
When you opened the door of the house, an old man about 60 or [-] years old rushed out of the house. He came out aggressively, raised the crutch in his hand, came to me, and kept nodding my head with the crutch in his hand.

"Young man, you can't do sneaky things, you will send yourself in like this."

The old man spoke with a unique local accent, poked my head with the crutch in his hand, and told me.

"Excuse me."

I could have escaped with my own abilities, but Naihe felt ashamed, scratched his head involuntarily, and said to the old man: "I was originally here to travel in the mountains, but I accidentally got separated from my companions." Yes, I finally walked out of the mountain, I just want to get some clothes to cover myself..."

Hearing my words, most of the old man's anger dissipated immediately, and he held the crutch in his hand and stuck it on my forehead. After a long time, he couldn't help sighing again.

"You young men!"

"My wife!"

The old man yelled into the house, and soon an old woman came out of the house. After seeing me, the old woman came forward anxiously, took some clothes from the hanger and stuffed them into my arms.

"Put it on quickly, what does it look like naked!"

"Don't bark rhubarb!"

While reprimanding me, the old woman turned her head away and reprimanded the big yellow dog squatting in the corner of the yard.

This dog is also quite human. After being scolded for a few words, he immediately shut up and stopped barking. Then, surrounded by this elderly couple, I changed my clothes and walked into their home.

In the main room, in the main room of this mud-brick house, there is a fire.

The flames kept jumping and emitting a warm light. I wrapped my clothes tightly, and squatted on the edge of the fire.

While enjoying the warmth of this moment, I couldn't help but thank the old couple who were over fifty years old: "Thank you, if it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do now."

I admit that I did lie to the old couple.

I made up my identity as a traveler who was separated from my teammates, but if I didn't say that, then it would be absolutely impossible for me to find a temporary shelter so easily.

This place can barely be regarded as my temporary residence.

In any case, I have to win the trust of this old couple for the time being, even if the way to win trust is to lie, but I have to say so.

This old couple over half a century old was sitting by the fire, and the old couple looked at me intently, as if I were their relatives in Sanjiu, seeing goose bumps all over my body.


Suddenly, after an unknown amount of time, the old man sitting on my right suddenly sighed: "If our son hadn't been taken away, he should be about the same as you."

"Catch it?"

From the casual sigh of the old man, I found out the key words.

their son, taken away.

"What's going on?" I couldn't help asking while greedily asking for warmth with the help of the fire source.

"How else can it be?"

The old man smiled bitterly, and then said to me: "The heavy rain a few months ago turned our son into a monster, and he destroyed a large area of ​​farmland in our village. We had no choice but to Neng chose to call the police, and then the police arrested him, and he hasn't come out until now."

From the old man's words, I also learned about their son's current situation.

Because of the heavy rain more than two months ago, the only son of the old couple turned into a supernatural being, and because he wantonly destroyed the crops and food in the village, the villagers had no choice but to report to the police, and finally he was given by the police. It was taken.

It has been more than two months and I still haven't been able to come back.

"You don't know, ever since my disappointing son was drenched in the rain, he has turned into a half-human, half-animal monster with such long fangs!!" Looking back, it was the same, wiping tears while showing me the length of the fangs of the monster his son transformed into.


This kind of figure has turned into a half-human, half-animal appearance, which can be regarded as one of the more common ones among the modified people I have seen.

Generally, this kind of ability to transform people only strengthens one's own strength and speed unilaterally, and also retains a certain amount of human IQ and consciousness. It only destroys some crops, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

"Our son is about the same age as you." The old man said to me while adding firewood to the fire.

"This world is not peaceful anymore, young man, although I can understand you, with a passionate and adventurous spirit, but I still advise you to stop doing what you are doing now, go home and stay for a while Well, at least we have to wait until this catastrophe is over..."

It can be seen that the old man in front of me is just a farmer, who has worked as a cow and a horse in the fields all his life.

But what I said stayed in my mind for a long, long time.

"Where did they take your son after they took it away?"

I greedily ingested the temperature of the flame, and asked curiously.

"do not know."

However, in the face of my question, the old man shook his head involuntarily: "After we called the police, they arrested our son and brought him to justice, but they didn't tell us where they locked up our son? Watch TV As I said, there are quite a few people like this who have popped up all over the country recently, and they seem to be locked up in the same place."

"the same place?"

I don't know much about the current situation in China, so when the old man said this, a lot of doubts arose in my heart.

Before I returned to China, what I learned was that China's control system for supernatural beings was very strict.

That's why, I didn't dare to reveal my identity as a supernatural being the moment I arrived in Huaxia. I originally wanted to hide my identity to reduce some troubles, but the inevitable accident still made me completely expose myself identity.

Before, I exposed my identity as a reformer in Jinsheng.

I believe that the current me has gained a certain reputation in the whole of China, after all, there were quite a few witnesses at that time.

If there is no accident, I am afraid that I have also stayed on Huaxia's most wanted list.

I took a deep breath, keeping in my heart the last expectation of the consequences of my explosive abilities, hoping that the Hunting Blade Base would notice that I had returned to China now.

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