Communication is cut off.

Before I finished speaking, I stopped...

I held my breath in my throat, I couldn't move up or down, and the anger was burning in my chest. After a while, I slammed my fist on the table in front of me.

With a bang, the food and wine were scattered all over the floor.

The guards outside and the owner of the manor rushed in immediately.

"Are you all right?" the owner of the manor asked with a smile on his face.

"go out."

I sat on the sofa, staring at the mess in front of me, without looking at him.


"I'll let you out!"

The owner of the castle wanted to say something, but at this moment, I was too irritable to see anyone, let alone a bastard like him who worked for the company.


After being yelled at by me, the owner of the castle shivered, nodded repeatedly, and then retreated in a panic with the two guards.

After closing the door, I was the only one left in the room.

I took a deep breath and looked up at the emerald green ceiling. The threat to my life today is not just the bomb planted in my heart by the bastards of the company.

What makes me restless is the curse on me.

The bomb still has a way to go, but the curse is different, like a poisonous snake that has been following me all the time, and will rush up to bite me from time to time.

From the beginning to the present.

For such a long time, I have been able to feel subtle changes in my body under the influence of the curse all the time, but the most helpless thing is that I have no way to stop this change from happening.

Finally, there is a clue that can unravel the curse on me.

But I seem to be missing this thread.

In the eyes of those people in the company, although I am a bit special, in the final analysis, I can be regarded as an experimental product with relatively high authority at best.

And things like the sarcophagus, once they are transported back.

If I want to get in touch, it will be very difficult...


I looked down at my hands. On the surface, they were no different from normal human beings, but I knew that under the seemingly human skin was a pair of monster claws.

I don't know when I will be replaced by monsters.

This sense of crisis is like a mountain, weighing on my heart all the time, making me a little breathless...

It's hard to live.

All of a sudden, I really wanted to talk to someone, to talk about what was in my heart, but I was alone in a foreign country, with no relatives, and separated by oceans.

No one could even speak a word.

A sense of loneliness arises spontaneously, I lie on my side in a somewhat decadent state, I want to escape, I really want to escape, I just want to escape back to a normal human life, even if I don’t work anymore, just being a woman in the deep mountains and old forests It's fine for an unknown farmer to live his life smoothly.

But now I can't do it anymore.

I still remember when I just graduated and stepped into the society. At that time, I was unwilling to be mediocre, but I had to be mediocre.

Good luck tricks people.

At that time, I never imagined that one day, the word ordinary would be envied by me.

I got up tired and picked up an unbroken bottle of wine.

Even though I know that things like alcohol are useless to me, but perhaps in order to find a little bit of the old feeling, I took the wine and poured it on the sofa, drinking it one after another.

Late at night, I fell asleep.

I dreamed a lot of things that night, all kinds of strange things, but the only regret is that I didn't dream about my relatives and friends.

After waking up, I couldn't help but let out a long sigh: Even in my dream, if I want to meet them, it is extremely difficult...

At noon, the company's large transport plane landed outside the villa.

The Director of National Treasures had already started gathering people to transport the sarcophagus onto the plane, and then more than 20 people also sat on it one after another.

In the end, it was just me.

"Come back!"

Before boarding the plane, I glanced down and saw the owner of the castle smiling and waving to me as a farewell.


I sneered from the bottom of my heart.

This farewell is forever. In my life, I don't want to go to this place again...

Half an hour after getting on the plane, all I can see at a glance is the deep blue ocean. The weather is clear and the sea is very comfortable. The long-lost relaxation makes me feel soothed down.

The atmosphere on the plane was still dull, but it didn't bother me at all.

On the way, the plane stopped for a while on a small island in the Pacific Ocean, and then took off again. When the familiar coastline appeared in front of me, I restrained the smile on my face.

Because, I am going back to the company branch soon.

Familiar wasteland, familiar canyons, heat waves steaming on the ground, and blowing towards our face as soon as we got off the plane.

"very good."

The person who greeted me was Dr.

Oh no, it's just a robot with the same appearance as the doctor. The company's bionic technology is really good. From the appearance alone, it's done perfectly.

I didn't want to pay much attention to him, so I just stood quietly in front of him, watching the people coming and going, taking the sarcophagus away, and finally, I also saw No. The weapon of the transformed person is very effective. Until now, No. [-] has not woken up from the coma.

If I had known earlier, I should have killed him...

I suddenly regretted that a reformer as powerful as No. [-] should not be allowed to return to the company branch alive.

Its strength is the company's minions.

"Next, you have three days of vacation. As long as you don't leave the branch, you can do whatever you want." After finishing everything, the doctor said to me with a familiar smile on his face.

Originally, I didn't want to talk to him, but after hearing this sentence, an unrealistic thought still rose in my heart.

"Really?" I asked.


Seeing the doctor nodded, I breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately asked: "Then... can I contact my relatives and friends? Once, even once!"

"What do you think?"

My thoughts are good, but the reality is far more cruel and ruthless than I imagined.

The doctor put down a short sentence, then turned around and entered the branch base, and strode away without looking back.

I was a little reconciled and chased after him.

It always makes me know in my heart that what I just said is impossible, but I still want to fight for myself.

"Then, I only have one last request... I want to see Yucheng Yao!"

This time, the doctor did not reject me.


The words "no longer have the slightest emotion" came out of his mouth and got into my ears, which made me a little uncontrollable and became agitated.

Although my current situation is very bad, but at least, there is still hope, isn't it?

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