be a lot of supernatural beings here, and I don't want to be surrounded by a group of supernatural beings soon after being discovered here.

But just as I was about to leave, I hesitated again, because what the two unloading guys said just now gave me a vague understanding of the current situation here.

I clearly remember that in the conversation between the two of them just now, there was the word fierce battle.

There was another fierce battle.

It sounds like this place is not as peaceful as I thought at first. Instead, it is likely to be full of crises. During the period of time they were stationed here, there may have been many fierce battles.

However, who is the opponent?Are the natives of the island?

Or is it the hands of other organizations?

I think it is necessary for me to figure out the situation first, but after looking around, I dare not act lightly to spy on the situation. After several considerations, I finally decided to make sure of my own position as the first task.

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