Due to the official system in the United States, gangsters are prevalent in the United States, and Charles and I were very unlucky. When we stopped in a small city to replenish the necessities, we happened to bump into a struggle between two local gangs.

We were just across the street from the RV parking lot, but the firefight in the middle of the street completely cornered us inside the supermarket.

Charles' wife was carrying big bags and small bags, tightly guarding her two children.

Charles, who was still injured, stood in front of his wife and children without hesitation.

As for me, it seems a little idle.

I just pray silently in my heart that the struggle between these two gangs can end soon, and there is no such way that we can get on the road quickly.

On the street in front of the supermarket, there are two gangs on the left and right.

Although the siren sounded in the distance, it still couldn't stop the firepower between the two gangs. All kinds of weapons exploded in the middle of the street, and debris, iron pieces, bricks and other things flew across.

Occasionally, unfortunate passers-by will die tragically, but who will pay attention to those poor people at this time?
Soon the battle between the two sides has entered a fierce stage, because it is in the urban area, fortunately, neither side has used weapons of mass destruction, but even so, many people on both sides have been killed and injured.

The one on the left is a white gang, and the one on the right is a black gang.

As we all know, in the United States, the burden of responsibility is heavy, and it has been prevalent since the colonial period. Although it has entered the age of civilization, this kind of discrimination still exists and is extremely serious.

From this, we can see the reasons for the fighting between the two sides.


Just when I thought the battle was about to end, a bald man wearing a sweatshirt suddenly rushed out from the black camp. He was nearly two meters tall, with big muscles, and braved the hail of bullets to get close.

The moment he rushed out, I already felt abnormal.

Even if this black man is full and supporting himself, it is definitely impossible to go forward under the hail of bullets at this time, right?
Moreover, the bullets that hit him didn't seem to have any effect...

If this kind of thing happened to a person with supernatural powers, then I would think it was normal, but the gang member in front of me also possessed such abilities.

Doesn't this prove that in today's world, supernatural beings are about to become popular?
I can't help but take a deep breath.

Sure enough, the thing I was most worried about happened...

Although supernatural beings have abilities beyond ordinary people, they also have the power to break through the current human system at any time, especially when such criminals control this power, then the damage caused is devastating...

"Damn it, the other party has supernatural powers!"


There were also exclamations from the white camp.

But those people were not too flustered, because there is also a supernatural person among them!
It was a white man with a raging fire all over his body. The moment he walked out, half of the street was on fire, and the waves rushed straight to the sky. The high temperature hit my face, and I had to back away two steps.

"lean back!"

I said to Charles and his wife.


Charles nodded, and immediately returned to the supermarket with his wife, children, and children, in order to temporarily avoid the aftermath of the battle.

And I am, still standing in an inconspicuous corner of the supermarket entrance.

I rubbed my nose silently, looking at the scene in front of me, I can think of this battle with my knees, it hasn't calmed down so easily for a while...

I set my sights on the white man.

From the flames that surfaced on his body, it can be seen that his ability is related to fire. As for the black man, there are too few traces of him, so I can't quite see what kind of ability he possesses.

"Hey, slave!"

The white man who was burning with flames spoke rudely. Obviously, he didn't pay attention to the bald black man. After a few provocative words, he gently raised his right hand, and a ball of fire suddenly condensed in his palm.

"Try this!"

The black man didn't speak, but his bushy brows knit together.

When the fireball flew towards him, he immediately dodged to avoid it, but the fireball, which was originally only the size of a basketball, exploded suddenly when it was about to rush towards him.

The rain of fire was so dense that black people couldn't hide even if they wanted to.

A little bit of spark fell on his body, making a stinging sound, but I noticed carefully that those blazing flames did not cause much harm to the black man, and the flames fell on his skin very quickly. It went out, leaving only a little white spot.


I rubbed my chin, thinking that this thing has become interesting.

There are also factors of mutual restraint between the abilities of the supernatural beings?

This is something that I have never realized before, but it should be because there were not so many reinvented people in the world before. Nowadays, reinvented people are very popular, and battles between reinvented people have become common. .

The bald black man shook his arm, grabbed his burning sweatshirt, tore it off, and threw it aside.

It was from WeChat. He twisted his neck and twisted his palms.

Make a clicking sound...

The white man who was burning all over his body was also aware of the seriousness of the matter, but with the ability to regenerate him, he didn't feel much fear. Instead, he became more and more excited. The fireball that fell hit the black man.

Although this almost indiscriminate attack did not hurt the bald black man, those companions behind him suffered.

In the sea of ​​raging fire, howling and running wildly in pain and powerlessness.

But their struggle was useless. Under the fire, it didn't take long for them to be swallowed up by the flames.

"I'll smash you to pieces!"

The tragedy that happened to the companion angered the bald black man who was a supernatural being.

After he roared, he rushed towards the white man who was covered in flames recklessly. Seeing this, the white man raised one hand, and the surrounding flames spit out tongues of flames, and gathered towards him, and then It changed into a ferocious mouth, and rushed towards the black man.

Large swaths of flames fell on the black man, but unfortunately these fires could only burn his clothes.

It couldn't hurt him as a person, but left patches of white marks on his body.

In just seven or eight seconds, the black man had forcibly broken through the barrier of flames, came to the white man's side, stretched out his big hand and grabbed the white man's cap, and squeezed it hard.


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