Gollum, gollum.

The viscous liquid in the glass container was like sticky porridge stewed in a big pot, with fist-sized blisters slowly bubbling up from bottom to top.

Float to the top and pop again.

I can't hear anything other than these popping bubbles.

I'm a little disappointed.

I reached out and knocked on the wall of the glass container in front of me. The muffled echo made my heart feel even more melancholy. The knuckles on the wall of the glass container that I tapped gradually turned into sharp claws.

I really want to split this terrarium in two.

Biological weapons leaked.

It shouldn't be a small matter for the company, right?

I sighed slightly. According to his own idea, it is too naive. Since the company has the ability to develop such a large number of biological and chemical weapons, and can store them here, it means that they must have done a good job. Prepare.

Even if it is a leak, they will definitely live in peace in the end.

I put down my hands, and walked towards the rear of the No. [-] area with heavy steps. There were countless nitrogen tanks and containers filled with green liquid along the way. It looked a little disgusting, but in fact, it was nothing more than that.

A top organization in the world possesses such armaments.

It should be considered normal, right?

Looking at my thoughts, I don't know where they are drifting. Although I have stayed there for a while in Huaxia's Lieblade Base, as a non-professional non-staff, I know very little about Lieblade Base.


Around me, in hundreds of huge glass jars, bubbles popped up one after another without interruption.

I don't know why, but I didn't feel like I came. I felt a chill down my spine, but I could turn around and find no one behind me. I felt a little ridiculous. I really don't know why I was so nervous.

Obviously... nothing happened.

Moreover, the large area of ​​the arsenal has been tightly sealed off by the company, and even a fly cannot enter it.

Is it!
A bold guess suddenly popped up in my heart, but it was quickly denied by myself. Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could it be?

If it is Vijay.

Why doesn't he come out to see me?


I shouted loudly, but no matter how loud I was, I couldn't see anyone here.

Still nothing happened.

Am I worrying too much?I rubbed my temples, and began to think that maybe I was a little too nervous.

After slowly walking around inside, I was about to leave the No. [-] area and try my luck in another place, but when I was walking towards the gate of the No. [-] area step by step, I suddenly seemed to hear a muffled sound.

Like, the sound of someone knocking on a can.

The gate of No. [-] area is very close to me, but the foot I was about to step out was suddenly withdrawn because of this sudden voice.


I recited silently, turned my head in a blink of an eye, and glanced over the huge glass containers.

Nothing at all!

I clenched my fists, and a trace of anger has already emerged from the bottom of my heart. I dare to conclude that I can't hear it wrong. Those few voices just now must have come from the No. [-] area!


I yelled again at the top of my lungs.

Unexpectedly, I was thinking too much, and there was no sound at all...

I was a little annoyed, and even once suspected that I had schizophrenia, and this suspicion was gradually evolving in my heart, becoming more and more real, because I knew very well the impact of the curse on my whole being.

Schizophrenia, for me, should be quite normal, right?

However, at this moment, on the glass container in front of me, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the inside, and suddenly stuck to the glass wall.

The loud sound and vibration made my heart tremble.

That's a human hand!
But there are only four fingers, and there is only a gap left at the part of his thumb. With my eyesight, I can even clearly see the shreds of meat on the gap, floating in the viscous liquid.

how come!
Subconsciously, I took a step back, not for anything else, just because I knew what was in this jar.

biochemical weapon!

And it's the kind of biochemical weapon that can kill tens of thousands of people with just a small dose!

But, right now, the hand in the jar...is Vijay!

"Hold on!"

After reacting, I immediately roared, only I know how important this guy is to me now, he is my only hope in the company's branch base.

He must not have an accident!
In the blink of an eye, my right hand mutated into a sharp claw blade. From a distance of tens of meters, I quickly drew closer in a few breaths. I raised my hand and grabbed it. The fragile glass wall was unbearable under my sharp claws. one strike.

Too much pressure due to too much liquid in the jar.

The gap cut open by my claws became a venting point for the liquid in the pass, and the glass product moved the whole body, and the five gaps split and spread in an instant, and soon, spider web-like cracks wandered into the glass jar whole body.


The green viscous liquid collapsed with broken glass.

I avoided it and was stained by the green liquid in the glass jar, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

I am very confident in my self-healing ability. A long time ago, I was already invulnerable to all poisons. I don't believe that this little biochemical weapon can do anything to me.

When the waves of green liquid poured over me, I saw a figure falling from the jar at a glance, I rushed forward with a stride, and picked him up before he fell to the ground .

very light!

This person's face and body were covered with green mucus, which felt as slippery as a loach, and the moment I touched him, I felt that this person was too light.

With a height of nearly 1.8 meters, this kind of person probably weighs less than fifty catties.

This...is this still human?


I subconsciously called out, and then wiped off the green liquid sticking to his face. Sure enough, the face in front of me was still the one I was familiar with, but it was a little different.

As for what is a little different, I can't say for a while.

The man failed to answer my question and looked weak, but luckily his chest was still heaving, which proved he was still alive!
"You have to get out of here first..."

I know that from the moment I broke the glass jar, this place has become a place of right and wrong!
It was at this time that the alarm sounded.


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