
In the blink of an eye, the arm of one of the team members was brutally torn off by a Timberwolf. The gushing blood and the terrified eyes of the team member did not stop the Timberwolves from atrocities at all, and the gushing blood made it even more crazy.

The severe pain made that team member completely incapable of resisting, but the Timberwolves in front of him would not show mercy to him just because he suffered heavy injuries.

Facing the hungry wolves rushing forward, they could only choose to sit and wait for death.

"help me!"

The battle was intense and intense, and everyone was overwhelmed. The moment his cry for help came out, it was drowned out by gunshots from all around.

Seeing that the hungry wolves pounced on him had opened their mouths wide open, but all he could do was close his eyes in despair, and silently waited for death to come in the chaotic scene.

"Get down!"

With a roar, the teammates behind him sensed the critical situation here. After a roar, he raised his left hand to knock him down, and at the same time twisted his right hand to point the gun at the wolf who was about to come.

A shuttle of bullets, all of which were poured into the coyote's big mouth.


With a whimper, the Timberwolf fell down in front of the team member who had just been injured.

Although the coyote is huge, rough-skinned and thick-skinned, it is a creature made of flesh and blood, and its inside is quite fragile. Although bullets cannot completely penetrate its thick skin, it can still be counted from the mouth.
The member of the team member looked at the ferocious beast that fell before him, his whole face turned pale, and he couldn't even get out of the mentality of waiting to die just now.

"What are you still doing in a daze! Are you fucking desperate?"

The roar of his teammates hating iron and steel pulled him back from the stunned state.

"Get in the car!"

"Hide away! Hurry up!!"

The words of his teammates sounded in his ears, and he finally realized that he rolled on the ground in embarrassment, turned over, clutched his bleeding broken arm, staggered to the front of the transport vehicle, and frantically used his remaining His lower hand tapped on the window glass.

"Open the door! Open the door!"

Among the excited shouts, there was a trace of fear.

But from my point of view, I can clearly see every move of the two people in the car. Just when the co-pilot was about to open the door, the driver sitting in the main driver's seat grabbed his arm suddenly. Then he shook his head at the person who was about to open the door with a look of embarrassment.

Despair once again covered the face of the man outside the car door who was knocking on the door frantically.

In the car, the person who was about to open the door glanced at the person in the driver's seat, silently withdrew his hand and turned his head away, and stopped looking at the cruel and bloody scenes outside the car, as if this could be done. Out of sight, out of mind.

It could be seen that he really wanted to save that person.

But the main driver should have a reason to stop him from doing so.

After all, people are not plants, how can they be ruthless?

My compatriots are in crisis outside the car, and I obviously have the ability to save them, but at this time, I can only choose to watch my compatriots die. Presumably, at this time, everyone feels uncomfortable Bar?

"A military order is in hand..."

I muttered a few words, and I could roughly guess why they did this.

As the drivers of the transport vehicles, their most important task is to ensure that the supplies are delivered to the teammates on the front line, and the duty of the escort team, their duty, is to do everything possible to protect the safety of the supplies.

The military order is accepted and has to be done.

Although it is said that foreign military orders are not accepted, but what are they?They are all tough guys who fight from the battlefield.

Obeying orders is their bounden duty. Although it is human nature to be afraid of death, each of them knows in their hearts what they should do now.

In this short period of time, I hid in the tree and seemed to see a lot, but also seemed to see nothing. My heart was full of mixed feelings, and I couldn't help but have some self-doubt. Success, using the wrong method?
I seem to have made a mistake...

I took a deep breath. From the most basic point of view, no matter what, I and they are of the same family, and the blood flowing in my body is also the blood of the descendants of the Yellow Emperor.

Although there are enemies on this island, even if revenge is needed, the target of revenge will definitely not be them.

But now, the facts are a foregone conclusion... The crisis and suffering they are suffering at this moment is all caused by me, even if I regret it now, it will not help...

I gritted my teeth, suppressed the battle between heaven and man in my heart, and suppressed the idea of ​​helping them out in the cradle.

No, I can't and can't make a move at this time, otherwise, wouldn't everything I have done before be in vain?Those who achieve great things do not care about small details. To a certain extent, I just made some necessary sacrifices in order to achieve my goals.

Perhaps, I can find another way to sneak into the island in the center of the lake, but the time it would take would be too long.

That is to say, I can't achieve my goal in a short period of time, and time is precisely the most scarce thing for me at present. Among the methods I can think of, I will achieve my goal as quickly as possible.

It's worth it for me.


Just when my inner thoughts were like a mess and I couldn't untie them, in the distance, the player who couldn't knock on the car door stood up silently. At this moment, his face was determined, as if he was doing something. Well, like some kind of reckless plan.

There was no longer a strong look of despair on his face, and his eyes gradually became firm.

He raised his head indifferently, looked around at his teammates who were fighting with the wolves, and then, with his only remaining hand, he untied a grenade from the belt around his waist.

Picking up the grenade, he bit off the tab on the grenade with his teeth.


In this extremely noisy environment, I seem to be able to hear the incomparably crisp sound clearly from a long distance away.

"Get out of the way!"

When he did this behavior, I already guessed what he wanted to do, and what happened next just confirmed my thoughts.

When the teammates closest to him heard his yell, they turned around and were startled, but it was too late to stop him at this time!

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