How to approach Dr.

This was the only question I thought about when I returned to the lounge.

Wei Jie has promised me that he will take Yuchengyao away, and in order to be able to take Yuchengyao away from him one day in the future, I must get what he needs.

But, how do I insert this interface into the storage in front of the doctor?

I played with the tooth that Wage gave me.

The USB interface was shining under the light, and I vaguely recalled everything I saw in the room where the doctor was not long ago.

My memory is far superior to that of ordinary people, so even if I just glanced at it, every picture can still appear in my mind exactly.



After a while, I frowned slightly. I still remember that I was standing at the door of that room. It was a small room, and I could see it all at a glance.

However, I don't see any place to plug this USB port into it.

Is it...

Finally, the picture in my mind was fixed on the body of the bionic human under the mechanical arm.

In the picture in my mind, the chest of the bionic human body is open, and every fine mechanical component inside can be clearly seen. Since there are no interfaces elsewhere, the answer is already clear.


The corner of my mouth twitched slightly, and I suddenly understood why Vijay had been hiding in the company's base for so long, but he didn't get what he needed.

Face-to-face contact with that damn bionic person, and have to dismantle it to get the data.

What's the difference between that and dying?
In an instant, I became worried. The matter Vijay entrusted to me was far more difficult than I imagined. I couldn't rush forward and just dismantle the doctor's bionic man, right?
I rubbed my swollen temples.

It's easy to do this, but I'm afraid I can't bear the consequences. Although it's just a simulated human being, a mess of scrap metal, the location of that thing in the company's branch base is not ordinary.

summit level.

Once I make a move against him, I am afraid that within three seconds, a red light will light up in the base.

When the time comes, let alone take the information away, even if you give me a pair of wings, I won't be able to fly away...

"Boom boom boom!"

It was at this time that suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the lounge.

I was so frightened that I shivered, and quickly stuffed the teeth that Vijay gave me into my pocket, then stood up, straightened my wrinkled clothes, and went forward to open the door.

"You are……"

But as soon as I opened the door, I was slightly taken aback when I saw two Caucasian women facing strangers outside the door.


Standing on my right side is a woman with golden curly hair. She is of average figure, but she is very beautiful. She looks like a European and American woman. She smiled at me, and then extended her right hand to me: "You can call me Lisa , Next, we will be teammates.”


I was a little puzzled, and even suspected that she had found the wrong person.

However, my politeness and upbringing still drove me to shake hands with her, but before I could withdraw my hand, the woman with brown short hair standing next to Lisa sneered and looked at her. There was also contempt in my eyes.

I raised my eyebrows and didn't say anything.

Instead, it was Lisa who apologized to me, bowed slightly, and then pulled the brown-haired woman to her side.

"This is Barry, who is also an indispensable member of our next itinerary. He has a bad temper and is a little racist. I hope you don't mind." Lisa explained to me politely.

I nodded lightly, not minding this woman's attitude towards me.

There are too many people who are unhappy with me. If she really has to be numbered, she may not be able to join the team yet.

"Excuse me, the next itinerary you mentioned just now refers to..." Instead, I asked tentatively.

The woman knocked on the door just now, and the first sentence she said made me realize that the company might arrange for me to continue the mission, but I didn't receive any notice, so, to be on the safe side, I'd better ask clearly.

"do not you know?"

After hearing my words, Lisa covered her mouth in surprise, blinked her big beautiful eyes, and suddenly smiled, "It seems that I have leaked the secret? But it doesn't matter, I'm leaving tomorrow, so I'm going to It’s okay to tell you.”


This news made me nervous, but on the surface, I didn't show any abnormality.

Are you going to perform the mission tomorrow?
Originally, I was thinking that I could stay in the base for as long as possible. It would be best if I could do something else after Vijay took Yucheng Yao away. At least in that case, I could feel a little more at ease.

"You are from China, right?"


Lisa suddenly asked such a question, and I nodded subconsciously. I probably guessed something in my heart, but I wasn't sure.

And then, Lisa's words just confirmed the guess in my heart.

"Well, that's not bad. The destination of our mission happens to be Huaxia, your hometown. It's good to have you as our guide."

Before the words fell, my heart immersed in my chest became excited.


I strode forward and firmly grabbed Lisa's shoulder.

"Go away!"

The next second, accompanied by a deafening shout, I felt a gust of wind blowing up in front of me, a buzzing in my head, and a sudden explosion, the eardrums were severely injured, and a hot stream rolled up in my mouth and nose.

Suffering such a heavy blow suddenly, it was difficult for me to react for a while.

The two guns took a few steps back and grabbed the door frame with one hand so as not to fall to the ground.

After recovering, I rested my head on one hand and glanced at the woman with short brown hair, Barry.

Transformation of people?


Seeing this, Lisa immediately turned her head and scolded, then came to me, put on my arm, and asked softly, "Are you okay?"


I wiped my nose with the back of my hand, and sure enough, it was bleeding.

But to me, this little injury is nothing at all, and what shocked me more than the injury was the woman's ability.

Is it sound waves?

"Touch her again, and I'll kill you!"

At this moment, Barry looked at me with a cold expression, like a poisonous snake staring at its prey.


I turned my head to look at Lisa, and then at Barry. There seemed to be some dark secret between these two women?

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