"Okay, then I'll take it."

After putting the cash in my pocket, I pointed to the outside of the alley: "I saw the patrols when I came here just now, but there were not many of them."

"The top priority, with your cooperation, I will help me find a supernatural being who can control water."

"You want to..." Feng Han hesitated.

"kill him."

After finishing speaking, I stood up, followed the corner of the alley, and climbed over to the courtyard of a family with ease.

In the yard, there are still clothes hanging on the wires supported by two bamboo poles.

This is what I need.

Pretending to be an ordinary person is better than pretending to be a tramp, at least it can attract less attention from some people.

"Feel sorry."

After I picked two sets of clothes from the bamboo pole, I took out the cash that Feng Hangang gave me, took out five of them, pressed them with stones and placed them under the bamboo pole.

Buying is better than stealing.

Back in the alley, I threw my clothes to Feng Han, and after the two of us quickly changed our clothes, we walked out of the alley slowly, and it was already seven o'clock in the morning bell.

There are also more pedestrians on the street.

Everything looked so harmonious, but the patrols interspersed in the crowd were always a bit dazzling.

"take it easy."

I whispered to Feng Han.

This guy looked like a frightened bird at first sight, and he couldn't help shaking, breaking out in cold sweat. Seeing that look, I couldn't help but sweat for him.

If the patrol detects something unusual, I'm afraid neither of us will be able to get away.

I asked him to help me, not to trouble me.

Of course, I'm not as nervous as Feng Han. I've traveled all over the years, and I haven't seen any kind of battle. This kind of battle is nothing more than a child's play to me.

"I'll try my best..." Feng Han clenched his fists, lowered his head, and silently followed behind me.

As for me, I walked into the small shop on the side, bought two packs of cigarettes, and lit one naturally before I went out. When I gave Feng Han a cigarette, the guy's hand was shaking when he took the cigarette.


I took out the lighter and lit the cigarette for this guy. After seeing him take a deep puff and calm down, I felt a little relieved.

Then I took him into the crowd, and walked in front of the patrols majestically.

Those people did not notice the abnormality.

From the corner of my eye, I glanced at the members of the patrol team. Everyone is equipped with sophisticated equipment, which is specially used to deal with supernatural beings. Fortunately, they were not discovered, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Fortunately, this place is not so strictly monitored by the suburban patrol team after all.

After going around a circle and coming to a place where there were no patrols, Feng Han and I came to a small restaurant. For many days, we didn't even have a full meal, and we were already hungry.

The world is big, and the food is the biggest.

Even if there is a sea of ​​blood to avenge, I can't go hungry to seek revenge.

"Yo, where are you two from?"

After ordering, the waiter greeted us with a smile.

"Jiang Yuan." I replied casually.

"Hey, these days, I have come all the way here. I must have something urgent to do, right? Well, I really have the guts." The waiter turned around and walked away while smiling.

It didn't take long for a sumptuous meal to be served on the table.

The aroma penetrated into my nostrils along with the steaming heat, causing people to twitch their index fingers. Apart from anything else, they just picked up the chopsticks and devoured it.

Full of wine and food.

After paying the money, I took Feng Han, went out, took a taxi, and went straight to the development zone of the city.

"Development zone?"

When he heard that the two of us were going to the development zone, the driver was in a bad mood, and looked at the two of us with extremely surprised eyes: "Do you know that place is very dangerous now?"


I raised my eyebrows, pretending I didn't know anything.

"You young people." The driver shook his head helplessly, and began to explain to us: "The development zone has been shut down now, and the reason is that many construction workers there have become supernatural beings. The One-Man Authority started a cleanup plan for that area a few months ago."

"But the effect is not very good."

"After all, there are quite a lot of supernatural beings there. Although the people from the Supernatural Management Bureau are not bad, there is still no way to take that place in a short time."

"So, the superiors moved out all the other people there."

"Since this period of time, except for the supernatural beings, it can almost be called no man's land. When someone passed by there last night, they could still see the battle between the supernatural beings. It is said It’s amazing to say that they beat each of them like a god.”

Hearing this, Feng Han and I looked at each other and then smiled: "Then we have to go see it."

"Knowledge? Are you crazy?"

After the corner of the driver's mouth twitched a few times, he looked at us with hatred and said, "Young people are hot-blooded and vigorous, I understand, but you can't do it like this? Ordinary people, who would dare to intervene among supernatural beings? They will move their hands Finger, we can't even save our lives."

"I told you so much just now, just to advise you not to go there."

"Don't be like those Internet celebrities, just run wherever you have something to do, for a little money, you will lose your life..."

"Cough cough."

I cleared my throat, waved my hands and said, "It's okay, Master, just send us to that place."

"That's fine."

Seeing that I had made up my mind to go, the driver stopped meddling in my own business, and after saying hello, he let the two of us get in the car.

Before that, I had seen the details of that bastard.

The area where he is currently performing tasks is in the development zone of the city. The city is in a developing area, and the development zone in the northern suburbs is the largest, and the place where we enter the urban area is at the southernmost end.

One south and one north, across the entire urban area.

After spending half a day, we finally arrived at this economic development zone. There are high-rise buildings under construction everywhere, and horizontal barriers separate each construction site, but that is already the view from the other end of the bridge.

"I can only send you here, and you have to walk the rest of the way by yourself. Remember, be careful, and don't risk your life just to see something you shouldn't see."


After paying the fare, we stood at one end of the bridge, and Feng Han pointed to the other end of the bridge and asked, "It's such a big place, and there are only two of us, how can we find the person you're looking for?"

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