Invading someone else's territory is, to a certain extent, no different from declaring war.

Therefore, for the intruders, the methods of dealing with them are surprisingly unified.

Cut first and then play.

That's why, when I just broke into their territory, he, who was assigned to guard the border, shot at the first time he found me, but the result was not as good as he imagined. tormented situation.

"You are a supernatural being, aren't you?"

Suddenly, he asked me such a question.

And after I heard his question, I nodded without hesitation.


The expression on his face changed several times, and finally, he slowly closed his eyes, as if he had already anticipated what would happen to him next.

A stupid smart guy.

I was slightly taken aback, but I didn't hold back the slightest bit, and happily and simply ended his life in a very short time.

Looking at the naked and swollen corpse on the ground, after I took a deep breath, I turned around and walked out of the cave while muttering to myself. He is indeed a smart man, knowing that even if he told everything he knew, he would eventually die. There was no escape from death, so he had already made plans to die.

But at the same time, he is also very stupid. If he let go earlier, he would not have to endure so much pain, and I would also be able to save a lot of effort.

In this way, no matter which side it is for, it is beneficial.

"Now, it's a bit difficult..."

Walking out of the cave, I looked up at the dark cloudy sky above my head. The thick leaden gray clouds seemed to be pressing on the top of my head, making me feel so stuffy and breathless. A place where you can feel relaxed.

I stretched and rubbed my temples.

Now, the situation on the island is not optimistic for me at all.

The forces of all parties equally divided the four sides of the island in the center of the lake, and no matter which side it was, they all strictly controlled their territory.

For an outsider like me who is not affiliated with any party, if he rashly breaks into the territory of any one of them, I am afraid that there will be only one end, and that is death.

Being able to escape this time and intercepting a hostage is entirely due to luck, and luck is the worst thing to gamble on. Once there is a mistake, it will be miserable. You know, this is an important area guarded by the alliance army Well, there are still a large number of supernatural beings stationed in the inner area of ​​the island in the middle of the lake. If something makes a noise and attracts those people on the front line, I will be miserable.

Two fists are hard to beat four hands, and it is difficult for me to deal with a well-armed team alone.

Not to mention a group of supernatural beings.

The chances of winning are not great, even if you can barely escape by then, the risk will be too great.

"It's a bit difficult..."

I stood at the entrance of the cave, and I didn't want to go, or I didn't go.

The location that the high priest of the lizardman tribe told me is also on the island in the middle of the lake, that is, me. If I still want to lift the curse on me, I must go to the island in the middle of the lake. The alliance army is strictly controlling it, so how can I get in?
I thought about it for a long time, and I had a terrible headache.

You can't, force your way in, right?
I still have a black box that is very important to the company with me now. I didn't expect that instead of achieving my goal, I would deliver the black box that the company urgently needed to someone's door.

In that case, even if I die, I will not rest in peace.

But apart from breaking in, there seems to be no way to sneak in, right?In particular, I also hijacked one of their snipers. Under such a premise, wouldn't it be a dream to sneak in?


Thinking about it, I suddenly realized something.

Around the island in the middle of the lake, there are a large number of Allied troops stationed. The defense is indeed airtight. However, the large number of people means that they need to provide them with a large amount of supplies in terms of logistics.

On the island, there is nothing but beasts, wood, poisonous insects, and consumables such as ammunition and medical treatment, which are all transported to this island from the outside mainland by ship by ship... And this A place is already quite close to the center of the island, and there is a considerable distance from the coast.

Materials must be kept in a steady stream, and since there is material transportation, there will inevitably be loopholes in their seemingly unbreakable defense line.

"I finally found a way..."

I laughed, very happy, I don't know about other things on the island now, but I still know more or less the route of material transportation.

I still remember that when I first came to the island, the Huaxia camp I mixed into was responsible for logistics and some investigation tasks.

According to my estimation, if you go at full speed, the station is about a day's journey away from here. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is better than taking a huge risk to force your way in, right?
Thinking of this, my whole body relaxes.

Now, I have almost understood what I should understand, and I have already found the way to do it, and the rest is only to execute, and this is simply nothing for me who is alone on this island and has no worries. It couldn't be easier.

After making up my mind, I rushed towards the camp location in my memory.

After running from day to night, they finally came to the side of a muddy road opened by manpower.

This is a road that was opened up with a lot of manpower for the convenience of transporting materials. However, it may be because of the deadline for construction, this road is not smooth, there are traces of potholes everywhere, and its width is almost Just enough to accommodate an armored vehicle to pass through.

"Almost, it's here."

I reckon that I am almost at the location of that camp now, and I don't plan to go directly into that camp, because I know very well that there is an infrared sensor system around that camp, and once I get too close, I won't wait. I realized that the other party might have discovered me first.

So, after standing on the side of the road for a while, I turned and walked into the woods.

Then he dexterously climbed to the top of a towering tree near the road, picked a place with a wide view, sat down, and quietly waited for the vehicles transporting supplies to arrive.

I waited like this until midnight, and finally, from the end of the road that I could see, I saw the armored vehicles transporting supplies slowly approaching.

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