We were packing up the supplies on the beach here, and two more women came to the camp one after another.

Seeing that there are still people alive, I am very happy from the bottom of my heart, so I decided to take these two women back.

However, these two women are relatively ordinary-looking, the kind of women who have a public face and can't be found in the crowd of shame.

To our surprise, Chen Yaoyao rummaged on the beach for a while, and found that radio device again!
Those thylacines rammed, bit and damaged a lot of things on the beach. It is our luck that this old antique was spared.

But now with the help of Liu Feng and the other two women, we can sort out the supplies much faster.It took about an hour or so, and we got all the supplies ready.

However, although the supplies were ready, I didn't set off immediately, but planned to rest on the beach for another night.

"Let's not leave in a hurry, and wait for the last day. If there are still people alive, they will probably come over. If no one comes, let's leave."

My proposal made Xi'er nod repeatedly.

It's just the girl's appearance that left me speechless. She had an expression on her face that I finally got the hang of it and wanted to pick up a few more sisters to go back.

Xi'er is still thinking about asking me to pick up a few more women to go back and have children.

Originally, when I stayed, I just did my best and didn't expect much, but what I didn't expect was that in the middle of the night, when I was sleeping soundly with my arms around Xi'er, I heard a burst of crying from outside the tent .

I went out to have a look, but saw a girl hugging Chen Yaoyao outside, crying profusely.

Upon closer inspection, this woman turned out to be that big-faced girl.

I hated this woman a bit at first, but thinking that so many people had died, it would not be easy for her to survive, so I sighed and thought about taking her back.

Of course, if this woman doesn't obey orders and doesn't work in the future, then I will definitely drive her away.

We can survive on the desert island, relying on everyone's concerted efforts, we are a team, once the bad apple appears, I can only drive it away.

So, this time, I brought back four women, plus Liu Feng, who was neither male nor female.

This number is actually a bit too much, but it is within the range I can accept.

At dawn the next day, everyone carried a package each and started heading home.

It seems that the search for survivors this time has basically come to an end here. I thought the road back would be much easier, but what I never expected was that this trip still had a huge impact. Surprise!
At noon that day, we found a safe place in the woods, lit a bonfire and started preparing lunch, but unexpectedly, at this moment, Chen Yaoyao suddenly shouted in surprise.

"Radio, connect to the radio, someone is talking inside!"

Chen Yaoyao's words made my body tremble, and I rushed to her side, and the others also rushed to the side of the radio.

We sat around Chen Yaoyao like stars, and she was holding the machine in the middle, fiddling with it non-stop.

Following her movements, the voice of the person inside the machine gradually became clearer.

"Quick... Come here!... Help me!"

However, the development of the matter is obviously completely different from what we expected. There is no outside news coming from the machine, but a woman's voice is constantly calling for help!

The place where this woman is seems to be very empty, her voice has a huge echo, mixed with some howling wind, giving people an extremely gloomy and terrifying feeling.

This strange cry for help made us all a little confused.

It was Chen Yaoyao who was the first to wake up from her stupor. She quickly picked up the old wheat and shouted, "Who are you? Where are we going to save you?"

"East...deep, underground, there is... help me!"

The voice began to be intermittent, and the answer was vague.We all felt very strange and wanted to ask more carefully, but what was weird was that, without knowing what went wrong, the person on the radio began to repeat this sentence over and over again.

This got me started to speculate a bit, did this actually connect to someone who died?

Or, in fact, we just received a wandering radio wave?

There is no woman on the opposite side!
We looked at each other, confused, and at this moment, the voice inside the machine changed again.The woman's voice suddenly became sharper, the radio waves were a little unstable, and the sizzle sound overwhelmed the woman's voice for a while, but we noticed that she seemed to be laughing.

It was a hideous shrill laugh that made one's scalp tingle!
"I finally found it, I finally found it, maidservant はここにいて..."

The woman actually yelled out a paragraph in Japanese.

Hearing what the island country said, I couldn't help but subconsciously look at Qian'er, who knows some Japanese.

And when I saw Qian'er's appearance at this moment, I couldn't help but feel a little bit wrong in my heart.

At this moment, Xi'er's pretty face was snow-white, her brows were tightly frowned, her expression was in a daze, and she froze there.

"Xian'er, what's the matter, what's the matter with you?"

I quickly put my arms around her shoulders and asked.

After hearing my comforting words, Xi'er came back to her senses. She forced a smile at me and said, "Brother Zhang, the person talking on the other side of the radio is my grandmother..."

Xi'er's words shocked me so much that I couldn't believe it.

How is this possible?
I remember Xi'er told me before that she never met her grandparents, only her father and mother.

Xi'er's grandmother was a female military officer during World War II, and Xi'er is only less than 20 years old this year.According to my calculations, Xi'er's grandmother came to the deserted island when she was around 20 years old, and she gave birth to Qian'er's father when she was almost 40 years old. Son.

In other words, when Xi'er started to remember things, her grandmother was about 80 years old.

Even if Xi'er had really heard her grandmother's voice, it would never be the young voice on the radio!

"Xie'er, this isn't right, you must have made a mistake."

I touched Xi'er's forehead and felt that she was not in the right state. Is there something weird about this radio wave?
The woman's eerie laughter just now was creepy, don't be weird, right?

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