I vaguely remember that after I was admitted to university, I left the village where I was born and raised in the same way. It’s just that so many years have passed, and everything has long since changed.

Sitting in the last seat of the van, I kept looking out the window with my head sideways.

The small mountain village where I first met was getting farther and farther away from me, and the old couple who met by chance but treated me kindly also gradually disappeared from my thoughts.

Some people are destined to be just passers-by in my life.

This farewell is forever, but their kindness to me has always been engraved in my heart.

Holding the scattered 200 yuan in my hand, I felt a kind of weight.


Five hours later, the van finally drove from the mountain road onto the spacious and open asphalt road. I didn't see the traces of the city until the afternoon.

Judging by the size of this suburb, it should be a moderate urban area.

I sniffed, and it was only at this moment that I suddenly remembered that when I was in Jinsheng, my consciousness was disconnected from my body, and when I woke up, I was already in the deep mountains and old forests.

Good guy, it seems that during the time when my consciousness lost contact with my body, I have been running a lot...

"Master, where are we going?"


After getting the response, I nodded and thought in my heart: Chengjiang is the closest city to the capital, but it is at least a few hundred kilometers away.

Coincidentally, after entering the urban area, it hit the peak period.

After being stuck in traffic for several hours, the van pulled into the local bus station.

After getting out of the car, I took a deep breath, and walked out, looking at the neon lights flashing red and green streets, I couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in my heart.

If possible, now I really want to spend the rest of my life in a normal way.


"Hey, young man, do you want to stay? Not much, 50 yuan a night!" Before I could recover, an aunt on the side of the road came up to me with a wicked smile.

"No need." I shook my head politely.

Seeing this, the aunt looked me up and down, with a slight look of disdain on her face, but she still didn't give up and said: "Young man, you don't understand now, there are special services here..."

I couldn't help but laugh.

The last time I heard this familiar routine of soliciting customers was probably many years ago. I was still a hard-working wage earner and I heard it when I was on a business trip.


I waved my hand and walked towards the restaurant not far from the station.


Although the curse has brought me many powerful abilities, to maintain these abilities, I have to consume more energy than ordinary people. In layman's terms, that is to eat more things. Those steamed buns and pickles last night, For me, it's just a padded stomach, barely stuffed between the teeth.

Now I am already starving.

People are like iron, and food is like steel. If I don’t eat a meal, I will feel hungry. Even if I have any plans in the future, I have to fill my stomach first.

It is already evening now, and there are not many people at the station, so the restaurant is relatively deserted.

After sitting in, I weighed the money in my pocket, and first ordered two bowls of fried noodles.

"Okay, wait a moment."

After paying the money, I randomly picked an empty seat and sat down, turning my head to look at the LCD TV hanging on the wall.

I have been away for too long, and now I am really moved by everything I see, including this ordinary TV, which I have not seen for many years...

The TV is broadcasting today's evening news.

In the past, apart from major national events, the content of the news would be policies, people's livelihood and so on, but now due to the emergence of a large number of supernatural beings, the content of TV news has become a little different.

"Today, there was another attack by a supernatural person at Chengjiang Power Plant."

"Currently, this case has been taken over by the Ability Management Bureau. After a preliminary investigation, the identity of the suspect has been confirmed, and his arrest warrant has been placed on the list of criminals with abilities."

"If an insider provides clues, he will be rewarded generously..."

A supernatural attack?
Looking at the pictures of the destroyed power plant in the news, I couldn't help shaking my head. In the past, the technology related to human transformation was something that countries and forces all over the world wanted to grab even if they were really bloody.

No matter which faction it is, they all want to develop a large number of powerful supernatural beings for their own use.

However, under the constraints of many conditions, the yield rate of supernatural beings is extremely low.

Moreover, the capabilities of certain products are so weak that they are useless at all. Therefore, these are generally regarded as cutting-edge weapons and only appear under the strict control of the user.

But now it's different.

The heavy rain caused by the nuclear explosion led to the emergence of a large number of supernatural beings all over the world, and there must be many lucky ones who have obtained powerful abilities.

In front of them, those who want to control them do not have the power to overwhelm them.

When the power is strong enough to crush the rules of the real society, everything will appear insignificant, such as the news I have seen now, if ordinary people commit crimes, I am afraid it will not take long. got caught.

But now, he destroyed the power plant openly, but no one can do anything about him.


In my opinion, this arrest warrant is nothing more than a joke, so what if you are wanted?

If the supernatural person who committed the crime knew that he was wanted, even if someone ran into him by chance, he would probably be killed.



That thing even dared to destroy the government's power plant openly and aboveboard. Does it still care about killing a person?
I sighed again and shook my head.

After staying for a moment on the bust of the human face with azure blue skin covered with white patterns, he took his gaze back.


"Your face."

Soon, the steaming noodles with fried sauce were delivered to me. The tangy aroma aroused my appetite, so I grabbed my chopsticks and ate it up in two or three strokes.

hot?No, I just feel fragrant.

"Two more bowls."

At this moment, the picture broadcast on TV suddenly changed, and what I was looking at had indeed become the existing wanted list.

As the photos on the most wanted list appeared one by one, I saw a familiar figure in it, and my pupils shrank suddenly.

Not for anything else.

Because the person in this photo is me!
Seeing my surprised expression, the waiter couldn't help but also looked up at the TV overhead, frowned and looked at me again.

"That looks a lot like me, doesn't it?" I shrugged, half-jokingly.

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