The originally spacious passage has now become a ruin. Broken steel bars, falling cement, and broken steel plates have blocked all the passages leading to Yucheng Yao's location.

What did Vijay do!
Looking at the dead end in front of me, I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized that the patrol members who followed me had already turned in another direction.

Feeling the vibration from the communicator on my arm, I couldn't help but look down:
Give way!

The large white characters on a red background reflected into my pupils.

The communicator shows that a major leak has occurred in a laboratory in the center of the base, and all personnel must gather at this moment!
Looking at the flashing red dots on the map, I frowned slightly.

With my extraordinary memory, I clearly remember that that area was not shown on the original base map.

But now, it doesn't matter that much.

I took a deep breath, turned around and immediately rushed to the place where the red dot was flashing. I was accompanied by countless patrol members, all of them were fully armed, and there were a few reformers I had seen interspersed among them, even, And the two women who came to see me in person not long ago.

I have been in the company's branch base for so long, and this is the first time I have seen such a mobilizing crowd in the base...

Although my heart was filled with a sense of urgency, but at the same time I also breathed a sigh of relief, Vijay really has a solution!

Faintly, I felt it, a strong uneasiness, but right now, it is difficult for me to take care of the feeling in my heart, so I can only bite the bullet and rush forward.

After passing through several criss-cross passages, the ground has already begun to shake.

The steel plate and concrete structures around the passage have been damaged to varying degrees. The original square corridor has begun to deform. Intuitively, I can also feel that these steel plate and concrete structures will not last long.

If you don't retreat, everyone present will be buried here!

I heard someone yelling in front of me, and through the gaps in the crowd, I saw that a checkpoint was set up in front of the corridor, and everyone who passed there was equipped with a full set of protective tools.

"Hurry up! No time!"


At this moment, the communicator on my arm rang again. I raised my hand and saw the doctor's face appeared on the screen.

"what happened?"

Rarely, the face automatically generated by AI is now full of fear.

"Nuclear leak."

The short three words are like five thunderbolts to me.

From the doctor's words, I learned that the company's branch base in the deep canyon relies on nuclear energy for all daily operations. The area that was not marked on the map originally was a nuclear reactor!

This is also normal.

After all, with the company's scientific and technological strength, it is not difficult to build a nuclear reactor, and it is true that the scale of the company's base is too large, and it is not much smaller than ordinary second-tier cities.

A base of this size, modern and contemporary, can only be supported by nuclear reactors.

Normally, the advantages of the nuclear reactor outweigh the disadvantages. However, just today, there was an explosion in the base that no one expected.

The power of the explosion was not too great, but the aftermath of the explosion destroyed the cooling device of the nuclear reactor.

So much so that now, the coolant in the nuclear reactor is losing rapidly, and the temperature is rising rapidly. Once the surrounding protective measures melt, then this base that accommodates thousands of people will become a nuclear explosion test site!
And now, what these patrol members and I have to do is rescue!

In order to cool down the nuclear reactor.

When the doctor was explaining the matter to me at a very fast speed, I inadvertently glanced at it, but saw the two girls who had come to look for me before, and they were stopped when they passed the checkpoint ahead. I don't know what those who set up the checkpoint said to them, and they quickly returned the same way.

I didn't pay too much attention to this. After all, who knows what tasks the doctor arranged for those two women?
"What I need you to do now is to bring the equipment and go to cool down the nuclear reactor!"

Although I had foreseen what the doctor's dog needed me to do, when he said this, I still gritted my teeth.

nuclear reactor.

In my understanding, things like nuclear weapons are things that are at the tip of this century's weapon pyramid. Wherever they pass, no grass will grow. Even if they are lucky enough to survive, the body will undergo major mutations, resulting in the breakage of the gene chain and the decline of lifespan. .

Even though I am a modified person with super self-healing ability, I am not sure if I can survive in such a high-radiation place.

Moreover, even if I survive, what effect will it have on me?
All of this is unknown. If I follow my own wishes, I don't want to go to that kind of place at all, but helplessly, I can only follow orders. After all, I still have a bomb in my heart.

If you don't listen, you will definitely die. If you listen, you may be able to win a chance of life.

After hanging up the phone, I squeezed through the crowd and went directly to the checkpoint. I took a look at the equipment distributed by those people. It was different from the high-tech products of the company in the past. They were thick protective clothing made of ordinary lead. .

Forget it.

I originally wanted to wear this thing, but if you approach a nuclear reactor at close range, even wearing a heavy lead suit, there is no way to resist the radiation. Ordinary people will die if they stay there for more than ten seconds.

Yes and no, so why should I carry the weight?
The officers who set up the observation had obviously been exposed to the order, and those patrolling officers who were still here were already being arranged to retreat, and I, after they handed me a hand-drawn map, passed through the checkpoint and headed for Running towards the nuclear reactor vessel.

The further I went, the heavier my heart became.

Because I can keenly feel that the surrounding radiation value is getting higher and higher, I glanced at the instruction map in my hand.I had to find the spare coolant valve after entering the nuclear reactor, open it, and wait until the temperature of the nuclear reactor dropped before leaving.

At this time, I had only passed half the distance, and all the electronic equipment on my body had failed under the high radiation.

The ambient temperature is also getting higher and higher!
damn it!
On both sides of the passage, the corpses of patrol members who could not withstand the radiation and fell down can be seen everywhere. They are all ordinary people, and they are naturally powerless to deal with this situation. Patrolmen in protective suits rushed towards me, with a scorching white light behind them.

No doubt, the nuclear reactor exploded!
My ears were deaf, and everything I saw was replaced by white light, and my limbs seemed to be melting, flying wildly in the aftermath of an explosion.

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