"sorry to bother you."

Now that I have made a decision, I am not in a hurry to go with that woman. I glanced at the worried Dr. Chen and walked up to him in a few steps.

Although there is a little friendship between us, but he has done enough for me.

When I disappeared for a year and was charged with treason.

He can still help me and my close relatives as always, and I really feel very satisfied: "Doctor, I have a heartfelt request..."

"Tell me." Dr. Chen looked at me with guilt in his eyes.

"Tell Xiao Qing and the others for me that I'm fine. I'll go back and visit them after I finish what I have to do." I looked at Dr. Chen very calmly, and the gray-haired old man slowly nodded nodded.

"Okay, I promise you, I will tell them personally."


I smiled and nodded, pretending to be relaxed, and strode out the door, but just as I was about to kick the door, I suddenly heard Dr. Chen behind me say, "Sorry."

I stopped.

Turning around, I looked at the white-haired old man standing not far away: "You have done enough, I will remember this kindness."

However, after hearing what I said, Dr. Chen shook his head: "What kind of kindness is there? At the beginning, I was the one who got you involved, and now I am responsible for this situation."

"Do not blame you."

I smiled heartily and strode out the door.

Half of what Dr. Chen said is correct. If it wasn't for him, I would never have been able to get in touch with the secret organization in China, Li Xin.

Besides, the reason why I have come to this point is entirely because of the damn curse on myself.

No matter how bad the situation is, no matter how bad it is, Dr. Chen cannot be blamed.

Walking out of the gate of the laboratory, I looked around and saw more than a dozen heavily armed personnel in this empty square, standing by at any time.

And that woman was standing at the forefront of the dozen or so people.


I grinned. If I refused just now, I am afraid that the current situation will definitely not be much better. From my shallow understanding of the Ability Management Bureau, I can probably guess that the dozen or so people in front of me, plus The woman in front of her is probably a supernatural person with special abilities.

It shouldn't be a big problem to kill me, not to mention cutting me into thousands of pieces.


Of course, the premise is that the damn consciousness in my body will not occupy my body again, otherwise, it's hard to say what the result will be.

"Come with us." The woman waved to me after glancing at me lightly.

Then, just like before, I walked towards the distance on my own, and I took a look, and none of the dozen or so people lined up in a row was familiar to me, no, no!There is an acquaintance of mine in it!
My eyes fell on the man standing at the end of the line.

On Fangzheng's face, there was a shocking scar.

Tiger Team, All People Zhang Hu, that's him!
My pupils shrank slightly. I underestimated this guy before, and suffered from carelessness. I had to take that bullet and was taken to this ghost place!
He is also a supernatural being.

Moreover, the ability is not weak, just with my reaction ability that surpasses ordinary people, I can control me before I can react...

However, what surprised me the most was not Zhang Hu.

In this team, there are more than a dozen supernatural beings. If their abilities are as powerful as Zhang Hu's, then at this time, a few people are simply rare combat power. Even if they are not invincible, they are absolutely not weak...


Just when I was about to follow that woman, I suddenly noticed that Zhang Hu, who was standing in the middle of the line, made a counting gesture to me with a middle finger.

Internationally accepted.

Even if I don't use my brain, I know exactly what the gesture means.

I couldn't help frowning, it wasn't because I felt that I was insulted in terms of personality, but more importantly, I was really a little confused, although Zhang Hu and I stood in different positions before, and then fought, but……

But to be honest, I can still see something from the way that guy looked at me before.

Especially hate me.

It was as if there was some mortal hatred between the two of us, but I don't think he is a fool. If he put it in my position at the time, he would probably do the same thing as me.

However, what is really unclear is that this guy actually wants to kill me a little bit, is it necessary?

I couldn't help shaking my head, and then gave him the same gesture in return.


After seeing my gesture, this guy spit on the ground very unhappy, but I turned my head and left without paying attention. Anyway, I will definitely stay in the Ability Management Bureau for the next period of time , since he is also serving in the Ability Management Bureau.

Then there must be a meeting between us.

There is a lot of time to deal with bad things, so let's take one step at a time.

Following the woman slowly through several trails, I suddenly realized that the Hunting Blade base was a little different from when I came here before, with a larger scale, a wider area, and more buildings in it. Like the square in front of me, it should have been opened up recently.

Because the slate on the ground is still very clean.

"The Ability Management Bureau has not been established for a long time, because it was established in response to the current sudden situation in the country, so there are some things that can only be borrowed temporarily for use, such as the venues you see now , It was originally used to train special forces, but because our priority is higher, this place is ours now."

"If you join us, you can enjoy all our privileges."

"These privileges are top-notch in the entire base. You can transfer all the materials, equipment, funds, manpower and material resources, provided that you must solve the new troubles."

"Before you came here, I have done a very detailed investigation on you."

"I think that there should be no one in China who knows you better than me. You are one of the earliest reformers. In terms of ability, you can barely be considered average. If you follow the current evaluation rules, you should be able to rank B. "

"It's not bad, but your abilities in other aspects can even be rated as S!"

"It's precisely because of this, it just so happens that we have a task to entrust to you"

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