Living on a deserted island, the cold female president regards me as king

Chapter 1278: The son wants to be filial but the relative does not wait

Grabbed away.

The moment these two words sounded in my ears, countless pictures suddenly appeared in my mind, especially the scene I saw and heard last night.


I have to bear it.

I have just returned to my bones from thousands of miles away. I accidentally understand the current situation in China, and I can't accomplish anything with my heart full of anger.

I took a few deep breaths one after another, finally suppressing the anger in my heart.

Seeing that my hands had returned to their original shape, Xiao Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief. She forced a smile, took my arm again, and then pressed the down button of the elevator.

After reaching the first floor, Xiao Qing took a deep breath and led me out in big strides.

"This elevator is out of service, no one is allowed to enter again, understand?" As soon as he got out of the elevator, Xiao Zuo gave instructions to the staff next to the elevator.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao."

The staff member nodded, but what followed was a curious look at me.

Not only him, dozens of people coming and going in the hall on the first floor, seeing Xiao Qing staying with me and showing a very intimate gesture, they all froze in place, like dumb heads Like a goose, I can't get back to my senses for a long time.

No one would have imagined that the president of the dignified Xiao Group would show such a gesture to a beggar covered in stench.

"Oh my god, what happened to Mr. Xiao? What happened to the beggar? Could it be that I was blind just now, damn it."

"Who knows, maybe Mr. Xiao just likes this one."

"You fart!"

The people behind were talking about it, but Xiao Qing didn't care about what those people thought, and I was all focused on my old father now.

My dad had such a serious accident, but I, the son, was thousands of miles away, and I couldn't make it back until now.

Is this my filial piety?

How did I become a son?

I hate myself for being incompetent, and at the same time, an extremely strong hatred is secretly brewing in my heart, that supernatural person!
The superhuman who hurt my dad!
I want him to die!

No one can understand my current mood, no one, I sat on the co-pilot of Xiao Qing's car, turned my head sideways to look out of the car window, and quickly looked at the feasting lights passing by behind me, finally suppressing the anger rising in my heart.

Half an hour later, Xiao Qing took me to a high-end shopping mall.

In the same way, I, who was dressed in a weird way, and Xiao Qing, who was fair, beautiful and long-legged, once again attracted the attention of countless people.

After picking out a few sets of high-end suits, I made gestures and found that they almost fit, Xiao Qing took me to the hotel again.

Deluxe room.

Entering the house, I don't need her to say, I also know what I should do.

After washing and shaving off the stubble, I looked at myself in the mirror. The person in front of me looked familiar and strange at the same time. Every corner of the face revealed countless vicissitudes. It was much deeper before.

"it's me."

I was a little dazed watching it, and it took me a long time to slowly come back to my senses.

With a slight movement in my mind, I looked at myself in the mirror and slowly pushed my ability. A familiar heat surged all over my body, the skin in front of the palms of my left and right hands cracked, and the pitch-black scaly claws quickly emerge from the hands.

But gradually, things started to look a little different.

I clearly remember that just after my body mutated last time, I started to have such a pair of sharp claws, but only the hands changed.

But now, this change has become insignificant.

The me in the mirror, under my gaze, began to grow taller, and became a normal person, more than twice the size. If I hadn't lowered my head at this time, my head would have pierced the ceiling.


I opened my mouth and looked at the muscular monster in the mirror that was covered with fine black parts from the hands to the back, with several bone spurs protruding from the spine, and yelled softly.

The hoarse voice hit my soul.

It reminded me of a dream I had a long time ago: In the dream, I was tied to the altar, and a monster appeared dimly in front of me.

If I remember correctly, my current appearance is somewhat similar to that monster in the dream.

No, almost to the point of being exactly the same.

I slowly swallowed my saliva, and I can roughly guess it in my heart——When my body is completely transformed into the appearance of the monster in my dream, what awaits me is probably the result of my body being completely occupied up.



Suddenly I asked myself again, I asked myself, I don't seem to be very scared, I just don't want to disappear from this world.

I want to live my life smoothly and steadily like an ordinary person. I don't know when I will get this luxury.

"Zhang Qi?"

Maybe it was because I stayed in the bathroom for too long, I vaguely heard Xiao Qing calling me from outside, and then I came back to my senses, faded my ability, and then got up and walked outside.


I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out of the bathroom.

But as soon as I went out, what I saw was Xiao Qing who was half-covered in her clothes, lying on her side on the bed, every inch of her skin fiercely showing her feminine beauty.

I think that with my own life, it is impossible for any man to be able to control himself at this time.

And I am naturally no exception, not to mention this woman is the one I miss day and night.

The heat surged through my blood vessels, and my breathing gradually became short of breath.

Xiao Qing tugged on her thin blouse unskillfully, revealing her fragrant shoulders as white as jade: "I think..."

Before she could finish speaking, I had already pounced on her.

I don't know if it's for catharsis or for something else, I squeezed it in my heart, and released a lot of negative emotions at this moment.

Coupled with my extraordinary physique, it took several hours before I was satisfied.

After the end, I was refreshed, and my anxious emotions were relieved a lot, while Xiao Qing, whose bones were tossed by me who was strong and strong, had been cut off and fell apart, and finally regained her strength. We mean Putting on each other's clothes, they walked out of the hotel slowly.

Although we didn't say too many nasty love words, everything was in the air.

She's here, and I'm here, and that's enough.

Putting on a brand-new suit and tidying up myself, I feel like a different person. From the reflection on the glass wall of the hotel, coupled with a beauty like Xiao Qing, I really have a net worth of over [-] million The feeling of the big boss.

"So handsome." Xiao Qing couldn't help but praise.

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