It wasn't until this time that I realized that there were deep contradictions in this team.

The original team of five people immediately divided into three groups.

A group of Zhao brothers.

Zhang Hu and Zhou Haomin are in a group, while I am in a group alone.

Originally Zhou Haoming wanted to follow me, but I politely declined his kindness, because the fewer people I have to do, the better, and more people will only add to my burden.

And, in this team, the only person I trust is myself.

Asking me to trust others to form a team together is simply a joke.

After crossing the gap with the help of Zhang Hu's ability, a group of us parted ways, and I pursued in a straight line, while the others outflanked from the left and right wings respectively.

There is no doubt that the straight line distance between two points is the shortest.

The distance I need to travel is the least, and in terms of speed alone, I am definitely the fastest in this team.


I glanced at the detection radar in my hand, put it in my pocket, and then, relying on myself, my keen sense of smell followed the guidance of the blood, and quickly chased in the direction where the supernatural person disappeared.

In the dense jungle, it is extremely difficult to find the trace of a person.

However, this kind of thing is much easier for me. Soon, I saw that figure hurriedly shuttling through the woods.

And the other party also keenly discovered my existence.

"Go away!"

The moment the opponent found me, he immediately launched an offensive without saying a word. Because the distance between us was too close, he always thought that I was just within the control range of his mind.

The moment this guy got angry, I immediately felt my body float up uncontrollably, and then slammed hard on the tree beside me.

The strength was so great that it directly left a trace of a human figure on the thick trunk.

As for myself, I felt that my internal organs were about to be knocked out of place.

so fierce?

I chanted silently, and couldn't help but gasped. After falling from the tree, I staggered up and felt that the injured internal organs were being repaired quickly, and then I refocused on the person not far away. .

"You lackeys of the Ability Management Bureau, what are you doing pestering me! I have a fucking life of my own, so why should I work for you!"

The disheveled guy in front of me seemed to have lost his mind in anger, and looked at me with hatred in his eyes. With a wave of his hands, the countless dead branches and leaves in front of me, as well as the towering trees around him, shook.

"I'm not here to catch you..."

Admittedly, I was careless.

I imagined this person's ability too simply, so that I was caught off guard at this moment. When everything around me rushed towards me, I didn't even know how to block it.

There is no escape.

I can only helplessly let myself be buried by those messy things.

Before I finished speaking, there was only darkness in front of my eyes.

All I could feel was the tremendous pressure coming from all directions around me.

The sense of suffocation kept coming to me.

The whole person felt extremely uncomfortable, but fortunately, it was not enough to kill me. Just a few minutes later, I suddenly felt the pressure on my body lighten. Those heavy objects were cut to pieces.

After crawling out of the grave made of dirt and big trees in some embarrassment, I patted the dirt on my body and chased after it again.

It's only been a few minutes, that guy shouldn't have run too far.

The result did not exceed my expectations. At this time, the guy with disheveled hair had just run to the top of the hill.


Seeing that guy will use his ability again.

I was also unambiguous, bursting out with the greatest strength I could use, and rushed towards that guy. When I entered within 20 meters of his body, I felt that the surrounding air seemed to condense into substance. Every step forward has to endure great resistance.

But I knew I had to calm this guy down first, or there would be no talk at all.

The distance between us shortened rapidly, and my steps became extremely difficult. The pressure on my whole body squeezed every inch of my skin, my internal organs were overwhelmed, and blood flowed from my nostrils.

"Go any further and you will die!"

As soon as I looked up, I could see that guy's ferocious face, but at this moment, I still couldn't forget to squeeze out a smile: "I'm not here to catch you, I need your help, and if you promise, I can even help you." You run away."

"I will believe you lackeys of the Ability Management Bureau?" The person in front of me was stunned for a moment when he heard my words. It could be seen that he was a little tempted by the conditions I proposed, but he was vigilant and did not choose to believe immediately. .

"running dog?"

I sneered, and perfectly expressed my attitude towards the Ability Management Bureau: "I only found out about such an organization yesterday, and then I was forced to come here. Do you think I will be their lackey?"

The man didn't speak.

But I can feel that the oppressive feeling around me has been reduced by more than half, and the whole person has become a little more relaxed: "Why should I trust you?"

After a while, he was tempted.

"Because you have no choice." I smiled lightly.

I have read his information. He has been targeted by the Ability Management Bureau for a while. Although the Skills Management Bureau has sent people to arrest him several times, they all ended in failure.

He didn't kill anyone, he just drove away those who came to arrest him time and time again.

He was also a good citizen before he became a supernatural being.

What should have been a smooth future, but the sky failed, and the heavy rain changed everything about him.

And who has dealt with the Ability Administration so many times, he must also know that the Ability Administration will not give up until he is arrested for a day, and he alone has no way to have thousands of people under his command. Fighting against the Ability Management Bureau of the No.

You can escape the first day of junior high school, but you can't escape the fifteenth day.

Now that he was almost at the end of his rope, he knew very well that he needed a chance to escape.

And I just happened to catch his desire to escape.

"I believe you."

As his voice fell, the gravitational force on my body disappeared, and I also retracted my sharp claws, and relaxed my bones that had been numb from the pressure all over my body.

"But, how do you help me escape?"

"I'm telling you now, is there still a need for us to cooperate?" I smiled slightly, and I didn't blush when I lied.

There's really nothing I can do to help him.

But he is of great use value to me!

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