Tsk, this reaction... isn't it a bit too radical?
I was a little surprised, but before it was my turn to explain, two patrol teams had already rushed over. To be honest, the company's internal work efficiency is really high, from the appearance of the scientific researcher who cashed me back to this Yes, within a few minutes, Laboratory No. [-] was surrounded.

"Before arresting people, I suggest you check it out first. I am not an intruder from outside. I have the authority to enter here."

In order not to cause more trouble, when the members of the patrol team handcuffed me with special handcuffs, I did not resist, but just explained to them lightly.

However, my explanation didn't help much.

The moment the handcuffs were locked, I could clearly feel that my wrist seemed to be pricked by a needle, and there was a sudden pain. At the same time, it seemed that there was something before I noticed it. Secretly injected into my body.

A numb feeling started from my wrist, went up my forearm, and spread to my whole body.

I can't use my strength anymore...

I frowned, although I didn't know why these guys insisted on defining me as an intruder and forcibly detaining me, but I was not in a hurry because I knew my current identity very well.

As a special test product of the company, I do have sufficient authority to enter and exit these places.

I believe that even if I can't figure out what kind of moth they are trying to do now, they definitely don't dare to do anything to me.

As I expected, when I was completely paralyzed and two patrol members were about to drag me out of here, just now, the staff member who seemed to be the person in charge of Laboratory No. [-] suddenly stopped us.

Looking sideways, I saw the communicator on his wrist lit up.

From my perspective, I couldn't see what was displayed on his communicator, but from the way he looked at me, I could indeed see a bit of confusion, and I was a little surprised. Then, I saw His face was white and red, and he didn't know what he saw.

"It's a misunderstanding..."

After a long time, the person in charge breathed a sigh of relief, turned off the communicator, turned his head and waved to the patrol team members, "Let him go! You are all on your own, you can withdraw."


After the handcuffs were removed, one of the patrol members took out an injection from his pocket and stuck it directly at my neck.

As the liquid in the injection entered my body, I felt that the numbness in my limbs was gradually decreasing, the blood flow in my body was accelerating, and there was a burst of heat all over my body. I touched my face, and the temperature was high. A little hot.

After my feet re-touched the ground, I actually felt some discomfort.

I was a little surprised, but didn't feel anything.

Because after just a few breaths, my body has returned to its original state, and normal activities are no longer a problem.

And after the patrol members checked me, they made sure that there was nothing wrong with me, so they left quickly.

"Feel sorry."

At this moment, the person in charge of the No. [-] laboratory came up to me and said to me: "Some time ago, outsiders pretended to be our internal staff and broke in from time to time. This kind of thing has happened more than once. It caused a great loss to our experiment, so when I saw you just now, I was so excited..."

He explained to me blankly.

But after hearing his explanation, I became uncontrollably excited...pretending to be an insider and barging in.

From what I've read.

In the company base, nowadays, there should be only one complete outsider!

That's Vijay!
Since this period of time, has that guy actually rushed into the No. [-] laboratory many times?What on earth is he looking for here?
I'm curious, burning curiosity, so I can't wait to know the answer.

But looking at the person in charge of the No. [-] laboratory in front of me, I gradually calmed down. Indeed, excitement is useless. What I have to do now is to calm down, maintain a normal mind, and then wait for me to find Wei Wei. When you are in Jie, you can find the answer from him.


I waved my hand lightly.

"If you want to come in for a visit, please do so, but be careful not to stand within the red line, because this will affect the progress of our experiment." The person in charge treated me a little better, but he was still a He doesn't look like he thinks much about me.

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved to the dozens of scientific researchers behind him: "Go back to your place."

Then, he took the lead and walked in.

I watched dozens of researchers walk into the laboratory, and followed their backs slightly, only then did I notice that there was indeed a red line marked on the floor.

There is only a narrow passage between the two horizontal lines.


I let out a breath slowly, and then looked at the innermost part of the laboratory.

Just now, I almost walked there, but I was caught by the patrol team. I have checked all other places in this laboratory, and the only thing I didn’t see is, That's it.

But now...

I moved my shoulders a bit, feeling the numbness that had faded from my body, took a big step, and walked in calmly.

On both sides of me, those scientific researchers are already busy in front of the experimental bench.

All kinds of potions, lights, and electric lights are very attractive, and I will stop from time to time to take a closer look at what they are doing.

But soon I lost this interest.

Because I found that these seemingly interesting scientific experiments actually seem to be the same thing. Although I don't understand it well, I can tell that they do these experiments just to keep the data...

As the pace got faster and faster, there were only a few meters left from the innermost side of the laboratory.

I don't know if there will be what I'm looking for here...

I took a deep breath and walked to the last experimental platform. Unfortunately, the person in charge of the No. [-] laboratory who was conducting the experiment here was the one who spoke to me just now.

He was wearing a white coat and goggles.

After noticing my arrival, he turned his head and glanced at me lightly. There was a bit of disgust in his eyes. It seemed that he didn't like being disturbed very much, but he didn't say much.

And when my eyes fell on his experimental product.

Shrink immediately!

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