As the slight fever spread all over my body, I immediately felt indescribably comfortable. The tiredness caused by a hard day today disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, I feel that I am very energetic, and I feel like I am alive and well.

I leaned comfortably against the edge of the hot spring, feeling extremely comfortable.

But not long after, I wanted to soak for a while, but the two girls Chuchu and Keren stretched out their little hands to me, wanting to pull me up.

In the red mist, the two girls are very beautiful and lovely, but at this moment, a strange strong resistance rose in my heart against their way of pulling me up.

I just want to drive them all away and plunge myself into the depths of the hot springs, soaking and soaking forever, forever!
As soon as this idea surfaced in my heart, I immediately felt a little dazed, which was undoubtedly unreasonable, as if I was no longer me.

This made me very vigilant in my heart, and I quickly shook my head to clear my mind.

I grabbed the hands of the two girls and hurried to the shore.

After leaving the hot spring, those red sucker bugs stuck to my body soon fell down like rain, all over the ground.

These strange insects seem to be unable to survive without the hot spring.

This made me breathe a sigh of relief, but the strange thing is that after these bugs left my body, I felt a little lost, and I really wanted to continue jumping down and soak in the hot spring again.

What's this!Why does it make people feel so strange?

I always feel that this thing is not a good thing!
I quickly asked the two girls why they brought me here to soak this.

Seeing that I was in a bad mood, Chu Chu and Keren were also a little anxious, so they quickly made gestures with me.

They said that they brought me here because this thing can make people stronger. This hot spring is a very noble thing in their tribe. In the past, only the elders with the highest status were eligible to come. It is said that if you soak all the year round, you can Enhance physical fitness and prolong life.

I couldn't help but nod slightly when I heard this, this thing should really have the effect of strengthening the body.

But it seems that people can't live without this hot spring, which is very bad.

My intuition tells me that it is better not to get too involved with this stuff.

I quickly took Chuchu and Keren away from this weird place.

It was already dark now, we did not go back to the tribe, but chose to spend the night in the nearby woods.

That night, I did feel that I had extra energy and strength, but I didn't sleep very well that night.

Because this forest is not far from the exterminated tribe, sometimes a gust of wind would bring an unpleasant stench.

This is indeed my mistake.

In addition, some things that happened during the day kept flashing in my mind, which made me feel a little complicated.

I found two outsiders in those rotting corpses!Although they have changed beyond recognition, I can't recognize if they are my colleagues, but even if they are not, they are victims of the same cruise ship as us.

This makes me inevitably depressed.

However, I thought again, Chuchu said that there are many outsiders captured by their tribe, and now only two bodies have been found, what about the others, are they still alive?

Among these people, there is a girl named Wang Wen, who is still good friends with Qian Ke...

After two days in the jungle, we finally returned.

During the few days when I left, nothing major happened to Xiao Qing and the others, so there was nothing to talk about.

At this time, we have basically dealt with all the trivial matters in our hands. I can't wait to take the girls and start a new round of sailing plans!

Amidst our hard work and busyness, time has turned fast, and more than ten days have passed by in a flash.

This time there were many more people, and we made the boat more than double the size of last time.

But because of the fact that we have already built boats, and because of the new labor force, the construction of our bamboo rafts went very smoothly this time.It took less than thirteen days, and the new ship has been fully formed!

This morning, the water forest near the tiankeng was full of rivers and rivers. We directly pushed the new boat up, rowed the boat together, and went down the river towards the sea.

In order to prevent what happened last time, I decided to go out to sea with them this time. If there is no problem, I will jump into the sea and swim back by myself.

Of course, this time I will not stay on the deserted island alone again, because Chuchu and Keke are not going to leave, they have no idea about the outside world, and they hope to stay and follow me as the master.

"Brother Zhang, otherwise, I won't leave, I also want to be with you..."

Seeing our ship getting closer and closer to the sea, Xiaomeng cried suddenly, and hugged me tightly with tears in his eyes.

The little girl is still so heart-warming, but I can't let her stay, "Stupid woman, you will only become my burden if you stay, you'd better go to the outside world and wait for me beautifully!"

Xiao Qing looked at me from the side, pinching the corners of her clothes with her hands, her eyes were also red, but her pride prevented her from saying anything to me.

Song Qi also kept wiping away her tears.

This time, Qian Ke didn't want to leave as much as the first time. She sat in the stern of the boat, staring at the forest on the water that was constantly receding around her.

The landscape around us at this moment is truly picturesque.

But none of us are happy.

Of course, Zhao Yuanyuan and Du Xiaohui were quite happy, even a little excited.But I don't blame them.The time I had with them was short, and they were afraid of me, and they must not have been as close as other women.

Soon, our raft finally came to the sea. With the force of the river flowing into the sea, we paddled crazily, and the bamboo raft floated into the sea like a fast arrow.

With the help of the offshore wind, the bamboo raft moved faster and faster, moving towards the blue sea.

The road was calm and calm, and soon we were almost at the distance from the last accident, and my heart was so nervous that it almost jumped out.

Can we succeed this time?

As time goes by, nothing happens!

It made me feel both happy and depressed.

Happily, the bamboo raft can really leave, and the strange thing like last time did not happen.

The sad thing is that Xiao Qing and Xiaomeng are finally leaving, and my heart is full of reluctance!

I called Xiao Qing, Xiaomeng and Qian Ke to my side. Amidst their screams, I spread my arms and hugged all three of them tightly in my arms.

Surprisingly, this time Xiao Qing didn't resist, nor scolded me, but tears fell like rain.

"Goodbye, my lovely girls!"

I shouted loudly, turned around and wanted to jump off the bamboo raft.

But at this moment, an accident that none of us had thought of happened again!

Xiao Qing suddenly held my hand tightly, and said in a trembling voice, "Zhang Qi, you... Look, what is that!"

What shocked and puzzled me was that Xiao Qing's voice was full of surprise and excitement.

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