Fortunately, Chuchu and Keren have no objection to me wearing this, because in their education, the master's interests are above all else, and slavery is dominant among the aborigines.

Chuchu and Keren have never been less instilled in this idea of ​​absolute obedience to their master since childhood.

Under such a background, I took Chu Chu and Keren to the depths of the deserted island.

This is my first time going deeper into the desert island.

In the past, Xi'er always warned me not to go deep into the desert island, because it was extremely dangerous inside.

At that time, I still didn't take it seriously, but this time I followed this pair of sisters, and I really understood Qian'er's good intentions.

The depths of this fucking deserted island is really not a place for people to stay!

First of all, I hardly know the plants here, but after careful observation, I made a discovery that shocked me!
The plants in the depths of this deserted island are very close to the Pleistocene period 3 years ago in terms of morphological characteristics.

At that time, the ancestors of human beings just appeared, in fact, not only human beings, but many animals and plants living around us today, gymnosperms, angiosperms, insects, molluscs, birds, etc. have already appeared, but they are different from today The animals and plants are very different.

Simply put, all the plants on this desert island are very old and primitive!

This seems to be similar to the Australian continent, which retains many ancient creatures, but the difference is that the Australian mainland is far less dangerous than here!

In this forest, those patches of colorful giant mosses, the occasional seven-color python poking out its head, strange-shaped insects, giant leeches as thick and thin as snakes, and spiders the size of human heads are all killers!
Chuchu and Keren are two native savages, although they are light and soft and beautiful like flowers, they feel like a fish in water in this forest, swimming easily like an ape, even better than me up some.

In this way, after going through many dangers, I took this pair of sisters and walked in the forest for a day, and finally came to a valley where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

A day seems to be very long, but because the forest is very dangerous, we actually walk very slowly, and often have to detour, but the actual distance is not too far.

This island is no better than the outside, and you can also take a car.

At this moment, the valley in front of us made me feel a little dazed, but under the cover of the beautiful flowers and plants, the ancient and brutal buildings in the valley were faintly revealed, giving people a sense of barbarism and mystery!
After coming to the desert island for so long, I finally really came to such a savage tribe.

Perhaps, I shouldn't call them savages. Although these guys are backward in civilization and their social system is still slavery, they have indeed created a culture that amazes me.

Of course, I'm used to calling these people savages now, and I'm afraid I won't be able to change it for a while.

While thinking this way, I couldn't help but picked up the binoculars and looked into the valley. After observing for a long time and found that there was no danger, I brought the two sisters Chuchu and Keren to the valley.

At this moment, the valley was already in ruins, many buildings were burned down, and dead bodies were scattered all over the ground. Perhaps because the wild people had a strong and effective way to expel wild beasts, their corpses stayed here for so long, and no scavengers came. peck.

This makes the valley at this moment full of disgusting stench. At this moment, I really seem to have come to hell on earth!

Even if those scenes are described in detail, those who listen to them will probably be so disgusted that they can't eat.

Seeing this scene, Chuchu and Keren's pretty faces were snow-white, and the two couldn't help crying.

After all, this is their former home.

I hugged the two of them comfortingly, wiped away their tears, and then got up and walked deep into the tribe. It didn't take long before we came to their former house.

The two of them used to be maidservants of the gods, and their status in the tribe was pretty good, and they lived in a luxurious house with two floors.

In the end we found their mother's body on the observation deck on the second floor.

It's already rotted to the point where it doesn't look good, and it's uncomfortable for those looking at the picture.

Keren fainted on the spot.

Chuchu, the older sister, endured the pain and begged me to help her bury her mother with tears.

Originally, I wanted Chuchu to take care of her sister, so I just left it to me, but Chuchu insisted on burying her mother, so I had no choice but to help.

This girl is so poor and strong.

After burying the old man, Chuchu took care of my younger sister at home, while I turned around and walked towards the deepest part of the tribe.

I just saw it with a telescope when I was outside. In this valley, there is a four-story towering stone building. Chu Chu said that it is a temple in the tribe, a symbol of power and status.

This made me very curious in my heart, wanting to see what is mysterious about this savage temple.

However, before I went, Chu Chu held my hand tightly and told me that there was a ground door behind the temple, which I must never open, let alone enter!

I vaguely guessed that maybe behind the gate of the ground is the so-called holy land that the savages talk about!
It was a deadly place fraught with danger.

It is said that every savage man needs to go in to experience life and death when he becomes an adult.

Xi'er also told me that there is a huge horror buried in that place, even if the savages themselves, even if they have come out of it alive, they will be in awe of it for the rest of their lives.

Of course, perhaps this is one of the reasons why wildlings are so devout to their gods.

Thinking like this from the bottom of my heart, it didn't take long for me to enter the hall of the stone temple. This hall is very spacious, and everything inside is carved from huge stones.

There is a statue of a god with a strange style standing in the center of the hall. The stone statue is carved with an eyeball, giving people a feeling of spooky horror.

It is said that this depicts the eyes of the god Lu, which means that Lu is watching you!
And after entering through the side door of the hall, through a winding dark corridor, I came to the residence of the wildling priests.

Of course, there was no one here anymore, only the clothes of some savages in the yard were still blowing in the wind.

But when I looked carefully at the clothes hanging in the yard, I couldn't help being surprised in my heart, and felt a little confused.

Because I suddenly saw that among the clothes hanging out, there was a modern attire. It was a white shirt with a cute rabbit pattern printed on it.

I am so familiar with this shirt, it belongs to Qin Xiaolian!
This dress is from Armani, it costs thousands of dollars, and I bought it for her back then!

Why are her clothes here?
Last time I killed Liu Hui in the woods, Qin Xiaolian and Sun Hu ran away, and later Sun Hu was also killed by me, I thought this woman was dead long ago, unexpectedly, I found her body here again trace.

she is still alive?Or has already been killed by wild people?

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