Is this still a guess?
While digesting the huge amount of information, I secretly took a deep breath, and my mind was full of images of the moment when the nuclear explosion occurred.

That nuclear explosion was not as simple as a nuclear explosion.

From those mutated big cats, to those swarms of modified humans after the heavy rain... A nuclear explosion affected the whole world. For me who has not experienced these two months, it is simply unimaginable.

Because as far as I know, the transformed person, oh no, what they call the transformed person now is a superhuman.

The technology for creating supernatural beings is only owned by a few giants in the world.

Moreover, the success rate is surprisingly low. Often, out of thousands or even tens of thousands of people, only one supernatural person can be produced.

Moreover, the strength of the ability of the supernatural person is still unknown. What's more, the use of abilities by the supernatural person often has side effects, and severe cases may even cause death.

However, the heavy rain after the nuclear explosion produced many "natural" supernatural beings.

"Did you also become a supernatural person after the rain?" I asked tentatively, but I got a positive answer: "Yes, I was originally a manager of a pharmaceutical company. When it was finished, it suddenly rained, and after returning home, I had a high fever, and when the fever subsided, the house was destroyed."

When the man talked about this, he had an ordinary look: "My skills appeared at that time."

Apparently, men are not intimidated by their powers.

I pursed my lips, maybe people in the new era have a stronger ability to accept new things, and don't treat everything that happens to me as a monster.

"I could have been a superhero."

I don't know what the man thought of, and suddenly he said half-jokingly: "But who would have thought that I would be caught in such a place before the dream was finished."

"Do you want to get out of here?"

There are many doubts in my mind, but right now, the first thing I have to do is to get out of here, and then digest the huge amount of information I just obtained.

Today's society may be completely different from what it was two months ago.

That rain caused earth-shaking changes to the entire world. You must know that before, the thing of supernatural beings was controlled by the country or organization, and there was no diversion.

And now, the supernatural beings emerging from ordinary people...

If he is a good person, it is fine, but if he is a villain who does all kinds of evil, then he will definitely turn society upside down.

But these are not what I need to care about.

When this kind of thing happens, there will naturally be countries and officials to take action. This is the 21st century, and the high-tech weapons of the new era are also effective against supernatural beings.


The man nodded, and then laughed at himself: "Who doesn't want to leave here? I have a bright future, but I want to come here to be cannon fodder!"

"As long as you listen to me later, I can take you away from here." I said as quietly as possible.

"Are you joking?"

Of course, I looked at me in disbelief, but I shook my head: "Since I can say it, I must be sure."

"Do not."

However, the man's reaction was even more beyond my expectation. He shook his head resolutely: "I don't agree to join their cannon fodder plan. I will only be imprisoned here. If I choose to escape, then I will become a fugitive .”

"It's not a good sign that my name appears on the wanted list."

"You have to know that the military's power is spread all over the country. Even if we can escape here, where can we go?"

"I have someone who can meet us, as long as they can leave here, they can take us abroad."


The man looked at me suspiciously.

"You can choose not to come with me, anyway, you can stay with them and spend time with them, right? Wait until the end..." I smiled and didn't finish my sentence.

But the meaning behind it is self-evident.

Just relying on him alone to challenge the US military, it is simply not tenable.

The man was silent, and closed his chattering mouth for a while, just staring at me with golden pupils.

After a long time, he let out a long breath.

"it is good."

Seeing that he agreed, I couldn't help but smile.

Lying dryly on the ground, waiting for time quietly, the medicine on my body has almost receded, now I am waiting for this man, and when he also recovers to some extent, we can use brute force to leave here.

After all, in this kind of place, relying on wisdom is not of much use.

We can only rely on our strength to survive.

Of course, I have selfish intentions. If I am alone, facing countless troops, even if I am made of steel and iron, I will be bombarded to the ground under the intensive artillery fire.

And once you have an accomplice, it's different.

This accomplice can completely attract a large part of the firepower for me, and, let alone an accomplice, he is also a reformer.

He can buy me a lot of time so that I can escape here.

The plan has been revealed in my mind, and the next thing I need to do is to implement the plan. I admit that my idea is a bit selfish, but people do not kill themselves.

Not like this, I have a greater confidence to leave here.

As time passed, the man's condition gradually improved. I turned to look at him, and he nodded at me.



When the word came out, my ready-to-go right hand instantly mutated into sharp claws, and the metal ball cage in front of me was vulnerable under my sharp claws, and was cut into pieces with a few random swings.

In an instant, I rushed to the man's cage one step at a time, and helped him untie the bondage.

So fast that the footsteps didn't sound until after I had done it all.

"They're here!"

I said in a deep voice, and then rushed in the opposite direction from those footsteps.

"how do you know?"

After hearing my words, the man was taken aback for a moment, which is normal, because only my superhuman hearing can clearly distinguish the subtle footsteps in the torrential rain.

"Just follow me!" Before I could explain too much to the man, I grabbed his shoulder and speeded up.

As soon as we escaped from the area where the prison was located, the sirens sounded throughout the barracks.

We've been spotted!

Everything went according to the expected plan, and he dragged the man between the various military tents indifferently. Relying on his five senses that surpassed ordinary people, he cleverly avoided the soldiers who were chasing us several times.

Everything went smoother than expected!

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